Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 69 Enough Trouble

Chapter 69 Enough Trouble
He didn't smell it wrong during the day, this group of people really had something to eat.I don't know where they got the food from, the young man added his mouth, so hungry!
To be honest, he also tried their ideas, but after seeing that the youth's force value was too high, in contrast, he gave up because he had no chance of winning.

He didn't know why he wanted to follow this group of people!Intuition told him that it should be done.


"You brat, dare to steal my things and see if I don't kill you."

Hearing the angry shout, Qingyun, who was in a daze, turned over instantly and looked over at the noisy place. His vision was hazy, and it took a few seconds to clear.

This kind of snatch happens every day, but Qing Yun glanced at it and turned to look at the straw mat next to him.

Song Wenqian, Old Man Li, and the others were also woken up. Orchid, who hadn't woken up, was stunned. Seeing that there was a lively scene over there, she got up and ran over. Aunt Li couldn't even call back.

Since Qingyun took care of those refugees, this girl has become much more courageous and more lively.

Qingyun rubbed his face to make him awake, and then looked up at the sun in the sky. It was estimated that around ten o'clock, he scratched his head habitually, but grabbed the oil in his hand, and was about to wipe it on the robe, when he saw that the robe was not clean. Where to go, I picked some leaves and wiped them off without changing their color.

Image... no image anymore.

The bamboo shoot was brought up, the stick was taken out, and everyone went to the toilet together while waiting for the orchid to come back.

As soon as this idea changed, Lanhua ran back, ran rampantly in front of Qingyun, and said angrily: "Master, that refugee is too much, bullying a child, he is obviously stealing people and things, and he has to frame the child for stealing him. The child is really pitiful! Young master, you are so powerful, help that child."

Qingyun glanced at her and turned to ask Song Wenqian, "Old man, go to the toilet!"

There are too many injustices in the world, how can she manage it.Besides, she's not a good person either.

What was the illusion that made Orchid think she was a good person?
"Master..." Lan Hua looked at her eagerly.

Old man Li was really pissed off by his daughter, and he caused trouble for the young master. Can't they see what happened to them?

Master, enough trouble!

Qingyun looked at Song Wenqian and hoped that Song Wenqian would refuse for her.

Song Wenqian lifted his eyelids and said, "Make up your own mind."

Qingyun looked back at her, the tip of his tongue was stuck against the root of his teeth, he picked up the wooden stick, and said coldly, "There will be no next time."

Maybe she was suppressed too hard by the old man, Qingyun doesn't like others to control her very much, and hates others to kidnap her morally.

Orchid stepped on her bottom line.

Lanhua's heart trembled, knowing that the young master was angry, she lowered her head and walked back to her parents slowly.

"Young master has enough troubles. There are so many things to worry about in a day. You are still making trouble for the young master. Are you ignorant? I'm so pissed off."

Aunt Li dragged her daughter and slapped her a few times. Their family is all in the light of the young master. If the young master left their family because of this, what would he do?
Aunt Li was so angry that she wiped her wet eyes and sat down sulking.

Old Man Li also glared at Lanhua, "Save some snacks!"

Song Wenqian glanced at the old man Li and the old couple to train the daughter, closed his eyes and did not speak.

Orchid refused to accept it, and retorted in a low voice, "I'm not wrong, the young master is so powerful, what's wrong with the help? It's easy. That child is really pitiful. He was almost beaten to death by the refugee, and he bleed a lot..."

"You said," Aunt Li beat her again in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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