Chapter 607

Didn’t there be a saying in the previous life: If your mother thinks you are skinny and dark, then you are skinny and dark.

In her previous life, her mother left earlier. She was probably two or three years old. She was too young to remember her. Anyway, her brother and the others said that her mother was the best and gentlest mother in the world.

As long as she can remember, she practiced kung fu under the old man's stick, she cried until she had snot and tears, practiced in winter and summer and practiced in summer. The hard and sad journey is unknown!

Qingyun thought, if his mother was still there, she should be just like her.

Mrs. Shangguan kept serving food, and Qingyun kept eating. She ate two-thirds of the food on the table by herself. She refused when she couldn't eat anymore: "Mom, I can't eat anymore. I'm full."

Mrs. Shangguan looked at Qingyun's bulging stomach before putting down her chopsticks, her son didn't like her feeding him before.

"Where have you been for the past two years? What have you been up to? Didn't you go home during the Chinese New Year?" After tea was served, Mrs. Shangguan asked Qingyun about his experience in the past two years.

"Qishan is really too poor. It was terribly damaged by bandits in the past. It lacks everything. It is the first time to be a county magistrate. I have no experience. I don't know how to improve the lives of our people in Qishan. I went to other counties to see and learn from it. How did the other county magistrates manage it? They went to a few more counties, which delayed a little time."

The matter of going to the barbarians must not be revealed. Qingyun organized the language, picked up what can be said, and then made up some funny and interesting stories, perfect.

After Mrs. Shangguan finished laughing, she asked suspiciously: "You go to learn from others, how come you look like a beggar?"

She doesn't understand the ways of the officialdom, but she has eyes. It's not right for her son to be treated like a bitch when he comes back.

"Mother, I made a private visit in a low-clothes suit, and no one can know about it. The imperial court has laws and regulations, and local officials are not allowed to travel without permission. At least, they will be imprisoned, and at worst, they will be sentenced to death.

I went out with great fanfare, and I didn't even know how I died.Not to mention far away, the Li Futai in Weiyang is worried that he won't be able to catch me. If that bastard finds out that I sneaked out, our family, one counts as one, will pay for it. "

Shangguan Zhenhua squinted his eyes, turned his eyes to fool his daughter-in-law's son who was stunned for a while, and felt a little relieved inexplicably.

The silly bastard has finally grown up a bit, if he is still the same stupid as before, he has to count the money when someone buys him.

The effect was so severe that Mrs. Shangguan was startled, she stopped questioning Qingyun, Qingyun was relieved, and then sternly told the servant girls in the house, whoever dared to leak the news, cut off their tongues and hair and bought them.

I had dinner with cheap father and mother, and chatted for a while, most of them were Mrs. Shangguan who asked Qingyun to nod, then asked Qingtian about his homework, and then gave them the gifts they brought back before leaving the house.

"Father, I'm back."

Qingyun left Mrs. Shangguan's yard, raised his feet to his own old man's yard, and yelled loudly at the door.

The old man Shangguan looked at the girl with flying eyebrows, knowing that she was not wronged outside, he snorted coldly, "I am willing to come back, my soul is not left outside!"

"Look at what you said, you are always here, where can I go if I don't come back. Do you know where I am going this time, let me tell you"

Qingyun dragged a chair, and talked about everything about her life in the barbarians with great vigor.In front of her own old man, she is different from the cheap parents. She let her nature fly, and she didn't hide anything.

 Thanks to Jiafei Mao, Fengluo Lanchen, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thanks to jly69, Peiyo for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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