Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 63 The Blackmailer Comes

Chapter 63 The Blackmailer Comes

No one would have imagined that this young man who looked weak and could not help but be a ruthless man.The shot was even more ruthless, the savage just slapped him, and he broke his arm.

"What's wrong? What happened? Qingyun?" Song Wenqian was so frightened that he woke up from his dream by the shrill scream. When he woke up, he went to find someone from Qingyun, worried that he was not serious and would offend someone who shouldn't be offended. Poisoned.

Old man Li was also woken up by the fright. Seeing the refugees all around him, staring at a few of them, he felt nervous and hurriedly woke up his daughter-in-law.

"I'm here, old man, did I wake you up?" Qing Yun didn't turn his head but responded, then put the wooden stick on his shoulder, grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

In the eyes of the refugees, those white teeth were like sharp serrations, biting at them in a cold light.

The refugees involuntarily took a step back.

Seeing that Qingyun was fine, Song Wenqian heaved a sigh of relief, swept over the surrounding refugees, and then looked at the young man still sitting on the straw mat, and poked him with a wooden stick to make him move away.

Qingyun glanced at the old man, sat down on the ground, and continued to watch the play.

Song Wenqian calmly put away the straw mat, stuffed it into the bamboo grove, and then pulled out a small bamboo board to sit on.

Very leisurely.

The young man sucked his teeth and Hanako, thinking, these people are really interesting!
Old man Li had already collected the straw mat, and brought his daughter-in-law to Mr. Song's side. He swept over the dense crowd of refugees who came over, and his eyes flashed with worry.

If those streams come, they're all fucked up.

Looking at the young master in front of him, the young man is obviously thin, but he feels very powerful, as if with him, there is no longer anything to be afraid of in this world.

"Whoever wants to see my Zhulou, feel free to come."

Qingyun smiled brightly. He looked like a little sunshine (in the eyes of the refugees), but his feet were vicious. He stepped on the brutal man who was about to run away, and his toes crushed. Collapsed to the ground again.


The barbarian spat out a mouthful of blood, tilted his head, and lost consciousness.

The refugees stepped back again, and warned themselves in their hearts that they should not provoke this little devil if they provoke anyone.

"Boy, don't go too far, let go of my big brother."

A few refugees suddenly rushed out of the refugees, all of them tall and big, three of them still holding guys, a sickle, a shovel, a kitchen knife, and the other two also holding wooden sticks.

Seeing the five people rushing out, the young man narrowed his eyes and said to Song Wenqian, "Master, your grandson is really going to suffer this time!"

Song Wenqian glanced at him, glanced at Qingyun again, and did not speak.He also wanted to know how Qing Yun's skills were, and intuitively these were not his opponents.

The young man is baring his teeth, this old man is a little interesting!He looked mysterious and unpredictable, like an expert outside the world.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these five people are not in the same group as the barbarian. The barbarian has been trampled on by the young man for a long time, and he has never seen a few of them come out to ask for someone.

They want to blackmail youngsters and use barbarians as an excuse.

"Boy, you hurt my eldest brother. There is no medicine to catch on the way. If you go down with this stick, my eldest brother's arm will be useless." Said the refugee with the sickle.

"My eldest brother has both the old and the young, and the whole family counts on him to support him. Now that you are abolished, I can't be beaten by you in vain. Let's use something to cover the debt! We are all kind people, and we don't ask you for money. No, you don't either, just those useless bamboo groves behind you."

The onlookers gasped for air again, thinking that the boy was really miserable this time.

(End of this chapter)

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