Chapter 542
Mr. Shangguan Jinghong took it calmly. He was the oldest among the people present, and he did not speak abruptly.

Daoist stroking his goatee, looking at the crowd with a smile on his face, he pretended to be full of immortality.

Shangguan Zhentian glanced at his old man, then at the Taoist priest, neither of them had any intention of speaking, they held his big belly, smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, and said: "Of course there are, There are hundreds of surnames, it’s not rare, there are even rarer surnames, you just don’t know. By the way, are you?”

"I am the village head here, you can just call me the village head." The village head was very satisfied with the big fat man's way, his eyes gleamed. There is a lot of silver at home!
"Village chief?" Shangguan Zhentian raised his big belly again with a pair of fleshy hands, glanced at the few men standing at the door, and said, "I wonder if the village chief called us here?"

It's confirmed, this is the bandit's den!
Shangguan Zhenhua was able to manage his family's business well, and has dominated the position of the richest man in Hanzhou for decades. His money has multiplied many times, so he is naturally a shrewd person.

After thinking for a while, I immediately understood what the village chief meant.Of course the village head is busy, calling away hundreds of people every day, asking for details, it's no wonder he's not busy!
Their family's motorcade was there, clearly expressing a meaning: rich, very rich.Therefore, the village chief planned to blackmail them again.

It is estimated that people outside don't know that this seemingly normal village is actually a den of bandits.

No wonder there wasn't a single child in the village, but there were women and old people, probably bandits.

"It's nothing. I heard that there are distinguished guests in the village. We country people don't have much experience, so we just want to meet the nobles who returned from the big city. Please come over and have a chat.

The people below don't know the seriousness, and you have been wronged, but the people in our village have no ill intentions towards you. On this point, I, the village head, can assure you. "

The old man glanced at the so-called 'village head', listen to what he said, how beautiful!
No wonder the bandit den can be managed like a village, which can not only make the bandits safe, but also make the uninformed people relieved. The officers and soldiers came to suppress the bandits, which is unexpected. How brilliant!
Daoist still had that pretentious look.

Shangguan Zhenhua thought hehe, mother, do you have any malicious intentions, don't you feel compelled?If you have the ability to return Lao Tzu's convoy and let them go, I will believe that you have no malicious intentions.

A bandit leader kept saying that they had no malicious intentions. This was the biggest joke he had ever heard.

Since the bandits want to pretend, Shangguan Zhenhua also pretends to them.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, just explain it clearly. Village chief, when can we leave? As you can see, we are a big family with hundreds of people. Just eating and drinking is not a small number. We feel sorry for letting your village produce food. what!
It's not easy for the villagers in the village. The items in the convoy should be exchanged for the food we use here.After staying for quite a few days, the relatives at home should be anxious!Village head, what day do you think is convenient?People in the village are busy, so there is no need to send them. "

A rare smile appeared on the old man's face, and he was very satisfied with the cheap son's performance.No loss is a shrewd businessman, what he said is beautiful!
The old man, Shangguan Jinghong, apart from his status as an old man, he is a country old man, and he is not very able to deal with this kind of situation.

Don't know how to lift!

The village head cursed in his heart, his face darkened suddenly, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense, even the villagers (bandits) standing at the door noticed it, and looked back into the room.

"Haha," the village head suddenly laughed, scratching his head, wondering: "This... There are village rules in the village, and I, a village head, don't count. Please stay here for a while, the time has come , will naturally let you go."


Don't even think about leaving Luomeng Mountain in this life.

"By the way, I heard that you are going to seek refuge with your relatives? Where did you call? Where are your relatives? Who else is there in the family? If there is anything you need help with, just let me know."

"Come from a small place. The village has lived in the mountains for a long time. You don't know if you tell me. There are no people in the family. The mountains and rivers are beautiful here, the land is fertile, and the grain production must be high. The villagers have ample food and clothing. It's like a paradise." Shangguan Zhentian opened his mouth to flatter him. just come.

I'm used to it, and in the business field, business favors each other.

"The village chief may not know that the drought outside has been going on for more than a year. There is no harvest, the land is cracked, and the riverbed has dried up. It's not as good as the weather here.

Many people starved to death, and all the people fled if they could.In order to save the people, the officers and soldiers forced the wealthy gentry in the city to hand over money, and most of our family's property was confiscated by the government.

