Chapter 581
Qingyun glanced at both sides, but it was not shown on the map, but Song Wenqian had explained to her the distribution of the forces of the Dayong Dynasty.

"These two places are not far from Mount Qi, and it is convenient to send troops to attack Mount Qi. The shortest march is twenty days, and the longest is one month. If the lowly position is Marshal Qian, he must send troops from these two places to surprise him. This is why One." Bai Yanheng said.

"Secondly, the Jinlan barracks has 18 soldiers and horses, and the Yizhou barracks has [-] soldiers and horses, a total of [-] soldiers and horses. From these two places, only [-] soldiers are dispatched from the border, and other soldiers and horses are sent from these two places. Send out the barracks and save [-] troops."

Seventy thousand troops is nothing to Marshal Qian who has a million soldiers.But compared with the other two generals, he lost [-]% of his troops, weaker than the other two.

Qing Yun thought about it for a while, and said: "Jin Lan, the two barracks in Yizhou, are they the local army under the management of the imperial court?"

Hit the nail on the head.

"Yes." Bai Yanheng nodded.

Qingyun understands that if she is a soldier of the imperial court, and if she is old thief Qian, she will definitely transfer troops from these two places. The people who die are not his soldiers, but the imperial court consumes them.

It's a good deal.

"Jinlan is his territory. It's hard to say how much the local army is loyal to the court. It can be regarded as half of his soldiers. Yizhou is to the south, and the south is the territory of the Duke. Half of the territory in Yizhou belongs to the Duke. , he transferred troops from Yizhou, can the Duke agree?"

"It's useless if the Duke doesn't agree. He's not in the south. Marshal Qian is in full swing right now. Many people want to avoid the edge for now. The same is true for the Duke. Right now, we won't have any conflicts with him, unless"

Unless Bai Yanheng didn't say anything, Qingyun would understand.Unless the old thief Qian rebelled.

"My lord, don't forget that Luomeng Mountain was in the hands of Marshal Qian before."

Qingyun understood.

Song Wenqian looked at Bai Yanheng in shock, he didn't expect this guard to hide his secrets, his scheming and strategy were much better than Qing Yun's, he had been by Qing Yun's side for so long, and never showed anything.

This son is unusual, 1
Looking at Qingyun, who was not surprised at all, the corners of Song Wenqian's mouth twitched. With such a powerful person beside him, not only did he not feel the crisis, but he could eat and drink with peace of mind, and his heart was thick enough.

It is also Qingyun's luck, with the help of this son, maybe this crisis can be overcome.

"The above are all base inferences. Marshal Qian needs detailed information on how to fight." Bai Yanheng said.

Qingyun praised him with a thumbs up, "Yes, Yanheng, it's amazing to deduce so much information from these scattered information."

She just couldn't think of it.

"It doesn't matter if he sends troops from the border or from the local area. They are all [-] soldiers. [-], what's the concept? It won't take long to recruit all the people from Qishan .

Yanheng, is there any other way?It's okay to fight casually.Drugs, fires, and more. "

In the era of cold weapons, combat depends entirely on manpower.If it is modern, let alone a hundred thousand, it will be a million. A few missiles go down and all are dead.

Qingyun tsk tsk, she hasn't even touched a gun, so it's better not to think too much about missiles.

"It doesn't work. It doesn't work with bandit suppression. Qishan Luomengshan is our place. Prescribing medicine and setting fire will only damage our troops and horses."

"Guerrilla Warfare" Qingyun considered its feasibility, and even if it worked, it was too late. Before they could finish digging, the old thief Qian's army arrived.

Qingyun had a headache and rubbed his brows, "We're leaving, we'll discuss it when Huang Kun arrives. After you go back, you should think about it. I'll think about it too."

"What's going on, I'm very worried."

Others can't see it, how can Mr. Shangguan not see that his old daughter has something on her mind, and almost misspelled the words.

Qingyun looked down, and a ball of ink dripped on the paper, blurring the two words into a ball of black.Sighing, he put down his pen and stopped writing.

Qingyun is entangled, the matter is of great importance, should I tell the old man?
"If you have something to say, sigh and sigh, what are you going to do?" The old man knocked her a chestnut, "If the sky falls, there will be a tall man standing on it."

"I'm the biggest and tallest person in Qishan, who else will give me the top?"

Qingyun curled his lips, in front of his old man, Qingyun couldn't hide his words, he hesitated and weighed it, and then he said it.

"Marshal Qian, have you heard that before I came, Qishan Luomeng Mountain was a den of bandits on the surface, but the real master behind it was Marshal Qian.

Since I am the Grand Lord of Qishan County, you know my temperament, and I will never allow other people to make decisions on my territory.After taking him to two courts, how could he let me go.

Crazy Wolf came back with news that Marshal Qian was going to send a large army to Qishan to encircle and suppress us.The excuses are ready-made, Qishan is a den of bandits, and they come to suppress bandits and eliminate harm for the people, and the court can't control them. "

Qingyun exhaled, and continued: "I have 3000 people in my hands, and the 1 people in Luomengshan are still refugees. They have no orthodox training and cannot go to the battlefield. Only the 1 people in the cottage can really go to the battlefield.

The old thief Qian is determined to kill me, with an army of at least [-] people, come to encircle and suppress the mountains, and catch the turtle in the urn.Ten thousand and one hundred thousand, the egg hits the rock, there is no chance of winning at all.

The common people in Qishan didn't know about this, or else they would have panicked.Dad, how about you take them outside to take shelter first, and I will pick you up after the wartime is over.

Don't worry, I cherish my life the most, if I can't be beaten, I will run away. "

The old man glanced at her and put down his pen.

"The Daoist made a fortune for you. Qi Shan is really dangerous this time, but there is a glimmer of life. Whether you can turn the danger out of the danger depends on whether you can find that chance."

Qing Yun patted his forehead heavily, and then sighed, "Dad, I'm almost dying of worry, can you be more serious and less superstitious about Feng Jian."

"What kind of feudal superstition, the Taoist priest is a capable person, and his first-hand metaphysics is unpredictable. You will pay attention to the Taoist priest in the future." Shangguan old man disagreed with Qingyun's opinion.

"He is really as powerful as you said, then I will believe him if he let Qi Shan get through this crisis." Qing Yun snorted.

Mr. Shangguan: "."

The old man looked at her quietly, Qingyun touched his nose in embarrassment, and moved towards the door calmly, ready to flee at any time.

"My lord, General Huang has arrived, Master Bo and the others are waiting for you in the study." A servant's voice came from outside the door, and Qing Yun was rescued.

"Understood. There is official business in the yamen, so I'll leave first." Qingyun dropped his words and walked away in a hurry.

Bai Yanheng, Du Chun'an, and Huang Kun were waiting for Qingyun in the study.

"General Huang, have you read the letter?" Qing Yun looked at him.

Huang Kun nodded.

"I called you back to discuss this matter. One person counts the short, two counts the long, and three cobblers are Zhuge Liang. Among us, the person who knows the old thief Qian is none other than you. Those who are familiar with him The tactician is also you. What do you think about this matter?"

 Thank you for the quiet and indifferent tea fragrance, I voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you Wei Momo for your stupid reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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