Chapter 66
"Old man, go and relieve yourself. Uncle Li, your family is one."

Early in the morning, Qingyun was so hungry that he greeted a few people with a bamboo grove.

I didn't care about the five refugees on the ground, it was up to God to live or die.After walking a few steps, he went back and put away the shovel, sickle and kitchen knife.

This is good stuff, booty.

"Aunt Li, I'll give you the kitchen knife." Aunt Li cooks deliciously, and Qingyun gave her the kitchen knife to make the best use of it, so she doesn't have to ask her to borrow a dagger.

"Orchid, you know herbs, this shovel will give you the medicine. Uncle Li, this sickle is for you."

Almost according to their specialties, the points are particularly appropriate.After the spoils were divided, Qingyun continued to move forward.

Li Laohan's family of three was the happiest, but he didn't expect the young master to distribute these things to them.Not only a tool, but also a self-defense weapon.It is because he owes Mr. Song and has nothing to share, Old Man Li feels guilty!

The surrounding refugees looked at the old man Li's family of three enviously, and they also wanted it.

Song Wenqian didn't want to go, he didn't, and when he saw Qingyun carrying the bamboo louver, he understood what he meant, and carried the bamboo louver to follow.

The old man Li called his daughter-in-law to catch up.

The corners of the young man's mouth twitched, and the last hut had to be piled up?Who urinates more than anyone else?

Qingyun found a thick bush, which was dense and deep, a little far from the main road.

"Eat quickly, and hurry up when you're done."

Li Laohan's family of three looked at Mr. Song, and all actions followed his old man's.

Song Wenqian said, "See what I'm doing, are you not hungry?" Then he took out the sweet potato from the bamboo grove to eat.

Old Man Li's family of three looked at the young master who was eating fast, and Mr. Song who was eating slowly. He gritted his teeth and grabbed a few from the bamboo grove to eat, carefully staring at the outside while eating.

Qingyun ate seven or eight sweet potatoes, but took out a bamboo jar to drink water. Seeing Old Man Li's actions, he smiled knowingly, "Uncle Li, eat slowly, I'll be watching outside!"

Qingyun went out with a bamboo stalk, sat on the grass by the roadside, glanced at the young people who were still there, and turned to look at the refugees who were slowly walking past.

The young man took a piece of grass and looked at the refugees in a condescending manner, the thatch in his mouth swaying up and down.

With the young master staring outside, Old Man Li heaved a sigh of relief and swallowed so fast that he choked.

"What are you doing in such a hurry to eat, and no one is robbing you. Drink some water!" Aunt Li said and handed the bamboo jar to her wife.

Old man Li took a sip, but refused to drink it.

Song Wenqian had almost finished eating, rinsed his mouth with water, and swallowed it.He wiped his mouth, picked a few leaves and wiped his hands. He went out with a bamboo stalk and said to Old Man Li, "Brother, don't worry, eat slowly! We'll be waiting for you outside."

Hearing the movement behind him, the young man turned his head to look, his eyes swept over the old man's mouth and Zhu Lou, and suddenly smiled.

After the old man Li's family of three came out, Qingyun carried the bamboo lobster on his back and said, "Let's go!"

A group of people followed the refugees and walked forward. Taking advantage of the fact that the sun was not very bright, several people walked forward at a faster speed, much faster than the refugees.

Qingyun and his party left, and the young man followed, falling behind them slowly, five or six steps away.

Lan Hua looked back and muttered to her father, "Father, that person is still following us, do you want to tell the young master?"

Old man Li looked back, then shook his head to signal her not to be too busy.There is only this way to go forward. They go, others go the same way, whether others go in front or behind, it doesn't matter.

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(End of this chapter)

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