Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 67 Are you a devil?

Chapter 67 Are you a devil?

Qingyun naturally found out that the young people who followed them were not malicious, so she didn't care.

This road doesn't belong to her, she doesn't care whether others walk or not, and she doesn't care whether to walk in front or behind.

Glancing at the corpses on the road, there are a few occasionally, not as terrifying as the old man said.

Qingyun guessed that the ones who died the most should be halfway through, and the people who have survived after fleeing the famine are almost all ruthless people with good luck and determination.

The further you go, the fewer people will die.

The higher the sun climbs, the higher the temperature.Looking up at the sun hanging high in the sky, Qingyun wiped off his sweat, feeling that the top of his head was scorching hot, and it was about to smoke.


Song Wenqian's clothes were soaking wet, his feet were shaking from exhaustion, and seeing Qingyun who was only blushing and sweating from the sun, he sighed, "Youth is good!"
Of course, never forget to urge him to study.

Are you the devil?
Qingyun stared at him in shock, he was tired of walking, and he still endorsed?Afraid that the brain is not sick?
"Don't bother, you need to drink water if you talk too much, but there's not much water in the bamboo pot!" Qingyun didn't bother to talk to him.

Song Wenqian choked and didn't insist any longer.It is true that there is not much water left, and it cannot be wasted here. Looking at Qingyun's eyes is a bit regretful.

What regrets, only the old man himself knows.

Qingyun shuddered, always feeling that someone was trying to plot against her.Looking back at the exhausted few people, their eyes swept around, and saw a small forest on the side of the road in the distance, saying:
"Work harder, there is a small forest not far ahead, go there to rest!"

A few people followed her words and looked forward, far away, there was a dark forest, which should be the grove that Qingyun said.

The corner of Song Qianqian's mouth twitched, it was not too far away, and he was almost invisible.

Qingyun saw how tired they were, they had to carry things on their backs, and walked at this speed...

This will not work!But she can't help it, worrying people!

After walking for an hour, I came to the grove.At the latter point, Song Wenqian was helped by Qingyun.There are already many refugees in the grove taking refuge in the summer.

Qingyun walked with a few people into the grove, picked a piece of open space, and laid a straw mat for Song Wenqian to sit down.Aunt Li orchid, the old man Li is taking care of them.

The straw mats of the two were next to each other.

Qingyun sat down against the tree and rested for a while, then glanced at the refugees lying on the ground, and turned to the mountain behind the grove.

The young man also entered the grove and picked a place not too far from Qingyun's group.

Qingyun glanced at him, waited for them to rest, and said, "Go, go to the toilet!"

It's almost become their secret code.

No, as soon as Qingyun finished speaking, a few people got up to put away the mat and followed her to the bushes.

After eating, Qingyun said: "I have something to discuss with everyone. We have been going down the mountain for a long time, and everyone must know the situation. It is two different things to go on the road in the woods. With so many eyes on it, it is inconvenient to eat and drink. , the sun is also big. At our speed, we can only reach Longqing Mansion in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.”

Song Wenqian and several people have a deep understanding.It is really comfortable to travel in the woods, it is not so dry, so when you are tired from walking, you can take a rest, eat something and drink some water.

It was different after going down the mountain. After walking for half a day, several people were so tired that they were panting, carrying their things on their backs, and walking more slowly, like a turtle crawling.

"That's what I think. I'm strong, and I carry everything on my back. You have nothing on your back. You're not so tired. If you walk fast, you will have more time to travel. Speed ​​up and shorten the time to reach Longqing Mansion. What do you think? ?"

(End of this chapter)

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