Chapter 570
The convoy left Luomeng Mountain and took the official road, walking much more smoothly and at a much faster speed.

The old man woke up after a nap, opened the curtain and just saw Qingyun riding a horse through the window outside, as soon as he woke up, Qingyun knew it, and drove his horse over.

"Come up, let's have a chat."

Before Qingyun could ask "Dad, did you sleep well", the old man spoke first and let Qingyun get into his carriage.

My old man had an order, so Qingyun dared not obey, he explained to Bai Yanheng, swept left and right, and went up in a hurry.

It's time to tell the truth.


Qingyun squatted at the door of the carriage, not going in, she squatted here just in case, if the old man got angry, she could escape and jump off the train in time.

The deluxe version of the carriage the old man was sitting in was large and low-key luxury. The floor was covered with thick blankets, and there was a strong aura of local tyrants in his face. Even Qingyun knew that this thing was expensive.

There is also a coffee table inside, on which there are several plates of exquisite snacks, teapots and cups, and a couch and other things.

In a word, it is expensive and rich.

The old man just snuggled up on the couch with pillows on his back, looking very comfortable. He glanced at Qingyun at the door of the carriage, and he didn't know what he was planning.

"Come here, let's have a good talk." The old man knocked on the coffee table, Qingyun weighed it for a second, and obediently walked over, took a piece of snack and gnawed on it.

She also wanted to know the situation of the old man at Shangguan's house.

"If you want to know, ask!"

"When did you come?" The old man rolled his eyes, and Qing Yun, who ate his snacks until the dregs fell on the blanket, handed her a plate to continue.

Qingyun blinked, and when she came, he was either fleeing or on the way to escape, and then he was on the way to suppress bandits or suppress bandits, so he didn't have time to pay attention to time.

"It's been almost two years!" Qingyun didn't remember clearly.

"You don't know, it was dangerous when I came here, and I almost died again. There was a big hole in the back of my head, and I was fleeing at that time, and I didn't have any food, let alone medicine."

Qingyun does not need to exaggerate, the situation at that time was indeed dangerous.She exaggerated the situation later, just thinking that she had experienced such a dangerous thing and almost lost her life. When the old man taught her in the future, he would be merciful and don't beat her to death.

She also wants to save face.

Whether the old man believes it or not, only he knows, anyway, Qingyun didn't see it, he touched the location of the hole that Qingyun pointed out to him, and he was relieved.

Look at him alive and kicking, he should be fine.

Gai'er arrives at the yamen tomorrow and asks the Taoist priest to show Qing Yun that his head is not from other places. In this world, he is just such a single seedling. If there is something, he will be extinct.

The cheap son is not included in their Shangguan family.

Compared with Qingyun, the old man's time travel experience is very ordinary. The original owner went there after a cold, and then the old man came, and after that he enjoyed the blessings at Shangguan's house.

With a rare childishness, Qingyun spoke in detail about her great achievements in front of the old man with high spirits.From fleeing to the mines to Guanshan County, to suppressing bandits in Qishan, to saving people in the capital, and so on.

All the topics that cannot be discussed with outsiders were discussed with the old man in every detail.

".Dad, did I give our Shangguan some face?"

Qingyun poured a cup of tea, opened the curtain and took a look, there was no one on either side of the carriage, so he walked up to the old man and whispered:

"In ancient times, men were superior to women, so your daughter is amazing! You have been a county magistrate for dozens of generations. Our Shangguan family doesn't have this, and your daughter is the first one. I have been with my brothers for two years, and there is no one. Find."

Qingyun felt that he was so powerful.

The old man didn't care about anything else, but he stared at her for a few seconds when he heard the phrase 'your daughter', "Are you a daughter?!"

asked this question
Qingyun looked up at him, and found that the old man's expression was not right, he frowned and said, "No, what do you mean by that? What's wrong with me being a girl? Are you patriarchal?"

Qingyun patted the table, his eyes widened angrily, and she dared to lift the table if he dared to admit it.

 Thank you son for visiting the brothel and voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thanks to jly69, the reward for visiting the brothel together, young master, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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