Chapter 588
The two parties gathered together and traveled for ten days. After in-depth discussions, they developed a very solid revolutionary friendship.

Therefore, Huya of the Liao tribe also knew the identity of the patriarch Yanyun, and Qingyun also knew that Huya was the youngest son of General Hu, the number one warrior of the Liao tribe.

"Brother Huya, what are your plans? To join your father?" Qing Yun asked.

Huya received the order to encircle and suppress the Dayong soldiers who went deep into the pass with the alliance army of various tribes. If he rashly went to his father and disobeyed the order, he would definitely be punished.

"I'm going. What about you?" Huya said, even if he didn't want to go, he would send someone there and just say a word.

"The army on the border overwhelms the border, and other armies don't have tokens, so it's hard to get out. Why don't you go to the camp with me first, and I recommend you to meet the big leader of our clan. The big leader cherishes talents very much. With your talents It can definitely be reused and contribute to the border."

Qing Yun shook his head after thinking about it, and said: "No, you also said that the chiefs of the various tribes have an alliance with the general of the Dayong Dynasty, whether this battle can be fought... not necessarily.

Thousands of my people were killed or injured. If they don't fight, how can I, as the young patriarch, have the face to go back and face them.The people of our clan enmity, and the warriors of our clan avenge themselves.

Brother Huya, thank you for your care all the way, this place is not far from the border, we will go the rest of the way by ourselves.Take care!Hope to see each other again in the future. "

Qingyun bowed solemnly, ready to separate from them.

Qingyun turned to face his brothers and shouted loudly: "The warriors of the Yanhuang tribe, the enemies who killed our parents, wives and children, are right in front of us, and use their blood to pay homage to our souls in heaven."

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The roars of thousands of people pierced through the sky. At this moment, Huya discovered that the warriors of God's Punishment Land were billowing with evil spirit.


Qingyun pulled out his sword and pointed forward, and the army rushed forward.

"Master Qing, will they come?" Tian Duoliang approached Qingyun and asked.

After mixing with Huya and the others, Bai Yanheng came up with another idea and asked Qingyun to take Huya to the border.

Although they wanted to avenge the people of the Yanhuang tribe, the point was that the border army didn't know them, so the effect of killing them was not ideal.

Huya is different. He is the son of General Hu, the number one warrior in the Liao Dynasty. If he kills the border army, it means that the foreign alliance will attack the border, and the effect will be great.

That kid Bai Yanheng has a pretty face, and he is so vicious.

Tian Duoliang rubbed his neck, recalling the memory carefully, it's good, he didn't offend him.

"Do you think he is a man who follows the rules? If he is honest, he will not leave the big team. Don't worry, he will come. My journey is not in vain."

She has been brainwashing people all the way, which is more or less effective.

"Huya has some talents, and talented people are often unruly. Normally, he wouldn't follow us. The military adviser who follows him is his father's man."

This is what Qingyun said.


"Little general, the people in this place of God's Punishment are not simple." The military master who followed Huya said.

"Of course it's not easy! Yan Yun said that the Land of God's Punishment is very dangerous, and their people have to fight with fierce beasts all year round to survive.

The warriors of Yanyun's tribe all went outside to fight against fierce beasts, which allowed the people of Dayong Dynasty to take advantage of them, robbed their tribe of food, and killed many who resisted.

Look at the evil spirit on them, if there are warriors left in the clan, it is unknown how many Dayong Dynasty will survive.The people of the Yanhuang tribe are ruthless, protecting food like wolves, and whoever offends them will end badly.

Just because they robbed some of their food, killed hundreds of people, and killed them all the way from the Land of God's Punishment to take revenge.

According to Yan Yun, they came out with [-] people and fought with fierce beasts all the way. Only a few thousand people remained after fighting with Dayong Dynasty people, and they still bit Dayong Dynasty people tightly.

They feel that their revenge is not over, and they will spend their lives with you until their revenge is over.It is best not to offend this kind of person. If you do, you must cut the grass and root out! "

Otherwise, it will be endless like a lunatic, who can stand it.

He guessed that the reason why the soldiers of Dayong Dynasty did not dare to show their faces was mostly because they were afraid of being killed by Yan Yun and the others.

After seeing them traveling with Yan Yun and the others, there was no news of the Dayong court soldiers at all!

"No matter how fierce they are, their numbers are too small. There are millions of soldiers stationed in the northwest, and a few thousand of them can't make waves. Little general, let's go to the camp to join the big head general and the others first." A group of barbarians.

Fighting a war depends not only on ferocity, but also on resourcefulness.Brave but not resourceful, no matter how fierce, the end result is death.

