Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 61 I'm A Little Jealous

Chapter 61 I'm A Little Jealous
Song Wenqian twitched, it was too rough, how could he look like a young master from a rich family.

Orchid took out a small bamboo pot from the bamboo grove, only the size of a child's arm, pulled off the lid, grabbed a handful of herb powder from the inside, and sprinkled it all around the straw mat, including Song Wenqian Qingyun's place.

The young man saw Qingyun and the others tossing from beginning to end. When he saw a few people turning over the straw mat, his eyes widened in surprise.

It was the first time I saw Fu Huang wearing a straw mat... I thought that this group of people was very funny, I smiled sarcastically, turned around and lay down, but I couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning, just uncomfortable.

I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that tonight the ground is not only extremely hard, but also extremely uncomfortable, making him extremely uncomfortable.Turning over, seeing a few people snoring in sleep, turned over again.

It was bright, and the street was silent all night. It was lively, shouting, beating and scolding, just like a vegetable market.

Among the refugees, Qing Yun didn't dare to sleep. He closed his eyes and rested. Hearing the people around him getting up, he glanced at the few people who were still sleeping, but did not wake them up and asked them to sleep more.

Looking down the mountain from the top of the mountain during the day, it doesn't seem to be very far, but walking at night is not the case. It took almost two hours to walk down, and I was tired and sleepy.

Putting away the mat and stuffing it in the bamboo grove, he walked to Song Wenqian and old man Li to look at things.

Several of them are next to the side of the road, not blocking the way of others.

Qingyun brought their bamboo lobster over and put a piece.Separately, there will always be times when you can't see it, and if someone is taken away, you can't feel bad for her.

Last night that person also woke up, yawned and sat up and stretched.

It was only then that Qingyun saw that the other party was a young man, his face was dark and his appearance could not be seen clearly, he should not be very old, not more than 20 years old.

The young man glanced at Qingyun, then swept over a few people on the ground, watching the refugees busy like ants, packing up their belongings, and then continued to walk forward step by step numbly.

After dawn, passing refugees saw several people sleeping on the ground, with straw mats under them, and their eyes widened in surprise. They walked several steps forward with the crowd, and looked back in disbelief.

Maybe when they first fled the desert, some people fled with their belongings, and they lost all the way, and at the end there were only people left.

Still skinny.

Song Wenqian looked at the straw mat they were lying on, and the color of the straw was still very bright. It was estimated that it was not long before they were made.

After fleeing the famine, I still have the mind to make straw mats, so I don't need to think that my life will be fine.

If they were like them, all day long for stuttering, for saliva to drink, and thinking hard, who would have the leisure to weave straw mats, just to sleep more comfortably.

There are many people who think so.No, it's worth remembering.

Qingyun's first battle plan failed!
It was useless for her to turn herself into a beggar. She underestimated the greed of people, underestimated the IQ of the ancients, and even underestimated the temptation to eat.

Even if they were just suspicious, they had to see it with their own eyes to believe it.Even if you have seen it with your own eyes, you may not believe it, thinking that you have hidden things.

The savage man who thinks he is strong and strong, sees a few bamboo louvers behind Qingyun, his eyes light up, he walks over and roars fiercely: "Hey, boy, open your bamboo louver and show it to grandpa. Look."

He subconsciously ignored the wooden stick in Qingyun's hand, and only thought when he saw it, this kid is holding a brave one.

The young man glanced at Qingyun, then looked at the barbarian, and then glanced at the old and young who were still sleeping like pigs... a little jealous!
 Collection is so hard to grow, I haven't moved up for ten days and a half.

  I'm really having a hard time...

(End of this chapter)

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