Chapter 605

With [-] new recruits joining, Qingyun is like a tiger with wings added, the size of Guangcun has doubled, and the arrival of supplies has solved the problem of the brothers' winter.

Hei Xiong also talked about some changes that happened in the county.Hearing that the population of the county had increased by over one hundred thousand, of which sixty to seventy thousand joined the army, Qing Yun smiled.

With those people, Qishan can be regarded as a real county.

While making friends with the nearby barbarian tribes, Qingyun and the others expanded their business, sold seeds to teach farming, and at the same time allocated half of their troops to the border to make troubles.

In just one year, the village raised flocks of sheep and cattle, and a separate mountain depression was set aside for raising horses. The experience of raising horses was learned from the barbarians.

Subtly, the barbarians accepted them from the bottom of their hearts. Not only the nearby tribes knew that there was a Yanhuang tribe, but even some middle tribes had heard of the Yanhuang tribe.

Many barbarian tribes have also visited Qingyun and their tribe. Regarding the fact that their tribe has no women and children, the explanation to the outside world is still the same.

They came from the Land of Punishment, the outside is not peaceful, the old and the weak, women and children all pay attention to the Land of Punishment, and the young and strong come out to earn a fortune.

Many barbarian tribes didn't know about the Land of God's Punishment, but through their propaganda, many small and medium-sized tribes heard of it. They all looked at Qingyun with pity, and no one asked them about women and children anymore.

The main reason is that the barbarians want to buy seeds from them, and if there is a problem with the crops in the field, they need to ask them for help.

With a horse farm, it is natural to buy cavalry.Qingyun and the others paid a lot of money for favors by sacrificing their connections and abducting them from the barbarians to learn the cavalry training skills.

"Master Qing, Master Du sent ten urgent letters in a row, please go back immediately." Heiba, who had just returned from the county seat, took out ten letters from his arms and handed them to Qing Yun without even drinking water.

Qingyun shook the stack of letters and asked, "Did you say anything?"

"I don't know, Mr. Du didn't say anything." Heiba ​​shook his head, Mr. Du would not tell him what happened in the yamen, after driving for more than a month, he was so hungry that he grabbed the pancakes on the table and gorged himself.

Qing Yun knew that it was useless to ask Hei Ba, so she wondered what happened to the county government and she had to go back.After thinking about it, it seems unlikely that something big will happen.

"Is the county all right?" Qingyun asked while opening the envelope, is there a flood, drought or earth dragon turning over?
"It's okay!" Heiba ​​said without thinking.

Hearing that the county seat is fine, Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "How was the harvest last year? How is the field this year?"

"The harvest is good, the fields are good, the old man is good, the yamen is good, and the house is good."

Heiba ​​didn't know what Master Qing wanted to ask, and there was nothing wrong with the county seat, so he simply agreed, suppressed the doubts in his heart, ate a few pancakes, filled half a pot of water and said, "Master Qing, it's okay, I'll go back first .”

Qingyun nodded, opened the envelope and saw that there were only two big words 'quick return' on the paper, his mind was dazed, he stared at those two big words for a full minute, then threw it aside.

"What is Chun'an doing?"

Qingyun murmured, and opened another letter, but there were still only two big characters of "quick return", which made Qingyun mad, and even the five letters he opened had these two words, and the content of the next five letters changed, but the content the same:

Something big happened, hurry back!

Qingyun almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, what the hell!
(End of this chapter)

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