Huya brushed his mustache and didn't know what to think, and suddenly said: "I'm not going, anyway, I disobeyed the order, once I disobeyed, and twice I disobeyed, and I will lose a punishment when I go back. Why don't I go kill the enemy with Brother Yanyun It was a pleasure to come."

"Little General..."

"There is no need for the military adviser to persuade me anymore, I have already made a decision." Huya interrupted the military adviser's persuasion, and shouted at the people in front: "Brother Yanyun, wait for me, I will go with you!"

Soon the Liao army caught up.

Tian Duoliang looked back and said with a thumbs up: "Master Qing, you are amazing!"

"Brother Huya, this is..." Qingyun showed a puzzled expression at the right time.

"I've thought about it. What you said is reasonable. Why did the people of Dayong Dynasty kill so many of our clansmen? They killed if they wanted to, and reconciled if they wanted to reconcile. There is no such cheap thing in the world." Huya complained.


"Men do things crisply and neatly, and they're not sloppy girls. Let's go!" Huya thumped Qingyun's shoulder and rode forward.

"Okay!" Qingyun smiled brightly, and followed him on a horse.

"The two walked and talked.

"What are your plans for going to the border?" Huya asked.

The city wall of the Dayong border gate was three or four feet high, and the outer wall was watered with glutinous rice slurry, so it was difficult to attack by force.There are only 3 or [-] of them, and they attack without any plan, just to deliver food to people.

"Plan?" Qingyun cracked his mouth, "We have never had contact with the soldiers of the Dayong Dynasty. We don't know how they fight, how many people are stationed at the border, the distribution of combat power, etc. We don't know at all. We just need to go to the border first to see. , and then make plans.”

After Qingyun finished speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother Huya, we still need your help if we can get revenge. You big tribes have dealt with the Dayong people for many years, so you should be very concerned about their tactical combat power and distribution of troops. Be clear, please let me know, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

"Brother, if you say that, you will be offended. Without you, I would go to attack the border. With your joining, our army will be even more powerful this time, and it will definitely set back the spirit of the Dayong Dynasty."

Afterwards, Huya didn't hide any secrets, and shared all the information about Dayong's move to the border with Qingyun. The leaked information was not about our army, so there was no psychological burden.

Mengyiluo's heart seems to have overturned the five flavors, both sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, it is difficult to sum up.

Back then when the Meng family army was stationed at the border, each checkpoint was very strict, and foreigners couldn't even fly in a mosquito, let alone the most important thing, the defense map of the border.

Today's border is like a sieve, full of holes, anyone can get a foot in.

Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong clicked their tongues. It is hard to say whether the border of the Dayong Dynasty is from the Dayong Dynasty, and the foreigners know it better than them.

Qingyun scratched his head, and finally cupped his hands, "I'm overwhelmed!"

With the information about Huya, Qingyun sent someone to check. Huya had a token, which saved a lot of trouble. He followed Huya all the way through the foreign army, went around to the front line of the battlefield, and stayed away from the main camp.

Qingyun and the others are convenient to move, they have nothing but a weapon and dry food, the sky is the quilt, and the ground is the bed.They lit the fire, roasted dry food, and rested after eating.

The Huya side is more luxurious. Tents are pitched, blankets are spread out, tables and chairs are placed, and milk tea is made.

Qingyun, Bai Yanheng, Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong and four people were roasting dry food around the fire. Qingyun asked Bai Yanheng, "How true is his information?"

"One point. Marshal Qian is a man with deep scheming and powerful means of controlling his subordinates. The generals who follow him are devoted and loyal. To put it bluntly, in the northwest, he is the king and his territory. Do you think he will take himself The royal map of the territory was leaked?"

Qingyun and the three shook their heads.

"I guess what was leaked must be the defense map of the northwest part where Marshal Meng was in the past. After he took over the northwest, he must have made drastic changes secretly."

Qing Yun thought about it and said: "What do you mean, it might have been true before, but now it might be a trap?"

If she were Qian Qishan, the border defense would have to be remodeled.Marshal Meng and the Meng family army were wiped out, who knows if anyone escaped?

Besides, there are other members of the Meng family alive. If his opponent knows, will he enter his marshal's mansion and assassinate him according to the old defense plan?
To be on the safe side, it's better to remodel it. If someone comes to seek revenge, they can make a fool of themselves.

If the foreign army attacks, they will be able to trap them.


Two days ago they received news from Mad Wolf, the atmosphere in the border city was tense, and there were frequent movements in the barracks.After the foreign army suppressed the border, the Western Army Camp mobilized 20 soldiers to guard the city wall.

