Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 70 I Kicked, I Have An Opinion

Chapter 70 I Kicked, I Have An Opinion
Orchid wanted to refute, but when she saw her father's suddenly cold face, she was so frightened that she immediately choked back.

Old man Li glanced at Mr. Song and said to his daughter, "You will follow your mother obediently in the future, and don't make trouble for me. Next time, if you come up with bad ideas, there is no need for the young master to rush, our family will leave immediately."

Don't look at Mr. Song forcing the young master to study, the young master resists irritably every time, cursing and cursing, as if the young master was forced to do so and looked very bored.

He could see clearly that Mr. Song never made the decision for the young master, and would not cause trouble for the young master.The young master seems to respect Mr. Song very much and can listen to his opinions.

What is their relationship with the young master?
Even though the young master called him "Uncle Li" and "Uncle Li", Old Man Li knew in his heart that they had nothing to do with farts, nothing.

If it wasn't for Mr. Song's sake, would the young master take care of them?

Orchid looked up at her father in shock, and finally lowered her head with red eyes.The girl is a smart one and figured it out quickly.

In the past few days, she has been a little bit flirtatious, a little blind and arrogant, so arrogant that she is in charge of everything for the young master, but she has forgotten her identity.

Let's say that when Qingyun pulled away from the crowd, the onlookers were annoyed by her, and they were about to scold her when they looked back and saw her carrying a wooden stick, shut her mouth wisely, and made way for her.

In the middle of the field, the black and thin man kicked the child on the ground violently, scolding while kicking.

The child is very thin, curled up, holding his stomach tightly with both hands, his face is blue and purple, and there are blood stains on the corners of his mouth, which shows that he has suffered a lot.

What attracted Qingyun's gaze was the fierce gaze of a child and wolf cub, glaring fiercely at the person who beat him, neither crying nor screaming nor making trouble, let alone asking for help from the people around him.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, rarely showing a hint of pity for him, walked over, and kicked the man over.

"Which bastard kicked me?"

The black and thin man got up while scolding, seeing a young offspring holding a wooden stick, his arrogant arrogance immediately collapsed.

"I kicked, do you have any opinion?" Qingyun smirked, "Are you a big man beating a child, do you have any shame? Shame?"

Seeing someone stand up for him, the child was stunned for a moment, glanced at Qingyun, and continued to stare at the man who beat him, as if others would be afraid of him.

"He stole from me," said the thin black man.

"What did he steal from you?"

Qingyun glanced at him up and down, he was black and thin, and it looked like he was malnourished.Looking at the tattered and patched clothes and straw sandals on his feet, this image looks like a farmer.

I can't scrape oil on my body, and something has been stolen?
Qingyun snorted, but before he could speak, the child on the ground immediately scolded his neck, "Fart! I dug it out, you see, I robbed me because the child couldn't beat you."

Qingyun went to look at the black and thin man's hand, and the black and thin man immediately retracted his hand behind his back. This move clearly shows that there is no silver 300 taels here!

Qingyun's face sank, and the wooden stick tapped the ground, smashing a small hole, "Put out your hand, don't let me say it a second time."

The onlookers sucked in a breath of air, looked at the pit, and thought if the stick was drawn on them...

Seeing that Qingyun's expression became more and more impatient, the wooden stick moved again, the black and thin man shuddered in fright, and slowly stretched his hand forward.

Those black and thin hands were like chicken feet, dirty, but there was no fresh soil.

Qingyun turned to look at the child, his tone was a little better than that of the black and thin man.

(End of this chapter)

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