Chapter 587
Bai Yanheng also thought of this question.

"Master Qing, the wounded cannot follow us, we need to find a quiet place to heal them."

"What good idea do you have?"

Qingyun is also worried about this matter, they are not familiar with foreign territories, and they are engaged in guerrilla warfare again, here today, somewhere else tomorrow, and they don't know where they are the day after tomorrow.

The wounded are left here, who knows when they will come here again.

Bai Yanheng groaned and said nothing, his eyes glanced at the wounded and landed in the distant forest.

"Master Qing still remembers that time, we grew up in the Ebony tribe..."

Qingyun blinked, there were too many small tribes they passed by, and they would not be able to remember which one it was for a while.

Bai Yanheng didn't expect him to remember, and continued: "Shilin Mountain, there is an abandoned village at the foot of the mountain, and the black bear went into the village to investigate."

"You said that..." When Bai Yanheng mentioned Shilin Mountain, Qingyun remembered that there was an abandoned village, which seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

"It's not too far from here. It's a three-day journey across from the Nanli tribe. There are stone forests nearby. There are relatively few fields that can be cultivated, and there are no villages around. It's safer to heal your wounds there for the time being.

We are going to the border, and we will not return here for a short time. They pretend to be villagers from other ethnic groups and live in the village first, so that their safety is guaranteed. After the border issue is resolved, they will come here to pick them up and return to the barracks.What does Master Qing think? "

Qingyun scratched his chin, this idea is good.

"That's right, let's do it this way. I remember that I searched for a lot of seeds last time, and I just took them away. I have to find some people who are proficient in foreign languages."

"Master Qing, dozens of them are seriously injured and cannot run away with us."

Tian Duoliang, black bear, Meng Yiluo and the others came back from checking the injuries of their brothers, all of them looked unhappy.

"I discussed it with Bai Yanheng, and the wounded should find a hidden place to recuperate. Do you remember the abandoned village where the black bear went?"

The three nodded.

Qingyun told her plan, and the three of them thought it was good, the place was indeed hidden enough, and there were no villages around, so the wounded would not be discovered by pretending to be foreigners.

There happened to be two of Mengyiluo's subordinates who were proficient in foreign languages.

After eating and resting, Qingyun and his party walked back again, and arrived at the abandoned village a few days later.

The abandoned village is very deserted, most of the houses are uninhabitable, and the yards and land need to be tidied up.

Qingyun took his brothers to repair the roof and yard, and by the way, he also helped to reclaim some fields and planted a lot of things before leaving the village.


"No reason!"

"Too deceiving!"

In the camp of the Alien Alliance on the border, a roar sounded, "Qian Qizhi is an old bastard, do you think we really dare not show shame with him?"

The chief of the Hungarian tribe trembled while holding the letter.His younger brother was killed by soldiers of the Dayong Dynasty, and thousands of warriors died.

The chiefs of the other tribes looked down at the cup in their hands and said nothing.The chiefs of the Jurchen and Xinlan clans secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

At this time, the chief of the Hungarian tribe blushed with anger, and his eyes swept over the people present, focusing on the chiefs of the Jurchen and Xinlan tribes.

The armies of several of their clans allied to encircle and suppress, but it was the younger brother and warrior of his clan who died?
"You two have nothing to tell me?"

The chief of Xin Lan's department looked at the ground under his feet, as if he didn't hear his words.

The head of the Jurchen Ministry sneered and said, "What's there to say? It's not up to you, the Hungarians, to say what happened. Warriors from all tribes were present.

I have reminded you a long time ago that the insidious and cunning surnamed Qian cannot be trusted, and cooperating with him is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, you don't believe it.

Agu kindly reminded him that there was a trap, and you Hungarians refused to listen and insisted on going your own way, because you were worried that people from other tribes would make meritorious deeds, so you took the lead in chasing him.

The soldiers of the Dayong Dynasty were cunning, and several major tribes jointly encircled and suppressed them, but they never found their shadows.They found out his whereabouts so lightly, and anyone with a long brain knew there was something wrong.

You Hungarian tribe thought you were the most powerful warrior outside the pass, but you died in the hands of the Dayong Dynasty people uselessly.

If it wasn't for Agu and the others chasing after them with their troops, the remaining thousands of your Hungarians would have died in the soft hands of the Dayong Dynasty in your mouth.No return on a good deed! "

"You..." The leader of the Hungarian clan turned red-eyed, and the facts were exactly as the leader of the Jurchen said.

"We all understand the pain of losing a loved one. The leader of Hungary, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The leader of the Jurchen also backed down.

The army is assembled at the border, and our common enemy is the Dayong Dynasty across the border.Now it's time to think about how to deal with someone surnamed Qian. "

The leader of the Xinlan tribe saw that the atmosphere was not right, and came out to make peace again.

