Chapter 59

Originally planned to bake a few days of sweet potatoes, Song Wenqian asked him to bake half a basket. Seeing that Qingyun had no objection, Old Man Li baked half a basket as instructed by Song Wenqian.

After eating, Qingyun told everyone about the plan.

"That's what I thought, wait until the early hours of the morning before going down. At that time, many people fell asleep, and we quietly sneaked into the fringe team. If someone finds out, don't be afraid, don't be nervous, and say let go and come back."

"There's another problem. We are too clean, and our faces are so good that we don't look like fleeing deserters. So before we go down, everyone cleans up, wipes some charcoal on their faces, rolls their clothes on the ground a few times, and sprinkles them on their heads. A few handfuls of ashes can kill fleas, and try to get closer to the refugees.”

After Qingyun finished speaking, he asked Song Wenqian, "Old man, do you have anything to add?"


"Does Uncle Li have anything to add?" Qingyun then asked Old Man Li, and Old Man Li waved his hands in panic, "No, no, the young master is very good."

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, then found a big tree to rest against, Song Wenqian came over and took her to the side to complete today's task.

Li Laohan's family saw it and guessed that the young master was forced by Mr. Song to study again. The family of three couldn't hold back and laughed secretly, a little gloating.

Qingyun touched his face and endured it.After sneaking into the army, the old man should have no chance to teach him.

In a group of people fleeing from the desert, two people suddenly appeared to study. It was so strange that it was enviable.

After completing today's task, a few people cleaned themselves up, pulled out black charcoal from the fire, dipped it in some water, smeared their hands black, then rubbed their faces, rubbed their faces darkened, and rubbed their necks. Where it is considered white, it is rubbed black.

Sprinkle some ashes in the hair, knead some leaf juice and mix it together, knead it like a chicken coop, then pour some water on the ground, mix it with the mud and mix it into a muddy mud, go up and roll a few times, so that people are not human and ghosts are not ghosts. Effect.

Qingyun also couldn't get rid of it, rolled a few circles of mud, her face was as dark as Bao Gong's, and she didn't participate in the ashes on her head.

I haven't washed my hair for months, it's greasy and dirty, how can it be clean.

Finally, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't even look at you.


After packing, find a place to rest.Around three or four in the morning, Qingyun woke up and woke everyone up.

"What time is it?" Song Wenqian asked.

How does she know!Ancient times were called differently than they are now.

"In the middle of the night, it's almost time, let's go, Uncle Li and the others are all waiting." Qingyun perfunctoryly helped him put the bamboo on his back.

Li Laohan's family of three had already carried the bamboo loaves, and they were waiting for Qingyun to speak.

"set off!"

Qingyun waved her hand, and everyone followed behind her, each one propped down the mountain with a wooden stick.

It was Qing Yun's idea to have a wooden stick in each hand.With a wooden stick in hand, it can be used as a walking stick to support walking, and it can also drive away snakes, rats, insects and ants in the surrounding grass, and it can be used as a weapon for self-defense.

Three birds with one stone.

On the way down the mountain, Qingyun is optimistic about it during the day, just walk down the mountain.

The cold moonlight sprinkled coldly on the mountains and forests, the wind blew the woods with a "crashing" sound, and there were many shadows in the forests. Occasionally, a lynx made a strange "Jiejiejie" call.

No one was frightened, but got used to the night in the jungle.

A few people didn't dare to light the torch, worried that the firelight would disturb the refugees at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain was in the dark. Fortunately, there was moonlight in the sky, so there was no light at all.

After going down the mountain, a few people tiptoed towards the crowd on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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