Chapter 571
Qing Yun was disturbed by the old man's gaze, and he had never noticed that he had such a concept before. Of course, he had four sons before, so it doesn't matter whether she is a son or not.

It's different now, the old man is the only one. If she has an accident, the old man might end up dead.

At such an age, it seems too late to have another one, right?Also unlikely.

"What are you thinking about all day long? If I value sons over daughters, can I pass on the genealogy of the ancestral house to you?" The old man suddenly slapped Qingyun on the forehead, and he was really relieved that he was still his old daughter.

Come on!
Qing Yun rolled her eyes, rubbed her forehead and pursed her lips, as if she wanted to inherit the ancestral house.

How much is that broken house worth?

Bringing it up is a bitter tear.

It's not that her brother and they don't want it, the dead old man insists on her inheriting it, her brother and they don't want it, it's all right, she doesn't want it, the dead old man chases her all over the village, dare she not?

Qingyun complained, not daring to show anything on his face, he leaned over with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Father, in ancient times, Wu Zetian was the emperor, and now your daughter is the magistrate of the county. Looking at the past and present, I am the first one like this. Did it give you a long face?"

Qingyun felt that she could go to the sky. She went from an unpaid public official who was not a police assistant to the county magistrate in a short time, and she couldn't fly so fast.

The old man glanced at the girl whose tail was almost up to the sky, and couldn't help but hit her, "How did you come to be an official? You don't know? Donate it! You bought it with 10 taels of white money. What's so proud of you?" Yes, if you have the ability, you can take the test yourself."

"That's fine."

It didn't take more than three seconds to blow the cymbal, and he was beaten to pieces.

Qing Yun rubbed her nose. If she had the material to study, she could be a technical secondary school student.

The original owner doesn't know what to think, donating officials is not donating to his son, but donating to his granddaughter
No, the original owner never knew the identity of Miss Qingyun. In his memory, Qingyun was his grandson.Did the cheap daughter-in-law do it alone, or did the husband and wife do it together?
"Shangguan Zhenhua knows that you are a girl?"

Qingyun thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I don't have the memory of Qingyun. Judging from the past few days of getting along, cheap father probably doesn't know. If he wants to know, he can't be so calm. My matter is a crime of deceiving the emperor. Nine clans."

The old man narrowed his eyes. He remembered that when he donated an official to Qingyun, the cheap daughter-in-law reacted the most violently. She firmly opposed it, refused to agree, and forced her to die. However, under the pressure of the old man, he finally agreed to the matter.

"Your cheap mother dared to use her daughter as her son to deceive the old man. She is very courageous. She did this for you, and it is understandable. From this scheming, it can be seen that your cheap mother is not a simple one. You Be more careful in the future, don't be fooled by others."

The old man does not approve of this practice, but admires the cheap daughter-in-law.

Just for the mother!

In feudal times, men were superior to women.

Shangguan Zhenhua has worked hard for decades to earn such a large family business. If he has no heirs to inherit it, sooner or later it will fall into the hands of a side branch.

No one is happy to leave it behind, so why should the hard-earned money end up being someone else's.It is cheaper for outsiders, it is better to let your daughter inherit.

"Those are trivial matters," Qing Yun believed after a few days of getting along, and Qingyun believed that the cheap mother would never harm her. "Worrying about her is better than worrying about me. Dad, let me tell you something, I suspect that I may not be human!"

Qingyun had a serious expression on her face, this matter weighed on her heart like a big rock.She thought she was going to carry this secret into the coffin before.

It's all right now, the old man is here, and there is finally something to say.

Mr. Shangguan is a little confused, what do you mean by this?
He has reason to suspect that the dead girl is implicating him.

She is not human, isn't she scolding him for not being human?
Look at my violent temper, the dead girl will go to the house to expose the tiles if she doesn't get beaten for a day.

There is a reason why he beat her since childhood.In addition to her mischievousness, there was also her mean mouth, and she didn't say a few serious words.

Qingyun didn't know that the danger was coming, and he didn't know how to express it. He blinked and said, "Is there anything strange about our family? I'm talking about the ancestors of our Shangguan family. Is there any blood of monsters?" ?”

Qingyun's mobile phone is a master's model, and he can't do anything except make calls and send messages, but there are many young girls in the village, and they often hear them talking about time travel and rebirth, and they have watched a few Xianxia TVs.

That's why she thinks too much!
She and the old man have both traveled through time, and it is not unacceptable to have the blood of a monster.Otherwise, what happened to her cannot be explained clearly!

"I'm still of animal blood, I'll beat you to death, you bastard." The old man was so angry that his liver ached, the bastard had only been gone for a few days, and he dared to call him a beast in front of his face.

Unbearable, he took off his shoes and beat him.


Qingyun was not prepared at all, she was caught by the old man, the pain caused her to gasp, she hid her head to hide, and cursed: "You old man, you are unreasonable, why did you hit me?"

