Chapter 543
Bai Yanheng waited for the group of people to pass by, then came out from the shadows, paused for a few breaths, followed them, and made a mark at an inconspicuous place.Seeing that I followed for almost an hour, I still haven't arrived at the destination.

There are forks everywhere in the cave, and if you stop for a while, you will lose the group of people. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know if you will have such luck next time and find their lair.

After weighing it for a while, Bai Yanheng continued to follow.

The cave that Qingyun chose was a bit long, and he wandered around the cave for an hour, but he didn't finish his tour, and he didn't meet a single bandit.After wandering around for another ten minutes, seeing that I would not go back and catch up with the rendezvous time, I immediately regretted it, and the time was set in a hurry.

Looking at the dark cave, Qingyun turned and returned.

Qing Yun returned to the meeting point a few minutes late, glanced, except for Bai Yanheng, everyone else came back.

"Captain Bai hasn't come back yet?"

"No." Bai Yi said.

"We're talking and waiting for him, he should be back soon. How's the situation over there?" Qing Yun looked at Bai Yi.

"The road I walked was a dead road, and I didn't need to use it for a quarter of an hour. It was the center, and I walked through all the nearby passages. They were all dead roads." Bai Yi said.

"The passage I walked on has many forks. The main road leads underground. The further you go down, the wetter the ground is. It is probably an underground river. Most of the fork roads are living roads. They go around and finally return to the main road." Bai Er said.

"The one I took also had many forks, and the main road was a dead end. I didn't finish the fork, only walked three or four, and connected to other passages behind the detour." Bai Qi said.

"The one I took was a dead end, there is no fork in the road." Bai Shi said.

After Bai Shi finished speaking, it was Qing Yun's turn.

"The main road I walked was very long, and I didn't finish it for half an hour. There were seven forks in the road, and I didn't go through any of them."

The five of them finished talking, but Bai Yanheng hadn't returned yet, so they all looked at each other.

"Why hasn't the captain come back yet?"

Bai Yi and the four of them were a little impatient, frequently looking at the road that Bai Yanheng was walking on, worried that something might happen to him, but Bai Yi regretted not following, if something happened to him, ten thousand times of his death would not be enough to atone for his sins.

"Maybe it's delayed by something. We'll wait and see." Qingyun was relatively calm. With Bai Yanheng's skill, the bandits couldn't stop him, and there was no commotion in the cave, so it should be fine.

Qingyun glanced at the four of them, and squinted their eyes, the four of them seemed to be a little overreacted.

After another cup of tea, Bai Yanheng still didn't come back.

Bai Yi and the others suppressed their impulses, suppressed their impatience and anxiety, they didn't immediately rush out to find someone, they glanced at Qingyun, and they didn't care whether Qingyun would doubt it, the sky is big, not as big as their master.

"Master Qing, the captain hasn't come back for so long, something must have happened, Bai Er and I will look for him, how about you continue to explore the cave?"

Qingyun's eyes flickered, no one knew what he was thinking, nodded and said: "Just do as Bai Yi said, one hour is too short, we are meeting here at Haishi."

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes blurred, and Bai Yibai and Er Bai immediately flashed into that road, so fast that Qingyun couldn't react in time.

Qing Yun scratched his chin, Bai Yi and the others were a little nervous, Captain Bai went too far?
"Master Qing, let's continue to investigate." Seeing Qing Yun silently looking at the road, Bai Qi felt a 'cha dong' in his heart, and opened his mouth to divert his attention.

They just acted too impatient.

Qingyun nodded, and left first, the one just now went.She didn't think much about it, Bai Yi and the others had spent a long time with Captain Bai, so their friendship was naturally different, and it was normal to be nervous.

This time there is enough time, Qingyun intends to explore the fork in the road first.Most of the fork roads are dead ends, and one or two are living roads, detours, detours and other passages, and then return to the original road.

After going around for three hours, that is, 6 hours, Qingyun found that the height of the passage gradually became shorter. From a few meters high, her head could touch the mountain wall at the back. If it was Captain Bai and the others, they would have to bend over walk.

After walking for a while, Qingyun was about to bend over to walk, and suddenly saw a light above his head in front of the main road, but the light was not strong, as if it was coming in from a gap.

Qingyun slowed down his pace, looked back at the dark passage behind his eyes, there was no movement, and to be cautious, he walked with his back against the mountain wall, and listened attentively, there was no movement outside.

Walking to the place where the light fell, Qingyun looked up, and there was a big hole on it, about 1.5 meters in diameter, covered with a wooden board, and the light came in through the gaps in the wooden board.

Qingyun tentatively stretched out his hand and pushed, the wooden board was pushed away, and he looked out through the opened gap.

It was already dark outside, and the moonlight shone down. It looked like a wall on the opposite side. It was wooden, but it was round.

 Thanks to 854***126, Sheamos Koda, baby【】Rong Rong, Qinyuan Chunxue, 梻1, I don’t know what to name it, ss7010130, U223101254, 140618192924037, Free Spray, 20170328041608170, zl, wmhjjf, AbbyYue, baby【 】Rong Rong, 20200124111744332, 110415104123, Min, 20190917003215476 voted monthly, okay?
  Thanks to 2 Haibao, jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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