Chapter 606

Bai Yanheng temporarily took over the affairs of the barbarians, Meng Yiluo assisted, Tian Duoliang, Heixiong and the others only had to follow orders.

The center has only one purpose: to make the border unsettled, and prevent the old thief Qian from sending troops to Qishan.

Secondary task: To develop their influence in the barbarians, it is best to quietly incorporate the barbarian tribes, gradually expand the territory, and strive for the right to speak in the barbarian tribes.

In short, Qingyun's long-winded and nonsense is a lot of nonsense, and the above two meanings are succinct.

As long as it's not farming, Tian Duoliang, Black Bear and the others said it's fine.
Under the reluctant eyes of Meng Yiluo and others, Qingyun left the village in the night with a full load of supplies, and returned to Qishan just in time for the summer harvest—the rice harvest.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city gate recognized Qingyun and his group from afar, opened the city gate to welcome them, and sent someone to the yamen to inform them.

"My son~~~, you are back"

Mrs. Shangguan hugged Qingyun and wept, her heart twitching.The son has been away for two years. He was a nobleman when he went out, but he was a beggar when he came back. He suffered a big crime when he was away.

The image of Qingyun and the others is indeed embarrassing.

They went out at the beginning of March, and it was still cold at that time. They wore thick fur coats, carried a lot of supplies, and had to avoid various tribes of the barbarians on the way, eating and sleeping in the open. The two-month journey dragged on for four months.
When Shangguan Zhenhua saw his son coming back, the corners of his eyes were also red. He rushed over and wanted to hug Qingyun, but he also wanted to put on his father's airs, but his wife hugged him. Alright, just come back, madam, shall we go in first and talk later!"

Mr. Shangguan, who just arrived, glanced up and down at the good girl, and his heart was finally settled, and he could finally sleep comfortingly tonight.

Qingyun's scalp was numb, and while trying to coax his old mother not to cry, there was Wu Yalian who pulled her sleeve and called "cousin" next to her, and there was another cousin behind her, who was quiet and gentle.

From the corner of the eye, I saw my old man coming and going, the father and daughter didn't say a word, Qingyun was helpless and angry, what's the matter.

"Look at you, I'll make your mother cry as soon as you come back. Madame, don't cry, don't cry, it breaks my heart." Seeing his wife crying, Shangguan Zhenhua's eyes were red and swollen, and his heart ached so badly. He stared at Qingyun angrily.

Qingyun: "."

After finally coaxing the old lady, the group of people surrounded Qingyun and went back to the backyard.

Qing Yun looked back at Du Chun'an at the door, Du Chun'an cupped his hands and nodded, expressing his understanding, and then watched helplessly as the lord was dragged away by his wife.

The matters in the backyard were arranged by Mrs. Shangguan, Qingyun was pushed to wash up, and then was invited to the old lady's yard by the maid, Shangguan Zhenhua and Shangguan Qingyun were also there.

There was a large table of dishes in the room, all of which Qingyun liked to eat.

"Are you hungry? Sit down quickly, it's all your favorite food," Mrs. Shangguan pulled Qingyun to sit down, and then kept bringing her food, telling her: "Eat more, lose weight, get dark, are you outside?" Tired? You said you don’t know how to take care of yourself, no matter how busy you are with your business, you can’t stop eating!”

She is a woman in the back house, she can't help, and she doesn't know what Qingyun is busy with.She didn't understand, the yamen was here, and the bandits were wiped out, so why run outside?
Qingyun stuffed his mouth full of food, and when the old lady said something, she nodded.She doesn't know if she is thin or not, but black is definitely not black, it seems to be white.

(End of this chapter)

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