Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 62 Fighting, afraid of who

Chapter 62 Fighting, afraid of who

Why doesn't anyone care about him that much?

After a night of sleep, the sand and stones on the ground caused his back pain, and now his butt is also panicking. After thinking about it, he moved to the old man's straw mat to sit and watch the play.

Don't be afraid to bring disaster to the fish pond and suffer innocent disasters.

Seeing the excitement, they didn't leave.The refugee, who was about to die just now, gleamed as if he had been beaten with blood.

He glanced at Qingyun's weak and weak body, and then glanced at the tall and arrogant savage man. He felt sympathy for Qingyun's suffering, and wished that the savage man would beat her hard.

In short, the mental process is very complicated.

Those who have suffered and suffered at the hands of barbarians want others to be treated the same as him.

Humans are complex species.

For example, you have been beaten up by bullies all the time, you feel unlucky, you feel miserable, and your life is dark.

If someone gets beaten up by a bully with you, even though they sympathize with him, they feel less miserable.

Such is the mentality.

Qingyun's cold eyes swept across the faces of the crowd watching the excitement.The eyes flickered, with a fierce look in their eyes, and there were many people with bad intentions.However, they were smart and didn't jump out to watch the fun among the refugees.

The savage man was used as a gun and didn't even know it, and when he saw Qingyun didn't make a move, he stared fiercely.In the past, as long as he stared, all those refugees were trembling with fright, their faces as white as ghosts.

It's a pity he didn't know that he was hitting an iron plate.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows with a wicked smile, pierced his provocative gaze, and said stubbornly, "If you don't open it, what can you do?"

He raised his chin, squinted his eyes, arrogant, and translated the playful and arrogant young master incisively and vividly.

The barbarian glared angrily, "You brat, don't toast, don't eat or punish you, wait for your grandfather to make a move, and you'll be half your life."

The barbarian rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the young man sitting on the straw mat from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he had no intention of helping, he raised his hand and threatened Qingyun.

Qingyun pouted in disdain, "It's the grandson who doesn't do it."

Fight, who is she afraid of!
The savage man was so angry that his face was blushing, and in front of so many people, he was called "grandson" by a skinny chicken. Do you want his vicious name?
Threats and intimidation are useless, just slap when they come up.

The refugees let out "Sisi" gasps, thinking that this kid is miserable, and they don't know what it will be like to be beaten by the barbarian.

God is pitiful, a broken leg is indispensable.

very pitiful!
If you break a leg on weekdays, take good care of it at home and keep it for a few months, you can still go to the ground.

I am fleeing from the famine right now, and those with intact arms and legs may not be able to survive. One-legged... The one who was maimed by a barbarian, no one dares to help. In a few days, there will be another corpse on the roadside!
The cowardly person did not dare to look, and had already closed his eyes, waiting for the constant screams to sound.

"Little brother, do you want to help?" The young man behind suddenly asked Qingyun.

"Need not!"

Qingyun didn't turn his head back, but tilted his head, and the barbarian's hand was empty. Before he could swipe again, the wooden stick in Qingyun's hand hit the barbarian's arm. "The sound, the whole arm broke.

"Ah~ my hand." The barbarian screamed in pain, cold sweat broke out on his head, and his face turned white all of a sudden.

Hearing the screams, the onlookers thought that the boy had been poisoned by a barbarian, and sympathized with him, but secretly opened their eyes.

When they saw that the screaming man was a savage man, the refugee let out a "Sisi" gasp again, but this time looking at Qingyun, it was not sympathy but fear.

(End of this chapter)

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