With the Xinlan tribe leading the way, the chiefs of other tribes also persuaded them one after another, which made the chief of the Hungarian tribe suppress their anger.

"There's nothing else to do, just hit him directly. Don't be angry, the leader of the Hungarians. People cannot be resurrected after death. If you want revenge, you can only go to Dayongchao, the man surnamed Qian."

This is what the radicals shouted.

"No, once a war starts, we will be at a disadvantage. This time, the army's pressure is only to force Qian Qizhi to agree to our conditions. There is no plan to start a war. The food and grass can only last for three months at most.

Besides, the people who ambushed the Hungarian tribe were not necessarily Qian Qizhi's border troops.It's not appropriate to make a conclusion prematurely, let's wait for what Qian Qizhi has to say. "

This is what wise men say.

"Fart! The one who died was not from your clan." The Hungarian chief was furious, "I understand that Qian Qizhi is a bastard with ambitions. He formed an alliance with us, deliberately diverted our attention, and secretly sent troops to sneak outside the pass. , slaughter our warriors.

Qian Qizhi is no longer the Qian Qizhi he was more than ten years ago. The alliance with us back then was a way to delay the attack.

Now that the entire Northwest is under his control, with millions of soldiers in his hands, his wings have long since hardened, and you all regard him as Qian Qizhi from more than ten years ago. "

Frontier military barracks master account
"General, it's not good. I just received the news from the spies outside the pass. The army that sneaked into the pass set up an ambush in the Niuguling Mountain Col. and wiped out 7000 people from the Hungarian Ministry. The Hungarian leader is very angry. General, shall we To prevent them from sending troops in advance?"

"Damn, where did the army outside the pass come from?" General Chen cursed angrily. The Border Pass Army and the others did a thorough investigation. There was not a single soldier missing. The soldiers who sneaked into the pass were not the Border Pass Army.

Those two people also sent people to investigate secretly, and no troops were sent into the northwest. The Dayong army outside the pass seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

There were also rumors from the military camp. Many people who didn't know the truth thought that the army was sent by the marshal secretly. When they heard that they set up an ambush to kill the foreign army, they all shouted "the marshal is wise and mighty" and "Dayong Dynasty is mighty" .

"The visitor was not kind. The battle between the marshal and the foreign tribe was officially destroyed in the battle of Niuguling. The foreign army will definitely not let this matter go easily. It seems that they want to promote the national prestige of Dayong Dynasty, but in fact they want to provoke the war between the two countries. .”

All the generals present saw it.

"How to solve this matter? The court was very dissatisfied with the Marshal regarding the matter of the three princesses last time, and the foreigners took advantage of the opportunity to seek a lot of benefits. This time when the Niu Guling matter happened again, if this matter was not handled properly, a big battle would be inevitable. "

"Just fight, we're afraid they won't succeed with the barbarians." A general snorted coldly, "Those barbarians are like wild dogs, greedy and greedy. If we retreat again and again, it will only strengthen their ambitions. Now it's not like before, food and grass There are enough weapons, there is nothing to be afraid of. Only when the wild dogs are afraid of fighting, they will not dare to stick out their fangs next time."

There was a great quarrel in the main tent, and it was divided into two factions, one faction disagreed with sending troops, and the other advocated sending troops.

Qingyun and the others managed to destroy another foreign army, about a thousand people, deliberately arousing the idea of ​​the foreign army, letting them discover the battlefield, and then left the battlefield.

In the territories of the major tribes, I walked around, like walking a dog, walking a large group of foreign troops before heading to the border.

"Quick, quick, quick, change clothes, from now on, we are foreigners, Yanhuang tribe. I am the young patriarch, you three are great warriors of the tribe, Yanheng is the priest of our tribe.

We came to the border because our tribe was robbed by the bandit army of the Dayong Dynasty, and many tribesmen were killed or injured.We came to the border to avenge our tribe. "

"Yes, Young Patriarch."

Qingyun changed into the foreigner's clothes and took off the mask on her face. Bai Yanheng painted her face like a ghost, so that she couldn't see her original appearance at all.

The brothers also painted their faces to look like ghosts, collected the military uniforms of the court and burned them, destroying the corpses and obliterating traces.Then swaggeringly acted in the foreign territory.

The next day they encountered a large army that came to encircle them, Qingyun and the others subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Calm down, now we are foreigners, from the Yanhuang tribe." Just as Qingyun was about to turn around, he suddenly remembered his current identity, instead of running away, he moved closer.

A communicative ceremony between foreigners was performed.