He couldn't stay in his hometown anymore, and if he stayed any longer, the whole family would starve to death, so he left his hometown to join his relatives. "

Shangguan Zhentian said a lot, without any useful information at all, and the meaning behind the words was the same, the fleet was all their property, and their hometown had no money, and the money was taken by the government.

Shangguan Zhentian also said that because he was betting that the bandits would not kill them.

The village chief squinted at the dead fat man, but he thought he was a man who knew the times. Looking at the fat of this body, he didn't know how much people's fat and people's anointment he had collected. No wonder the government wanted to expropriate their family's property. If he was a government, he would be worth a penny. Don't leave it to him.

The village chief didn't believe the fat man's words, the convoy had so much gold and silver, he just gave it to them, he didn't feel bad at all, and he didn't blink, it showed that there was a lot of silver hidden in the dark.

If they don't dig out all their money, the village chief will feel sorry for their status as bandits.

"The Taoist chief also escaped?" The village chief looked at the fat man, then at the calm old man, and his face twitched when he saw the Taoist chief.

Is the situation outside so serious that even Taoists are about to flee?
The village head looked at the Taoist chief's rosy face, he didn't look like someone who lacked food and clothing!
"The poor Taoist travels all over the world, and the official benefactors are willing to do good things. They take the poor Taoist along the way, and I don't want to meet all the benefactors. Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable!" The Taoist priest shook the dust, unpredictable and authentic.

The corner of Shangguan Zhenhua's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the Taoist priest in surprise, this magic stick chatting with his old man is not like this.

The old man, Shangguan Jinghong, was not surprised at all. He has two faces when facing outsiders and his own family.

The village chief stared at the Taoist priest for a while, but he didn't see anything different about the Taoist priest, except that he was a little immortal.

After thinking about it, I decided to keep him. If he was really a master, they wouldn't be able to stop him.

"The feng shui of our village is good. The old man and the other old men might as well stay here first. There are not many vacant rooms in the village, and we can't accommodate so many people. The rest of your clansmen go back to the original place first. I will explain to the people below, and I will never treat you harshly. them."

The village chief smiled what he thought was kind, and called the villagers who were guarding outside, led the official and the others down, and sent the others back to the cage.

The old man Shangguan Jinghong and the others lived in the village with peace of mind. Apart from not being able to leave the village, they were quite free.

The old man gets up early every day, walks around the village first, and exercises his body. After breakfast, he walks slowly to the fields with his hands behind his back to see the crops planted by the villagers, and occasionally squats down to exchange farming experience with the villagers.

Shangguan Zhenhua walked blindly in the village every day, looking here and there, seeing strange things and asking the villagers around him who were watching him.

He was the only one who got this kind of treatment. The old man and the Taoist priest didn't have it. Whoever asked him to wander around the village every day didn't guard him against anyone else.

Don't look at him as a big fat man weighing two hundred catties, he is also a flexible fat man, walking like a tiger.

The Taoist leader is much simpler. There are plane trees in the village. The elderly villagers like to go there to chat, and the Taoist leader also goes there to discuss scriptures and Taoism with others.


Looking at the cave covered by vines, Qingyun and the others finally knew where this group of bandits came from.

No wonder they turned the village upside down and didn't find any dark caves or darkrooms. The bandits from Luomeng Mountain were much smarter and set the entrance outside the village.

To enter or not to enter?
What's going on in the cave, they don't know wow!Is it a small number of bandits, or a hidden big bandit den.

This situation is a bit like the original Heisha Village. The bandits in Heisha Village lived in caves on the cliffs. This is an underground cave with twists and turns, and the terrain is much more complicated than that of the original Heisha Village.

"Captain Bai, immediately inform Daliang and Shaojie of the situation discovered here, and be careful." Qing Yun said.

"Yes." Bai Yanheng took the order.

"Come on, go in and have a look." Qingyun had nothing to hesitate to think about, carefully pushed aside the vines, bent down and got in.

The light in the cave is dark, and the albatross doesn't affect the line of sight, but others can't.A group of people got used to the place for a while before they could see the situation inside clearly.

There is only one path leading to the bottom, Bai Yibaier walks in front, Qingyun and Bai Yanheng are in the middle, Bai Qibai and Shili are behind.

After walking down for three to forty meters, the number of cave entrances gradually increased, extending in all directions, and I don't know where they lead.

