Chapter 572
Qingyun is not stupid, if it wasn't for her father, she wouldn't have said it.

The man leaned against the carriage, with his legs resting on the coffee table, he found a piece of thatch out of nowhere, dangled it in his mouth, and looked like a fool, he could see the corners of Shangguan's eyes twitching, and he couldn't hold it back. Slap her leg down with a slap.

Where is the appearance of a girl.

He hasn't taken care of her for the past two years, and it's even worse. There are few men like her.

Oh, he is sorry for his old wife who died young!

Qingyun glanced at the old man, saw that his face was about to turn black with anger, he couldn't figure it out, he didn't know why the old man was so angry, he murmured in his heart, the old man has come to menopause!
Well, I can't afford to offend him, I still think about my own business.

For example: Dragon Ball!
For example: heirlooms!

Qingyun pondered the possibility of this matter, she didn't even know that their Shangguan family still had family heirlooms.

Then again, what happened to her is really unreal!
It would not be surprising if she traveled through the world of cultivating immortals.But the world she is in now is not the world of cultivating immortals!
After thinking about it, it seems that apart from the family heirloom, the legend of Dragon Ball depends on it.

You see, if the ball in her mind is a dragon ball, everything can be explained clearly.

Why can't she drown?

Because she has dragon balls!
Why can she collect water?

Because she has dragon balls!
What are Dragon Balls?
The inner alchemy of the dragon in myths and legends!The essence lies!
Myths and legends, the dragon soars through the clouds and rides the fog, calling the wind and the rain
After eating such a miraculous thing, not only did she not die, she even survived by a blessing in disguise.

This time, with the Dragon Ball in my hand, it shouldn’t be surprising that I have such a force, not to mention the world, and some small fantasy tricks!
All in all, it's Dragon Ball's fault that she's so weird.Anyway, it's right to push it to Dragon Ball.

Qingyun nodded, thinking so, there is nothing wrong with it.

During the break, Qingyun was a little surprised to see someone in the convoy that he shouldn't have seen!
"Why are they two here?" Qing Yun muttered as he helped the old man get out of the car.

There was no brother following her, and Bai Yanheng was not here, so no one answered her words.

All the refugees rescued from Luomeng Mountain stayed in Luomeng Mountain. These two Taoist priests should also stay in Luomeng Mountain. When did they sneak into the convoy?

Qingyun squinted his eyes, staring at that side in a daze.

Those who watched the convoy were used to the coming and going of the two Taoist priests.

This situation is not normal!
People in the team are used to it, why no one feedback from the brothers?Qingyun plans to ask a brother for a while.

She remembered that she had seen these two Taoist priests when she was in Guanshan County.She remembered that the Taoist priest was locked in the dungeon at that time, or they killed the county magistrate and released the people from the dungeon, and there was this Taoist priest inside at that time.

The Taoist priest looked at her head in a strange way and didn't speak. Later, he left Guanshan County and never saw her again.

No wonder she looks familiar!

How did they get mixed up with their own team?

The old man Shangguan followed Qingyun's gaze, saw the Taoist priest over there, and said, "The two Taoist priests are invited by me. You are new here, and Qishan is not stable here, and there are not many available people on hand. I I've seen it, the Taoist priest is capable and knowledgeable, and you just need someone you need."

Qingyun is indeed short of people, and was introduced by the old man. She has a unique style of hiring people, as long as she has the ability, not to mention priests, she can also use nuns.

Besides, she believed in the old man's vision.My old man never speaks big words. He said that the priest has the ability, and the priest must have something to convince the old man.

Even if the Taoist leader is really incompetent, for the sake of making the old man happy, give him a spare job, and treat the old man to relieve his boredom.

Shangguan Zhenhua and his wife in the front carriage heard Qingyun's screams and the old man's roar from the rear carriage. The couple looked at each other tremblingly, both worried for Qingyun.

"Why is the old man looking for Qingyun? How can the grandfather and grandson have so much to say?" Mrs. Shangguan was full of worry.

Ever since the grandparents and grandchildren met in Luomeng Mountain, the grandparents and grandsons had been arguing wildly for three days, and it wasn't long before they got together again.

It is the old man who beat Xiao Qingyun most.

She didn't worry about anything else, but she was worried that Qingyun would not be able to withstand the severity of the old man, and if he bald and revealed her concealed identity, it would be over.

Kill the Nine Clans!

Thinking about it, Mrs. Shangguan was terrified.

"Don't worry about it, no matter what the old man wants to do, he won't be harmed. Besides, we can't control it. Qingyun is now the magistrate of the county, and we can't control it. Relax!"

Shangguan Zhenhua also wanted to know what the old man asked Qingyun to do, and he was more worried about the old man's health.

Since the old man fell ill that time, his health has been worse than before, and he has no energy. He is really afraid that something will happen to the old man.Fortunately, since seeing Qingyun, I have become much more energetic and energetic.

As long as the old man is well, Qingyun will suffer even if he suffers a little bit. He is young and strong, with rough skin and thick flesh, so he is not afraid of being beaten.

Mrs. Shangguan looked at her careless man and impulsively wanted to tell him that Qingyun was not a son but a girl, to see if he could sit still?

Why should she live in fear alone, while her man lives comfortably?
Thinking of the fate of the Zhu Jiu Clan, the words came to her lips, and she choked them back.Desperately remind myself that it is a son, son, son, not a daughter.

"Don't scold her all the time in the future, she is spoiled by me, teach her how to behave in the world when you have time, don't always talk back to her grandfather..."

"The brat was angry with me from birth. Since he was a child, he has never heard my words except yours. Madam, I am willing to teach, but the brat has no patience to listen to me! Besides, I don't care about the yamen. I understand." Shangguan Zhenhua looked at his daughter-in-law in embarrassment.

"I don't want you to teach him about the yamen. Tell her how you do business. I think the yamen is similar to your business. It's all about dealing with people. Tell her more and let him learn from it."

Mrs. Shangguan also broke her heart because of Qingyun.

How can this be the same?
Shangguan Zhenhua: "."

Shangguan Zhenhua looked at his daughter-in-law in admiration, and she could say that.

"Let me think about it."

"The front is Qishan County."

It was too hot in the carriage, Mr. Shangguan couldn't lie down inside, so he moved to sit on the shaft outside, with a straw hat in his hand, fanning the wind.

Qingyun is responsible for driving the car.

No, when he saw the city wall of Qishan County, Qing Yun pointed it out to him.

The old man Shangguan looked over, the city wall was mighty, the city gate looked heavy, and there were officers and soldiers in brand-new clothes on the city wall and the city gate.

Whether Qishan County is good or not, apart from other things, judging from the city wall, it can be compared with the city wall of Yuzhou City.

"It looks good." Mr. Shangguan said honestly.

 Thanks*, Jasmine, looking back at the past, has passed away, Garfield, Ah Man 76, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you Tianyi Operations Officer, jly69, for your rewards every month, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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