The garrison general, vanguard and others, mad wolf is not yet capable of inquiring.

Qian Qishan is an old fox, he seems to have a good relationship with the foreigners, but he fears that he doesn't have any trust in him, when the foreign army comes, he immediately sends troops to defend and prepare for war.

Qing Yun didn't know what he was thinking about, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and said in disbelief: "Did Qian Qizhi treat foreign territories as his own?
It is said that foreigners are good at raising war horses.It is said that Qian Qishan has [-] elite cavalry, they are invincible in every attack, it is very mysterious, no one has ever seen it before.It is said that those who saw the cavalry died. "

When it comes to war horses, Qingyun is also envious.

The Dayong Dynasty was mostly forests, and marching and fighting were not very efficient. With a cavalry in hand, it was a magic weapon.

Bai Yanheng looked up at Qingyun, he didn't say anything, Qingyun already understood.

"A bit greedy!" Qing Yun said, "As far as we know, he has a silver mine, a weapon workshop, and food for the entire Northwest, and now he is still eyeing the horse. I think he not only wants to be the king of the Northwest." , and want to be the king of the Dayong Dynasty."

"A general who doesn't want to be an emperor is not a qualified general." Tian Duoliang interrupted suddenly.

Qingyun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "That's very well said."

Qingyun smiled on his face and wiped away the sweat in his heart. The stronger Qian Qizhi's army, the weaker they were. If it wasn't for their dangerous tactics, their graves would grow taller.

Right here, someone from the Liao Department came over, and Huya invited Qingyun to join them as the accountant.

"I'll go there. When the spies come back, let me know immediately." Qingyun confessed before going over.

The three of Bai Yanheng and Bai Yanheng will no longer be surprised. Along the way, Huya often asked Qingyun to come over to get together, and he didn't know where Qingyun was angry with him. The relationship between the two became more and more friendly.

"Brother Yanyun is here, just made milk tea, try it." Seeing Qingyun arriving, Huya poured a bowl of milk tea and put it on the table.

When Huya invited her to drink milk tea for the first time, Qingyun thought it was similar to modern milk tea, and when she drank it, it tasted cool.

Whoever drinks it knows.

Then she sprayed.

Later, I learned from Bai Yanheng that the ancient milk tea is completely incomparable with the present.In ancient milk tea, salt sauce, vinegar and spicy are added.
Qingyun is really not flattering.

Huya invited her to drink milk tea again, but Qingyun asked her to add only sugar and nothing else.Huya hated it at first, but after drinking it with Qingyun a few times, he gradually got used to the taste.

Qingyun drinks slowly from a bowl, one of her few hobbies, drinking milk tea is one of them, but it's a pity that pearl coconuts are missing.

"How do we fight this battle? Opposite is the general of the Dayong Dynasty. This time, General Chen is the defender of Marshal Qian. He is a strong general under Marshal Qian. He is so powerful that he has a heavy hammer in one hand."

Huya called Qingyun over, just to inquire about Qingyun's battle plan.

"I plan to go to the battlefield tomorrow to learn about the battle strength of the Dayong Dynasty and the generals, and then discuss the plan. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!" Qing Yun said.

Qingyun didn't even have a battle plan, so Huya asked Huya to find out.

They never planned to fight the frontier army head-on, and they were not second-hand. They couldn't see the situation clearly, so they had to know how to use roundabout tactics.

As soon as Qingyun left, Huya asked the military division: "Military division, what do you think of this matter?"

When he arrived at the border, he found that Yanyun and the others were not so impatient, they were reluctant to act for a long time, and he didn't know what they were planning.

"Young generals, their decisions are very wise. They don't understand the opponent's combat style on the battlefield, which is very dangerous.

I don't know if the little general has noticed that the priest next to Yanyun is very scheming. It seems that Yanyun is making up his mind, but in fact it is the priest who is behind the scenes. He must be careful. "

"They don't move, what should we do? In a few days, my father will definitely find out that I'm here..." Huya was a little annoyed, they were all here, and he couldn't be reconciled without a fight.

"Little general, don't be impatient, Yanyun and the others are here to avenge their clansmen, they can't wait too long.

They will take action within two days at the most. I have sent someone to watch over them. When the time comes, we will follow them and let them take the lead. "The military division said sinisterly.

This is using Qingyun and the others as cannon fodder.

Qingyun and the others are also using Huya and the others, neither of them are good people.

 Thank you for looking back at the past, it has passed away, and I voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thank you Peiyo for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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