Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 64 The Big Bully

Chapter 64 The Big Bully

Five to one, the refugees still have weapons, and the youth only has a wooden stick, so there is no chance of winning.

Hearing those shameless words, Qingyun laughed, so much that his waist was bent, and tears came out of laughter.

The mother is a hippie, blackmailing her head... Since she was born, this is the first time in the world!
How rare!
"Your big brother?" Qingyun laughed enough, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and kicked the savage man with his feet.

All the refugees only saw the barbarian, like a cuju, flew towards the five people, and shouted "Ouch" in their hearts, crying out for the barbarian.

The five refugees were all stunned. I really didn't expect the young master to say hello without saying hello.

They only saw a black shadow flying in front of them, "Bang", "Bang", "Bang", three consecutive sounds, knocking down three, and two standing stupidly, not knowing what was going on.

Lan Hua jumped up with joy and almost shouted "Young master is awesome", Yu Guang saw the shocked eyes of his parents, and immediately reacted that the situation was wrong, and squatted down with suppressed excitement.

The refugees onlookers were taken aback and then slowly calmed down, wiping the cold sweat from the fright.

A false alarm!
Fortunately, there were refugees in front of them blocking them, otherwise they would be the ones to be smashed, and they would have nowhere to reason if they were disabled or dead.

Do you see young people as reasonable people?

The three homeless people who were smashed and stunned, after recovering, kicked away the brutal man who was pressing them.

Excuses are no longer needed, they are readily available.

I was beaten by a skinny monkey, where did I put my face?Sweeping around the refugees, everyone seemed to be mocking them.

The evil fire in my heart scurried upwards, got up, and rushed towards the young man angrily.

"Little brat, ate a bear's heart and leopard's guts, dare to challenge your grandfather, grandpa will send you to the west right now..."

Before the word "天" was uttered, Qingyun carried the wooden stick forward, like a game of mice, one person and one stick.

The ground screamed miserably.

The five refugees rolled on the ground in pain, blood pouring out from their heads.Just listening to their shrill howls is terrifying.

How painful is it to make five tall men roll on the ground?

Qingyun narrowed her eyes with a smile, a savage man was not enough to deter those who had bad intentions, and she was waiting for people to fish, and people brought them up.

Stepping on the face of the refugee closest to her, the wooden stick was on the ground, the corners of her eyes were raised, and she smiled evilly.

"When Grandpa swept the streets of East and West and dominated Chang'an, you didn't know which corner you were hanging in! Tell Grandpa, who are you! Huh?"

Qingyun squinted slightly, she had embarrassed the Shangguan family, and was intimidated by a few scumbags!Tsk, if the old man knew, he would definitely fix her!

Qingyun was unhappy, and his toes lightly rubbed his face under the soles of his shoes.If you don't kill it, you're killing it for the people!

The trampled refugee clearly felt the killing intent of the young man, and intuitively told him that the young man would really kill him, and he was so frightened that he fainted.

The refugees clearly saw that the refugee's face was crushed by the teenager, and the point was that the teenager didn't seem to have any effort.

Where did this freak come from, I'm so scared!
Song Wenqian didn't know where Chang'an was, but looking at Qingyun's expression, it was not difficult to guess that he was not only a playboy, but also a bully, the big bully who dominated Chang'an.

In other words, didn't the stinky boy lose his memory? Why is it so smooth when he says Chang'an?

(End of this chapter)

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