Every time Bai Yi and Bai Er walked a certain distance, they carefully observed the traces on the ground, judged the correct route, and then continued to move forward. The task of leading the way was completely entrusted to them, and Qing Yun just followed.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows. It was the first time she had seen Bai Yi's methods. Their reconnaissance ability was particularly strong. They were a few blocks away from Tian Duoliang and Heixiong, and they were much better than Huang Kun.

To use an analogy: Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong’s method is from the childhood stage, Huang Kun’s method is from the juvenile class, and Bai Yi’s method is from adults who have been severely beaten by society.

In a place without water, it is difficult for Qingyun to display her weird abilities, but her sense of smell is much more sensitive in such a closed place than outside.

Nostrils sniff lightly, there is still a faint smell in the air, which is left by the bandits passing by here, and the smell will all dissipate in a quarter of an hour later.

The cave is dry, and the ground is full of small stones, and it is difficult for people to see the traces on it.Bai Yibai Er two people, I don't know what to judge, the route they are taking is right.

This made Qingyun very admired!

The unguarded bandits in the cave made it very convenient for Qingyun and the others to track them down.A group of them stopped and went, walked in the cave for half an hour, and suddenly heard a voice coming from the front, they looked at each other, and slowly followed the sound.

Walking along the sound, it is a dead hole with a hole the size of a cattail leaf fan at the end, through which you can see the scene below.

Below is a large open space, full of people, a large group of people, judging from their clothes, these people are refugees fleeing.At the exit, there were more than a dozen bandit guards with big knives.

After seeing the situation below clearly, Qingyun and the others went back the same way and groped through another cave.

Qingyun and the others circled around and found that the entrance to the cave where people were locked was guarded by bandits, while the other passages were empty.After wandering around, there are more than a dozen caves where people are locked. Based on the calculation of three or 400 people at the entrance of a cave, there are less than [-] refugees.

Where did the thousands of refugees go?
There are more than a dozen caves, and Qingyun will not be able to find out which cave the old man is locked in for a while.Looking for one by one, not to mention the trouble, but also easy to scare the snake.

Not all refugees can remain rational, Qingyun dare not block.

There was no good solution for the time being, the few of them left quickly, separated by a few caves, to ensure that the bandits over there would not find out, and stopped to discuss countermeasures.

Only Qing Yun and Bai Yanheng were the ones who discussed it.

"Captain Bai, what do you think about this?"

Bai Yanheng glanced at Qingyun, and said: "I once read a miscellaneous diary, which records that some underground caves have more than one exit, and this cave should be the same.

There are many caves in the underground caves, and they are complicated. People who don't know the way can easily get lost. In addition, the entrances are secret and difficult to find, so the bandits are not guarded.

If you want to rescue all the people, you must be familiar with the underground route and where each cave leads to. In case of any accident, you can be alert. "

"It makes sense. The six of us will move separately, each with a cave entrance, and we will meet here after an hour. If there is a fork in the road, don't go to investigate it, write down the location and come back."

There are too many turns at the fork in the road, and if you can't turn out, you will be in trouble.


One person picked a cave entrance and went in. The forks inside were relatively small, and some of them were dead holes before walking too far, so they went out and changed to another cave.

Bai Yanheng was unlucky. There were many forks in the road he was walking on. Occasionally, voices could be heard from inside the forks.

Not long after walking, a group of people suddenly came out of the fork on the left. The three or four people in front had knives in their hands, they should be bandits.

Bai Yanheng dodged into another fork next to the road, hiding in the shadows.

The bandits couldn't see him, but he could see what was going on outside.

A group of refugees were escorted by bandits. The hands of the refugees were tied with ropes as thick as fingers. The ropes tied to the refugees continued to extend backwards, and tied to other refugees. The strings were tied to the end, just like the chili strings hanging under the eaves of the villagers. .

The knot seems simple, but it is very difficult to untie it. To untie the knot, the rope must be cut.They are bound like this, and they can't escape. There is a large group behind them, how can they escape?
It seems that the bandits are escorting the refugees, and they don't know this road leads there.

 Have you been squeezed dry by me?Don't get it wrong, I'm talking about a monthly ticket
  Thank you Yanzi Xiaoxiaoxiao, fluttering the strings, Ah Man 76, Meng Wei, for voting for the monthly ticket, meh
  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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