Qingyun was wronged to death and was beaten for no reason.
"You still dare to ask me why I beat you, why I beat you, you don't know why." Mr. Shangguan is more cruel than Qingyun, and the little bastard still dares to stare at him, so it is reasonable to call her old man.

She has a fart number!

Qingyun rolled and crawled to the door of the carriage, holding back his anger, this is the ancestor!What else can I do but endure her?
"No, you have something to say, what am I doing?" Qing Yun, who was trying to explain, blinked, and suddenly came to his senses, licking his face and smiling, "I really didn't mean that, you misunderstood me."

With the conscience of heaven and earth, she really didn't mean to call her father a beast.

Qingyun rushed over, hugged him and explained.

"Dad, listen to me, I really didn't mean that."

The old man smoked Qingyun a few times to relieve his anger.Pushing her away angrily, she will lose decades of life with such a nasty thing.

"Say it!" The old man remained expressionless, looking to see what she could come up with.

"That's how it happened. At that time, I went down to the pond to catch fish." Qingyun Balabala explained everything from the problems she had with catching fish to the fact that she had a bead in her brain that could absorb water.

".This matter is too unreal. I have no other choice but to think in this direction. Our whole family can't be human, and I'm the only one who has mutated. I can't drown, I can absorb water, and I can control water. Is this something humans can do?

Dad, you always think about it carefully. Is there anything special about our family?Am I a monster or a divine beast? "Qingyun stared at her old man eagerly.

After listening to her words, Mr. Shangguan's mind was also 'buzzing'.Looking up and down at her for a while, what was in his mind was a legend about the Shangguan family.

Could it be that the legend is true?

"The other day you went to the village to check the river beach, did you bring the beads?" The old man answered irrelevantly, and asked Qingyun an inexplicable question.

Qingyun was stunned for a moment, it has nothing to do with whether she is human or not.

"No, Dad, don't change the subject. I'm speaking very seriously. It's about whether I'm human or not. You have to think about it. If I'm not human, I'm really not your old girl."

"You can't beat her." Before he could say that, another thump hit his forehead.

"Don't interrupt me, what I ask you, you answer honestly." If this was a son, he would have pulled off her collar to see, why would there be so much nonsense.

"I brought it, you are not saying that it can't be taken off, the bead is in the person."

She doesn't know if the person is gone or Zhu is still there.The old man and the others know this best, didn't they collect the corpse?
These words were too heart-wrenching, and Qingyun didn't dare to ask.

The old man was relieved, he didn't expect the legend to be true.

"I told you earlier, take a good look at the genealogy of our Shangguan family. You go in one ear and out the other, and don't do business all day long. How many pages of that genealogy have you read?"

The old man didn't want to say it at first, but when he saw her frowning and struggling, he was worried that she would think wildly and make some messy things, and it would not end in the end.

"That bead is a family heirloom of our Shangguan family. You cried a lot when you were a child, and you fell ill every three days. You cried endlessly and almost died of crying several times. Later, a Taoist told your fortune, saying that you are too weak to survive. Fifteen, I need something precious to hold it down.

The most precious thing in our family is the family heirloom. Since you brought that bead, you have slowly grown up like ordinary people in peace. "

Fifteen is passed, but the hurdle of twenty has not been crossed, and it is still gone.

"We still have family heirlooms? What heirlooms? Why don't I know?"

Qingyun's face was full of astonishment. She had worn that bead for 20 years, and it was so dark that she didn't know it. Those who didn't know it thought it was carved from wood. I really didn't see how it looked like a treasure?
"There are many things you don't know." Mr. Shangguan said angrily.

Qingyun is just a naughty face, no matter what the old man said, he still had a playful smile, "What heirloom? What legend? Dad, tell me."

The old man looked at Qingyun and said inscrutably: "It is said that the beads are dragon beads..."


Qingyun spouted out a mouthful of tea, thanks to the fact that she was not sitting opposite the old man, otherwise he would have sprayed the old man in the face.

"Return the Dragon Balls? Is it true that if you collect all seven, you can grant any wish? Jianguo is not allowed to become a demon, Dad, you can talk more than me!"

The old man wanted to slap her again with itchy hands.

"Believe it or not, Shangguan Qingyun, you hold back your stomach for this matter. Except for our father and daughter, no one else is allowed to know. If you die, bring it to me in the coffin."

The ancients were extremely superstitious, and if this story got out, their family would have to be treated as monsters and burned to death.

Qingyun has only seen the old man's solemn and heavy expression twice.The first time was when she didn't want to inherit the ancestral house, and the second time is now.

"I assure you, no third person will know. Heaven knows, Earth knows, you know and I know." Qingyun was very serious.

She generally doesn't make promises, as long as she promises, she will definitely do it, and she never fails to speak.

The old man also knew, and he was relieved to hear that she had promised.

 Thank you Blue Eagle Technology Business, thank you for your experience, Meng Wei, thank you for your experience, dark jade smokes, follow my heart, vote for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thanks to ice Xue Liange, Peiyo, Wei Momo for their rewards, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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