Chapter 552

Mount Lomont

some hidden valley
The cat is in a panic in the valley, Tian Duoliang, Huang Kun, Hei Xiong, brothers and others, looking forward to the stars and the moon, their eyes are red, everyone is about to become a husband-wife stone, there is no news from Master Qing, just wait A few of them were full of depression.

The most unrecognizable of them was Tian Duoliang, lying on the hillside with his legs crossed, a weed in his mouth, looking at the sky, wondering what to do.

Huang Kun was studying with a map, while Hei Xiong was polishing his sword.

"Brother Kun, Brother Tian, ​​Brother Xiong, Lord Qing sent someone here."

A voice came from a distance, and they turned their heads to look, and saw a brother galloping towards them, pointing to the outside of the valley.

It must be good news to see him smiling like a flower.

"It's coming!"

Tian Duoliang spat out the weeds on his mouth and turned over.

Huang Kun put away the map, Hei Xiong gently put the knife aside, the three of them looked at each other, and ran out of the valley.

The token presented by the visitor was Master Qing's personal guard, Captain Bai's subordinate, also surnamed Bai, I don't know who Bai is.

Master Qing's guards, they only knew Captain Bai, Bai Shaojie and Bai Yi, and the rest of them were only legends.

In addition to the token, there is also a letter from Master Qing.

"Master Tian, ​​Master Kun, and Master Xiong, under the order of Master Qing, send letters to the three masters." Bai Shisan collected the tokens confirmed by the three, took out a letter and handed it to Huang Kun.

Huang Kun thanked him, then took the letter and opened it. Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong immediately came over and looked at the letter. Hei Ba and He Shui had nowhere to go.

There were not many words in the letter, only one line of orders.Huang Kun handed it to Tian Duoliang after finishing it, and Tian Duoliang handed it to Hei Xiong after finishing it.

Bai Shisan didn't leave immediately, he still had a task to lead Tian Duoliang, Huang Kun and the others.

The five of Tian Duoliang and Huang Kun got together to discuss a plan of action.

"I believe you all read it. Lord Qing ordered the large army to break out of the camp immediately and rush to Sanxian Forest to join Lord Qing. There are thousands of brothers, and the goal of the operation is too big. In order not to alarm the bandits, we will act according to the plan after nightfall."

Huang Kun glanced at the four of them and told them that they hadn't done anything these days, they were just thinking about suppressing the bandits and their action plan.

"no problem."

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, Heiba, He Shui and the others nodded.

After confirming the plan, after the meeting ended, each ordered their respective teams to prepare for camping at night.

The brothers knew that a big battle was about to be fought, and all of them were as excited as chicken blood, looking forward to the coming of the night soon.


underground cave
Qingyun, Bai Yanheng, Bai Yibaier, and the others gathered together to collect their own information. With Bai Yanheng, a freshly released staff member, Qingyun became the hands-off shopkeeper again.

"What's new with you, Bai Yi, tell me first." Bai Yanheng looked at Bai Yi and Bai Er.

"The task of my subordinates is simple. To explore all the cave routes. All the cave routes have been completed. This is the route map. Here is..."

Bai Yi used stones to draw all the lines on the ground, explaining while drawing.The winding route drew more than ten feet of land.

Qingyun and all the guards gathered around and memorized it by rote. They compared the route they had explored before and found that the route in the cave was not too complicated.

The underground caves extend in all directions, and many caves are connected.They acted separately, and each probed in one direction. Only a part of the route made everyone feel complicated.

 Thanks to 梻1, Ah Man 76, Yue/Siyu Lianjuan, Hime Shenjiyuan, Qiao Qiaomei, Min, Fang Yan, ss7010130, Ah Fanghua, Jasmine, AbbyYue, 20190917003215476, Jianliang, for the monthly ticket, what?
  Thanks to jly69, Fang Yan for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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