Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 65 You Can't Be a Good Citizen

Chapter 65 You Can't Be a Good Citizen
Suddenly, she smelled the smell of urine, and the smell came from the soles of her feet. She glanced over and swept to the wet trousers of the homeless, and Qingyun walked away with disgust.

The refugees probably did not expect that a soak in urine would save his life!
This is a living hell!

The refugees have been identified, and they have to hide in the future.

It was not lively to watch, the crowd dispersed, everyone went back to their own homes, what to do.

Qingyun walked back with the wooden stick, she had wanted to act like this a long time ago.But there was a big mountain on her head - her old man, just about to jump up and down, the dead old man pressed her down mercilessly.

She has lived for twenty years, and she has never escaped the palm of the old man's hand.

Tears come from thinking too much.

The broken ancestral hall of Shangguan's family, the eldest brother doesn't want, the eldest brother went abroad to be chic; the second brother doesn't want, the second brother got into the entertainment circle and became a star; the third brother doesn't, the third brother blends into a domineering president.

The fourth brother doesn't want it. The fourth brother joins the army, whether it is life or death, the ghost doesn't know, anyway, she hadn't seen each other for four years, before she fell into the water.

When it was her turn to say no, she wanted to go to the rivers and lakes, and was chased and beaten by the old man with a broom in the yard. It was so painful that she shattered her dreams of rivers and lakes.

The dream of rivers and lakes is gone, and from time to time, I have to help the police in the county to patrol and catch the gangsters who are stealing chickens and dogs.

The most painful thing for her is the free one. If she wants to save her private money and run away, she has no chance.

If it wasn't for the old man pressing her down, she would have beaten the rascals looking for their teeth and let them know why the flowers are so red.

Because of them, she, a beautiful girl like flowers and jade (the girls in the county town called her a handsome little wolf dog), was stunned to be trapped in the small county town that was the size of a palm.

Seeing my second brother showing off on TV every day makes me angry.

There was a flood in the village, and the old man called and urged her to go back to the village to patrol. She was suddenly pushed into the water and came here.

The poor mother must have done it by the villagers. If she knows who is behind the scenes, she will break his/her hand bones.

Back then, when she watched the TV show, she was very envious of those heroes, not because they had eliminated violence, but because they stood on the tallest tower in Chang'an City, and the government looked at the domineering of the whole Chang'an.

No, it was too deep into the play accidentally, and even Chang An shouted out.Qingyun was very satisfied, this wave of pretense was too good, although it only beat a few refugees.

The past cannot be traced!

Qingyun wiped her face, it's not easy to get along in the rivers and lakes, and seeing what happened to her after she came, it would be better to be squeezed by the old man, at least she was full of food.

Sadly, she also pursued this!The damn thing is, even this little pursuit, these people don't want her to have it.

Can she lose her temper?

It's not that she is violent!Reality forced her to not be a good citizen!

"Father, the young master is amazing!" Lan Hua whispered to the old man Li, looking at Qingyun's eyes, like passing a filter, just like looking at the gods in the sky and worshipping them blindly.

The little bit of love and admiration that just appeared, disappeared.God, it's not something that a mortal like her can remember.

Old man Li looked at his daughter carefully, and in her eyes there was only worship and a sigh of relief.The young master is not an ordinary person, but it is not something his daughter can remember.

Qingyun, who killed chickens and served as an example, did a very good job. Those who have bad intentions and want to make a fool of themselves will know what happens to the five refugees.

The road after that was very smooth.The refugees kept their distance from them intentionally or not, and those malicious eyes disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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