"Which tribe do you belong to? I haven't seen it before. You look familiar." Asked the leader of the foreign tribe opposite.

"We belong to the Yanhuang tribe. Our tribe is isolated from the world. In a place abandoned by God, you call us the people punished by God." Qing Yun said nonsense seriously.

There is also a basis for Qingyun's indiscriminate fabrications.

She also heard old man Song mention that there is a legend outside the pass that the gods abandoned, and this time it happened to be used in their identities.There are contacts among various tribes outside the pass, and whichever tribe they pretend to be will be exposed.

"A month ago, an army came out of nowhere. Unlike people from various tribes, they went into the village to burn, kill and loot. They are not as good as animals. The tribe killed and injured many people..."

When mentioning the dead clansman, Qing Yun expressed grief, "The leader was very angry and sent me to lead troops to hunt them down, and he has been chasing them until now. Which clan do you belong to?"

Bai Yanheng, Tian Duoliang, Heixiong and the others were all indifferent. It was the first time for Meng Yiluo to go out to work with Master Qing, and he suddenly heard him scolding himself as 'beasts', and his expression was very complicated.

"We belong to the Liao tribe. I understand your feelings. We are also besieging that group of people." The leader of the Liao tribe patted him on the shoulder to express his comfort.

The legend of the Land of God's Punishment has been circulating outside the pass, and he thought that the legend was made up by his ancestors.

It turns out that there really is that place.

I heard that the Land of God's Punishment is barren, and the tribes living there are extremely difficult and difficult, and they still live a primitive life of ruthlessness and blood drinking.

Take a look at the military uniforms worn by a group of them, they are tattered, and those who don’t know may think they are refugees.

Qingyun and the others spoke fluent foreign dialects, which dispelled the suspicion of the leader of the Liao tribe.

"It turned out to be the Liao Ministry. I heard about you. By the way, you just said that you also surrounded and suppressed the gang of thieves. Do you know who they are? By the way, we chased all the way and saw many tribal warriors. What happened outside?" Is something wrong?" Qingyun asked curiously.

"You don't know?"

The people from the Liao Department were surprised at first, then thought of where they came from, and gave him a sympathetic look.

"We pursued that group of thieves all the way, avoiding the warriors of various tribes on purpose, for fear of causing misunderstanding. Besides, we don't know people from other tribes..." Qingyun smiled innocently.

"It's normal if you don't know, come on, brother, let me tell you..." Balabala, the leader of the Liao tribe, finally finished talking after a long time.

Qingyun gritted his teeth and said: "It turned out to be people from the Dayong Dynasty. My ancestors said that the people from the Dayong Dynasty were cunning and cunning. When you encounter them, you must not show mercy. You must kill them. They are very good at deceiving people."

"Brother, you are so right! The people of the Dayong Dynasty are indeed not human beings. They never do human affairs. They hang us with the covenant in the front, and send people to kill us in the back. Shameless!" The leader of the Liao Department looked at Qingyun's confidant gaze.

Qing Yun, who is not involved in human affairs:
"The people of the Dayong Dynasty are insidious and cunning. You have relatively few people. It is difficult to find them if you search all over the mountains and plains. Brothers, you might as well follow us."

Qingyun didn't agree immediately, and said: "I can't decide this matter, wait a moment, I will discuss it with the priest."

Qingyun pointed at Bai Yanheng who was wearing a chicken feather crown next to him, the leader of the Liao tribe glanced at him, and said cheerfully: "Go!"

Then Qingyun and the others went to the side, muttering, after a while, Qingyun came over and saw the leader of the Liao tribe shaking his head.

"No, the priest said, even with so many troops of yours, you can't wipe out the people of the Dayong Dynasty. It can be seen that this army is very cunning. Instead of chasing and killing them who have disappeared all over the world, it is better to go directly to the border, where the people of the Dayong Dynasty are everywhere." If you kill them, you will avenge the tribal people."

Chief of the Liao Department: .
It made sense, but he had nothing to say.

At this time, a person came out from behind the leader of the Liao Department, glanced at Qingyun and the others, and led the leader away while muttering, the leader nodded and looked at Qingyun and the others.

Qingyun looked ignorant on his face, and laughed in his heart.

"Brother, you are so right. We plan to go to the border with you. Ge Laozi, the Dayong Dynasty people killed so many of our clansmen, and we have to kill them too. My name is Huya, how about you?" Liao After listening to the advice of the military division, the head of the department came over and said.

"I am Yan Yun from the Yan Department, brother Huya, your decision is so right. Looking for people from the Dayong Dynasty all over the mountain, there is no such thing as going to the border to kill the enemy. Let's go to the border." Qingyun laughed loudly and waved his hand Signal the army to continue to rush to the border.

 Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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