Chapter 582
Before Qingyun arrived, Huang Kun was studying the map carefully.The disparity in the strength of the two sides is too great, and any conspiracy is useless.

"In this war, we can only outsmart, not head-to-head." Huang Kun said.

This is no nonsense!
Saying it is the same as not saying it, who doesn't know that you can't touch it head-on.

"Humble job has an immature idea," Huang Kun struggled for a while, temporarily shielding his conscience. Hundreds of thousands of Mengjiajun died at the hands of old thief Qian. He did this to give Mengjiajun a statement.

Qingyun: ...

Knowing that she is immature, what else to say.

"What do you think? Let's hear it." Qingyun motioned him.

"The old thief Qian valued his family very much. We sent people to kidnap his family and threaten him, forcing him not to send troops to Qishan."

Qingyun glanced at Huang Kun unexpectedly, scratched his chin, it was really difficult for an upright soldier to come up with such a dirty way.

Qingyun pondered the feasibility of this matter, as long as the mouse is caught, it doesn't matter if it is a black cat or a white cat.

"This matter won't work. There are so many experts in the Marshal's Mansion, and it's hard for ordinary people to get close. Even if you sneak into the Marshal's Mansion, how are you going to bring them out?" Bai Yanheng disagreed.

"It's better to burn food and grass than to capture people. The food from all over the country has just been collected, and the granaries are all full. Find the granary in the barracks and set it on fire. Without food and grass, naturally you can't send out soldiers."

Seeing Bai Yanheng, who was as cold as an exiled immortal, say such shameless words from his mouth, Qingyun was really not used to it.

"Good idea!" Qingyun clapped his hands and applauded.

Burning food and grass is more effective and influential than kidnapping people.

Du Chun'an, Huang Kun and the two looked at Bai Yanheng unexpectedly, with complicated eyes.The people around Qingyun cannot be treated with common sense.

Even if it looks like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.

Bai Yanheng looked indifferent, turning a blind eye to the gazes of Qing Yun and the others.

"Where is the granary? The grain and grass warehouse that supplies the barracks must be guarded by heavy soldiers. We need to find someone who is good at lightness kung fu and who can escape the fastest."

Qingyun turned to look at Bai Yanheng, "You need to know where the granary is when you burn the grain. Do you know?"

"The burning of grain and grass can only be delayed for a while. The grain tax in the northwest is in the hands of Marshal Qian. If the grain and grass in the barracks are burned, he can mobilize them from the granaries in other places. To completely resolve this matter, there must be a major event that delays the border army. , so that they can't mobilize their troops."

Major event?

Several people are pondering.

Thinking about the situation outside, Qingyun sighed in his soul, "It would be great if everyone rebelled outside. The imperial court will definitely order the generals from all over the country to send troops to suppress it. If this happens, the old thief Qian will not be able to spare any troops."

Indeed, if there was an uprising outside, people with the surname Qian really had no time to deal with them.

No, it's useless to rebel!
"The third princess is useless. If she can't catch a man, she will make trouble for him. No one is afraid of anyone!
Falling into the hands of foreigners, I don't know how to restrain myself and live.If I were her, I would hate old thief Qian the most. If I can't kill him, I will make trouble for him in border crossing. "

Qingyun gritted his teeth and said, the words fell away, as if some inspiration had passed away, Qingyun squinted his eyes and thought deeply, without a clue.

The four of them discussed in the study until late at night, but they broke up without an agreement.

After practicing boxing and swordsmanship, Qingyun rarely went to wash up, but went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of wine, flew up to the roof, and drank in the morning light.

The bright red sun is like a red pancake.

Qing Yun narrowed his eyes, took a sip, and said with pride, "Among the emperors, the most domineering one is Genghis Khan. Wherever the sun shines, it is his grassland. Listen to his tone."

Qingyun clicked twice, "Arrogant! I can't even keep Qishan. It's incomparable, it's incomparable!"

The old man in the yard and the patrolling brothers didn't know what expression to show when they saw Qingyun who was going crazy in the morning.

They are used to Master Qing going up to the roof at every turn and making people crazy.

Qingyun raised her head and took another sip of wine, suddenly she paused, and then choked, she didn't care about the wine spilled all over her body, her eyes sparkled, and she flew down from the roof.

"I have a solution."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, wiped the wine off his face, and handed over an order to a yamen servant, "Notify Master Du, Bai Yanheng, and General Huang to go to the study, if you have something to discuss with them."

"Yes." The yamen servant took the order.

The big stone pressing on her heart was resolved, and Qingyun felt relieved, humming an out-of-tune song to wash up, which attracted the old man to look at her several times.

in the study

"Master Du Bo Kezhi, what is the purpose of asking us to come?" Huang Kun looked at Du Chun'an and then at Bai Yanheng, and finally chose to ask Du Chun'an, looking more friendly.

"I just came here for a humble job, so I don't know. Does Master Bai know?" Du Chun'an was still having breakfast at home, when the yamen servant hurried over, thinking that something serious happened, he came without eating.

Of the three of them, Bai Yanheng is the closest to the lord. He used to be the lord's personal bodyguard. He should know something about the lord.That's why Du Chun'an asked this question.

"I don't know," Bai Yanheng said calmly when he thought of Qing Yun, who was crazy on the roof.

As soon as Qingyun entered the study, the three of them could see it, and your lord was very happy.

Why do they see it?
Qingyun is humming!

"grown ups"

The three got up and greeted Qingyun, Qingyun waved his hands with a smile, and asked kindly: "Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, I'll let the kitchen make it for you."

She was so caring all of a sudden, which made them panic.

All three said they ate it, and they said they ate it even if they didn't.

"Why did your lord ask us to come, but that matter."

It can make Qingyun feel better, and they can't think of anything else except that Marshal Qian's dispatch of troops has been resolved.

"You can see it," Qingyun glanced at them three times, and smiled, "That's right, I figured out a way."

The three of them looked at each other, and then looked at Qingyun together.

Qingyun didn't buy it either.

"After much deliberation, the only way to stop old thief Qian from sending troops is to fight." Qingyun pretended to have an inscrutable expression, and the three of them were taken aback.


They have no more than [-] troops in Qishan, how can they fight?
"This war is not that war," Qingyun put on a serious expression, "Do you still remember what happened in Dama Village?"

Bai Yanheng nodded, "He Shui and his village."

When Bai Yanheng mentioned it, Du Chun'an also remembered it.

"I remembered, the adults went hunting and bumped into the bandits in Dama Village. What does it have to do with Dama Village?"

Huang Kun also nodded. He heard from He Qiu that he met the Lord because of the incident in Dama Village.Huang Kun has always been grateful.

"Yanheng, do you still remember those foreigners with totems on their necks that we caught in Dama Village?" Qing Yun also suddenly remembered this matter, and then resolved the matter.

"Remember, those foreigners are all dead. My lord asked about this." Qingyun's thoughts were strange, and Bai Yanheng couldn't guess what he was thinking.

 Thank you book friend 20170813110013117, I want to revive the monthly ticket I voted for, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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