Chapter 551

When Xiao Cui heard this, her face paled like a ghost with fright, those of them who serve the young lady personally, who don't know what kind of virtue the young lady has.

Narrow-minded and vicious, if she doesn't agree with her wishes, a beating is still a small punishment, and more beatings are half-dead, and the people have not been raised well, so they are sold to that dirty place.

The servant girl who served her was trembling with fear, walking on thin ice.In front of Master Biao and the others, she maintained her innocent and lovely mask.

In the past, Young Master Biao was blind and couldn't see Miss's true face clearly.

But after not seeing him for a year, the young master seemed to have suddenly opened his eyes, and saw through the true face of the young lady's viciousness, so he didn't want to see her anymore.I haven't seen her for a few days, and I haven't come to see the lady once. The lady came to visit in person, but still can't see anyone.

Live it!

Xiaocui was gloating in her heart, but she didn't move slowly. She knelt down with a "bang", walked up to the young lady with her knees on the ground, hugged her legs, and said indignantly:
"Miss, you can't wrong this servant! This servant is loyal to you, and the heavens can see it. If this servant tells a lie, you will be struck by lightning, and you will die. This servant is complaining for you. Since I came here, the young master treats you no better than before. "

Xiao Cui carefully watched her expression, seeing that the young lady hesitated for a while, and finally believed her words, she was quietly relieved.

Scared her to death!

I thought I was going to be beaten again.

"My cousin didn't see me. I understand that my grandfather and uncle and aunt fell into the hands of bandits. I don't know whether they are alive or dead. My cousin is also worried about my grandfather and them. It's no wonder he's in a good mood. He didn't treat me like that on purpose."

Wu Yalian pinched the silk handkerchief and pressed the corners of her eyes, looking worried and reasonable about her family, Xiaocui rolled her eyes inwardly.

Dress it up!

The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy!
Who doesn't know, the young lady is wishing that Miss Yu's cousin died outside.

"Miss, don't worry, take care of yourself, the old masters and the others are auspicious people with their own appearance. Besides, there is a young master!

You have been delicate since childhood, and the family from the old master to the young master loves you the most.If you know that you broke down crying because you were worried about them, the old man and the others should feel sorry for you. "

Xiao Cui knew what Miss wanted to hear, so she naturally followed her words.

Satisfied, Wu Yalian said quietly for a while: "Yes, fortunately, there is my cousin. I don't know where my cousin has gone? Did I bring officers and soldiers to suppress the bandits? There is no news from the Yamen either.

Xiaocui, please remember in the future, the yamen is not your home, you can move around at will, let alone inquire about your cousin's whereabouts, it is a secret.Cousin is now working for the imperial court and is an official.understand? "

Do not understand!

She was walking in the backyard, and she didn't go to the young master's study or the court, so why is it a secret?
"Yes, the servant has remembered."

Xiao Cui was full of doubts, but she would not say that the Shangguan family was still the Yu family of the Wu family, and it had been merchants for eight generations, and had never been an official, and Master Biao was the first one.

I really don't know if there are some taboos about being an official or a yamen.The rules must be bigger than the merchants, so avoid it in the future, so as not to know how to die.

Wu Yalian seemed to be talking to herself, but she was also thinking about this matter in her heart, her cousin was not in the yamen for several days, and she probably secretly led troops to suppress the bandits.

The silk handkerchief in his hand was about to be turned into a carrot, and he secretly hated it, hating the bandits and hating his cousin for not worrying.

The money from my grandfather's family was nothing among the merchants in the Dayong Dynasty, but in Yuzhou in the south, no one knew that Shangguan's family was very rich.

The disadvantage is that there are no people from the imperial court behind the Shangguan family, otherwise the masters of the Futai would not have the idea of ​​Shangguan's family.

Cousin, the magistrate of the county, was donated by his uncle who quietly went to the capital to donate an official. If he donated an official in Yuzhou, hehe, the adults of Futai would definitely stop him in every possible way.

Grandfather, uncle, and the others have a lot of money on them. For the sake of money, if they spend money to buy peace, the bandits will not do anything to them.

She heard the officers and soldiers in the yamen discussing in private that the bandits here are rampant, burning, killing and looting without any scruple, and they don't take the government seriously at all.

If the government does not send troops to suppress the bandits, the people who are plundered by the bandits will be safe. If the government sends troops to suppress the bandits, the bandits will kill all the hostages to frighten the government in order to show off the government.

The cousin didn't know what was going on, so he went to suppress the bandits in a daze... Hey, I was stupid when I was reading.



Shangguan Zhenhua touched his empty fingers, feeling very uncomfortable, he glanced at the old man sitting first, and suddenly sighed.

It had been more than ten days since he was captured by the bandits, and the bandits didn't beat them, scold them, or torture them, but he always felt in his heart that there was a big knife around his neck, and he was slowly figuring out where to cut it.

There is no actual harm, but the fear and intimidation caused by psychological and spiritual torture are more harmful.

The bandits are really inhumane, they robbed their family's property, even the finger he wore, they were insane.

The bastards don't know what to do. It's been so long and they haven't brought soldiers to rescue them. Looking at the impatient and irritable expressions of the bandits around, maybe it won't take a few days for them to attack them.

When the bastards come, they can only collect their corpses.

Shangguan Zhenhua glanced at the calm old man, then at the calm Taoist priest, and sighed again.


I'm in the bandit's den, and I want to say something to the bastard, but I can't do it, and I suffocate him to death.

The old man Shangguan folded his hands, his eyelids drooped, and his expressionless face made it impossible to see what the old man was thinking, and it was a bit unpredictable.

The Taoist chief was the most leisurely. He took a sip of water from a bowl, looked at the sunny sky outside, and suddenly said: "The weather is so nice! Brother, you are blessed!"

The latter sentence was addressed to Mr. Shangguan.

After the old monk entered the samadhi, Mr. Shangguan, who hadn't moved for a long time, opened his eyelids and looked out, and said slowly: "The weather is fine, do you want to have a plate?"

The two looked at each other and smiled at the same time, quite understanding.

Shangguan Zhenhua looked at the old man and then at the Taoist priest, always feeling that the two of them were playing dumb, and only excluded him.I pondered and pondered, but I didn't figure out anything.

Seeing that the fake makeup on his daughter-in-law's face had come off, Shangguan Zhenhua shuddered, and carefully took out a small bottle from his bosom, unscrewed the cap, picked out some black plaster with his little finger, and applied it on the her face.


Yu Zhenli, the head wife of the Shangguan family, slapped his fat hand away.

"It's about to fall off, so I'll smear some on you."

Shangguan Zhenhua didn't care about being beaten by his daughter-in-law. He insisted on smearing his daughter-in-law's face evenly, and then handed the small bottle to his niece.

"Sister Shan, it's falling off on your face too, quickly put it on and ask your aunt to help you."

Yu Lingshan didn't hold the bottle securely, but Yu Zhenli took it over again, picked it up with her fingers, and smeared it on her niece.

 Don’t consume too much energy, try to update it every day, I hope brothers and sisters understand, thank you haha

(End of this chapter)

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