Chapter 68

After dragging so many people, she almost lost her confidence.

After thinking about it, it is indeed a solution.

"Are you okay?" Song Wenqian asked, there was still a long way to go, and if Qingyun had an emergency, it would not be worth the loss.

"It's okay if you can't." Qingyun's expression was firm.

So it's settled.

Several people poured all the yams in the bamboo louver into the Qingyun bamboo louver, and there was no half a basket. There were four bamboo pots with water, which were also put in Qingyun. The seats are full of bamboo groves.

The empty bamboo jars were divided by several of them.This time a few people felt much lighter, and then walked out together.

After resting for another half an hour, the couple continued on their way under the sun.The refugees who were still resting in the woods glanced at them, but it was none of their business, and continued to sleep with their eyes closed.

When it got dark, Qingyun asked a few people for their opinions, "Do you want to rest?"

"Keep walking, it's still cooler when it's dark," Song Wenqian said.

Several people buried their heads and continued on their way.

Like Qingyun and the others, there are many people rushing on the road in the dark, and the big guys are not stupid. It is hot and sunny during the day, and they can't walk very far. It is better to travel in the dark and sleep during the day.

Without a watch, and without looking at the mobile phone, Qingyun couldn't estimate the time by the light of the night.Slower and slower, and at the end, it moved forward step by step.

It's cool in the dark, but it's not easy to travel. Many refugees who are tired from walking lie down and rest on the spot.Avoid stepping on people. Several people walked on tiptoes and walked carefully through the gaps among the refugees on the ground.

Qingyun supported Song Wenqian, looked back at the old man Li's family behind him, and searched for open space on the road.There are people everywhere that can sleep.

After walking for a while, I found some vacancies on the side of the road. It is not enough to place two straw mats side by side, but one is fine.

It may be that there is a ditch under the side of the road. The refugees were worried that they would fall off too far, so they did not sleep on the side, but it was cheaper for Qingyun and a few others.

Qingyun had laid out Song Wenqian's. Behind her straw mat shop was the old man, and in front of the old man were the two orchid girls, and in front of the two of them was the old man Li.Qingyun and Li old man, one after the other, guarded the three old and weak of them in the middle.

"Do you want to go to the toilet?" Qingyun sat down and asked Song Wenqian.

Song Wenqian waved his hand, too tired to say a word, his eyes almost closed.I didn't notice it when I was on the road before, but now I feel my feet numb when I sit down. I'm tired, sleepy and hungry, so sleepy that I just want to sleep.

Qingyun stuffed two yams into his hands, and carried the bamboo shoots to the orchid side.When Lanhua saw her coming, she shook her head as well. They were also sleepy, tired, and hungry. They didn't want to move and just wanted to sleep.

Qing Yun grabbed two handfuls of sweet potatoes and put them in their hands, then grabbed a few more for Old Man Li, and returned to the bunk with the bamboo stalk.

Qingyun grabbed a few sweet potatoes, wiped them casually, and then devoured them.Fortunately, the person next to him slept to death, and the cold potato had no fragrance, so I could eat it with confidence.

Song Wenqian and a few people lay down, turned their backs to the refugees behind them, and rustled like mice to eat.

After Qingyun finished eating, it was not safe to place the bamboo louver on the left and right. After thinking about it, the stick was inserted into the slope down the road, and then the bamboo louver was hung on the wooden stick. She lay down and faced the bamboo louver.

Very good, if anyone comes, she will know immediately.

In the middle of Qingyun and the others, where there were four or five people, the young man who lay down sniffed, looked up at Qingyun and the others, touched his starving stomach, tightened his belt and lay down.

(End of this chapter)

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