Chapter 611

The news was sent back by Crazy Wolf's spies, and he was also surprised when he received the news. What was surprised wasn't that Mr. Li was coming to make a surprise attack, but that Crazy Wolf's intelligence network had reached such a powerful level.

"Weiyang Li's Mansion is coming to surprise?" Qingyun slowly sat upright, frowned and gestured back and forth: "It's all torn, how dare he come to Qishan? Who gave him the courage?"

Du Chun'an also wanted to know.

Back then, the county magistrates extorted a batch of food from Li Futai, and even killed Liang Butou and the others who had come. Counting one or two, the two parties not only had no relationship, but also had a deadly enmity.

"I still need to pay taxes for three years. Where does he have the confidence of shit?"

After so many things, there are very few things that can change Qingyun's mood, Li Futai's shamelessness really shocked Qingyun.

"What is Qi Shan's situation now, doesn't he know? He thinks that he is still the old thief who relied on money and ruled over Weiyang as the emperor of Lifu Taitu, so much so that he is blinded by everything, thinking that I am still the weak man three years ago. A deceitful county magistrate? Call him and call him away."

Qingyun gritted her teeth after she said that even the word 'MMP' was not enough to express her indignation.

"The border guards are going to send troops to Mount Qi to suppress the bandits. The officials guessed that those officials who are attached to Marshal Qian must have received the news, and the news from Li Futai should be more detailed than others.

It is impossible for Li Futai not to send people to spy on Qishan and the bandits at the border.There was a sudden war on the border, and there was no sending troops to suppress bandits at the border. Li Futai must know about it.

The next official guessed that Li Futai's move must be instigated by someone, and you and I know the person who instigated him.The adults think that they have torn face with Li Futai, but Li Futai may not think so.

The fast-moving yamen servants of the Grain House witnessed the robbery with their own eyes. Can we be blamed for this incident?We left empty-handed, and many yamen servants were killed or injured, who is going to ask for the injustice we suffered?
We all know that bandits are rampant in Mount Qi, whoever has the guts to go out alone, we are accompanied by hundreds of people when we go out, and more than half of us will be killed or injured when we come back.When Butou Liang and the others came to Qishan, who knew whether they were killed by bandits or eaten by wild animals. "

Qingyun blinked and blinked again, "It makes sense, I think tearing his face is my unilateral opinion. According to you, not only can I not kill him, but I have to greet him with a smile?"

It's not worth it for Qingyun to raise his eyebrows and make false claims with Li's family!
Can't afford it!

"Three years of taxation, the grain tax alone is a huge amount, not to mention other messy taxes, I don't want to pay a penny. What a good thing to think of if you get something for nothing! The grain in the warehouse is all the hard work of the brothers. If it comes out, I will feed it to pigs and dogs, and I won’t give it to them.”

Du Chun'an twitched, saying who is a pig or a dog?

My lord is the first person who gets angry and scolds himself.

"Marshal Qian may be suspicious of something. The war happened too suddenly and too coincidentally. Anyone would be suspicious. There is no evidence to prove that it is related to Qi Shan, and he is not at ease. That's why there is such a surprise attack on Li Futai.

Under the pretext of collecting taxes, firstly, to pry into our attitude, and secondly, to pry into our real strength.The weak attitude just reassures them of their suspicions. Li Futai can use Marshal Qian's feather as an arrow to forcefully collect taxes for three years, enrich their private treasury, and weaken and oppress the development of Qishan.

A tough attitude proves that we have an unknown hole card behind us.How big is the hole card, is it enough to compete against Weiyang's local army?Or is it enough to counter the border troops?

If it is the former, Qishan is not enough to cause trouble, and sending a barracks at the border is enough to wipe it out.If it is the latter, it will be dreadful.

The next step is endless probing, what is the hole card?Where did it come from?Where are you hiding?Until they find out the hole cards behind them.Once Marshal Qian knows that we are secretly raising troops in Qishan, after the border war is over, Qishan will be destroyed. "

As long as you are not a fool, you can't agree to allow people with ulterior motives to raise private soldiers on your own territory.

Military taboo!

Qingyun was silent, thinking in another way, if someone raises private soldiers in Qishan without telling her, needless to say, kill them, if they don't kill them, save it for the New Year!
It was indeed a big deal, Li Futai had seen her before, so he couldn't find someone to impersonate her.There is definitely a problem if the magistrate of a county is not in the county government.

"Go, go to the study and talk."

Qingyun got up and left, there are some things that can be discussed in court, such as the coming of Li Futai.Some things are not acceptable, especially those involving barbarians, which are the most confidential matters at the moment.

It's not that I don't believe in their character and loyalty, but that there is no need to trouble.They have only been in the officialdom for a year, and they haven't experienced many things, and they haven't undergone rigorous training, so they can't be calm and indifferent to each other.

Li Futai is an old fox, if something abnormal happened to their faces, it would be a disaster for Qishan, it would be safer not to know from the beginning.

Du Chun'an followed, and the two continued their conversation while walking.

"We have established a village on the barbarian side, and the brothers are all good. They worked hard to learn the barbarian language, and established friendly relations with the nearby tribes. Finally, we have gained a firm foothold.

Every other month, half of the troops are sent to the border to provoke a war between the two sides. This war will not stop for two or three years, and the border will not be able to draw troops to Qishan for the time being. Within these two or three years, Qishan is safe of. "Qing Yun said.

"That's good! Without the backing of Marshal Qian, Li's Mansion is just a paper tiger, which can be broken with a single poke." Du Chun'an heaved a sigh of relief. The better the development of the barbarians, the safer Qishan will be.

"What are your plans for Li Futai?"

"Soldiers come to block the mountains, water comes to flood the soil! Courtesy first, then soldiers! Courtesy is not enough, then force is suppressed.

When it comes to my land, the dragon or the tiger has to be held by the master, and this three-acre land does not allow outsiders to be presumptuous.The county magistrates are all killed, and there will not be many Futai. "Qingyun's cold eyes were full of coldness.

Du Chun'an understood, my lord is a person who is so courageous that he can poke a hole in the sky, Li Futai is nothing, if he is ignorant of current affairs, he will be killed!
After Qingyun came back, before he told him about the barbarians, he was arrested by Du Chun'an to work, and he was busy for two or three months.

Qingyun talked about the development of the barbarians and picked up some important matters. The more Du Chun'an listened to it, the more he felt that Bai Yanheng was a wise man with great talents.

It's really strange why such a talented person has been reduced to the point of being a bodyguard for others.Thinking of his own experience, the miserable fate of the Meng family army, Bai Yanheng's role as a guard is not so outrageous.

After all, it is the fault of this world, forcing people to have no way out.

The two stayed in the study all afternoon, only to realize that it was too late when it got dark, and then ended the conversation.

 Thank you son for visiting the brothel together, Shang Mo voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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