Chapter 60

With the lives of several people at stake, no one dared to breathe loudly, held their breath, and cautiously touched the side of the road.

The way down the mountain can be described as thrilling, and several people almost stepped down the mountain.

Orchid was too nervous, and accidentally stepped on the air and fell and made a sound. On the road ten paces ahead, someone woke up immediately, turned over and shouted, "Who? Who's where?"

Qingyun and his party stopped, their nerves were tense, waiting for the person to see that everything was fine before falling asleep.

It was pitch black in the bushes over there, and nothing could be seen, and the man shouted again, "I see you, come out!"

Startled the people around him, he slept uneasy, cursed a few words in his sleep, and fell asleep again.

Orchid was so frightened that the whole person froze, afraid of ruining the young master's plan, she was about to cry, and she shivered and shouted, "Dad".

Old Man Li was also taken aback, and looked at Qingyun and patted his daughter comfortingly.

Qingyun turned back to comfort her in a low voice: "It's okay! Don't be afraid!"

"Brother, I'm sorry to quarrel with you, the girl is timid, let's accompany her to relieve her!" Qingyun walked out from the bushes in the dark.

When the man saw a young descendant walking out of the woods, instead of relaxing, he stared at her vigilantly.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows unexpectedly and clicked his tongue, this person is quite vigilant.The hand behind his back greeted a few people to come out.

Song Wenqian, the old man Li's family of three, supported each other and walked out of the bushes.

The man saw that they were old and young, and even went to the toilet with all their net worth, so he was relieved and lay down again.

Qingyun glanced at it, there were people lying on the ground everywhere, all of them were like smashed mud, and most of them were families huddled together.

Looking around, there was just a little vacancy beside the man.

Qingyun walked over with a few people, and the guy who just got off turned over and stared at them.

There are many robberies on the road, which is an unconscious reaction.

Qingyun smiled and said: "It's okay, don't be nervous, brother, our land has been occupied, and we will squeeze here."

The man leaned over and looked around. There was indeed no vacancy nearby. He glanced at a few people and lay down slowly.

Qingyun dug out the straw mat from the bamboo grove. Old man Li woven it, it was not big, only enough for one person to lie down, and the old man lay down on the floor.

"Old man, you sleep here." Qingyun took off the bamboo stalk on his back and put it on the grass.

Song Wenqian was really exhausted. Since he was with Qingyun, he didn't pass the road in the dark. Tonight, he went down the mountain in the dark. Not only him, but also the old man Li's family was probably too tired.

Came over and didn't lie down to sleep, just sat and rested, and waited for Qingyun by the way.

The remaining open space, squeezed, can still be spread for two, Qingyun motioned to Li Laohan to spread.

Old Man Li glanced at Qingyun, hesitated, and pulled out two straw mats from the bamboo grove, one for his daughter-in-law to lie down, and the other for Qingyun, "Young master, lie down here."

The word "Master" was really humming in his throat. If Qingyun hadn't stood beside him, he would have thought it was the sound of mosquitoes!
"Uncle Li, it's very late, don't worry about it, just lie down and sleep for a while, and we have to hurry at dawn." Qingyun waved his hand and turned back to the old man.

Song Wenqian pointed to the other end of the straw mat and said to Qingyun: "It will be one night, you sleep on the other end."

The straw mat was only that big, and when she lay on it, the old man had nowhere to sleep.

"You sleep with you, and I'll be here for one night." Qingyun pulled out her straw mat from the bamboo grove and covered it with the grass by the roadside. The person lay on it and pressed down, the burrs were a bit piercing. Still bearable.

(End of this chapter)

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