Chapter 612

"Look at my brain! Chun'an, wait a minute." Qingyun suddenly remembered something, and called him again.

"What else is there for, my lord?" Du Chun'an stopped and turned to look at him.


"The yamen is very good!" Du Chun'an thought about it.

Qingyun was amused by him, "I mean this is my Shangguan's house, not the county yamen. There has been no magistrate in Qishan for more than ten years, and the county yamen has long been abandoned and turned into ruins. How can there be a yamen.

In the future, no matter whether Li Futai or other officials are coming, they will not be entertained in my house.The county town was rebuilt, and the ruins were also under planning, which hindered the development, and the house was pushed back and rebuilt. "

After hearing this, Du Chun'an understood that Shangguan's house was built on the site of the original yamen, and later to deal with Liang Butou and others, they falsified the ruined yamen on the front street and back alley, and later the county was rebuilt, and the fake yamen disappeared.

"There is no place in the center of the city. It is either a shop or a private house. The layout is different and the area is not large. It cannot be used as a government office."

At the beginning of the reconstruction, no one thought of building a yamen alone. When the adults built the house, they even built the court together, and everyone acquiesced.

No one expected that three years later, there would still be officials who dared to risk their lives to come to Qishan.

Qingyun walks around the county town every now and then, and with her eyes closed, she can draw a topographic map of the entire county town.Not to mention the center of the city, there is no place in the four directions of the east, west, south, and north.

Qingyun is so annoying, the bastard cakes that make trouble for others are as good as before, no one will come to Qishan, let Qishan be isolated from the world, and fend for itself.

"I remember that there is a rocky beach beside the pier, which is quite big. There are too many rocks to grow things, and no one opens up wasteland."

Du Chun'an knew about the place Qing Yun mentioned, so he twitched his face and said, "The land is quite big, so it wouldn't be a good place to build the yamen there, right? It's too close to the water and the wharf, and there are warehouses around, so there are pawns in the daytime." Vendors yelling, it's too loud."

The location of the yamen is very particular, it cannot be built with a piece of land, and it is too easy to fool people, any house has better Feng Shui than it.

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a yamen, it has nothing to do with me to deal with Li Futai, whether he believes it or not. I have been in office for three years, and the court didn't give me a penny of salary. I selfishly paid for my family property to build a yamen. There are not many people who are as virtuous as me."

Have you misunderstood Gao Fengliang?
You are the magistrate, you have the final say.

What can Du Chunan say?
He can only say: "Your Excellency is wise!"

"There is still half a month before the summer harvest, and there is still time. Tomorrow, a call to action will be posted at the door, and the people will be recruited to work. The wages will be calculated according to the original wall construction. The materials don't need to be too good, old ones are fine, and the specifications don't need to be big, according to Guanshan County. The yamen is built, only the public hall is built, and there is no need for a backyard. The backyard is built and no one lives in it. It is a waste of money. The house does not collapse, and there are no other requirements.”

No one knows the size of the court in Guanshan County better than Du Chun'an. He has been on duty there for ten years.

"Follow the order." Du Chun'an took the order and turned to leave.

A full moon shines in the sky, and with the windows open, people can be seen in the room without lighting the lights.

Qing Yun sat without moving, thinking of Wu Yalian, who persevered in blocking her every day, when she saw her, she looked aggrieved and resentful, as if she had betrayed her, she had a headache and didn't want to go back to the backyard.

"grown ups"

Du Chun'an, who had left, came back again.

"Why are you back? Is there anything else?" Qingyun looked at him suspiciously.

Du Chun'an nodded, "It's something! Do we need to be notified about Li's coming? We don't know when he will raid Qishan, so we can't be on guard every day!

The old people in the yamen servants have rich experience, and they don't have to worry about humble positions. They have experienced many things and can cope with them with ease.The new batch of boys are still too immature to know the situation, and I am worried that they will be tricked inadvertently. "

The so-called old people were all killed out of the mine with Qingyun. In the past, these people were straight-minded and only knew how to fight and kill.After following Qingyun Tian Duoliang, after seeing all kinds of methods, at least he has made a lot of progress in crooked ways.

"Your worries are not unreasonable. Let the brothers be vigilant and watch out. Once you find a stranger, please come to the yamen as a guest." Qingyun said.

It's better to keep it secret than to hide it from everyone to worry about bad things. It's better to make it public. Everyone knows it and naturally takes precautions.

"Just notify the yamen, you can prevent the brothers but not the villagers! When your lord is not in the yamen, who doesn't know, just ask anyone on the street, and they will come over." Du Chun'an said worriedly.

This is still Qing Yun's fault, he likes to walk around the street every day, if he doesn't go for a walk around the street, people will come to the Yamen to ask.

Who is to blame!

Qing Yun with black lines all over his head: "..."

"Not only the yamen, the county seat, but also nearby villages must be notified."

Qingyun thought for a while, then smiled evilly and said: "All the villages in Qishan must be notified, and tell them that Li Futai from Weiyang is coming to Qishan to collect taxes and collect taxes owed for three years. The parents, the officials, swore to the death that they disagreed, and Li Futai was furious, and angrily reprimanded me for dismissing me, and planned to conduct private visits in undercover to investigate my crimes, and report to the imperial court to question me."

"By the way, the brothers in the village have been training for so long, and those who came out of the village should go home to visit relatives. We are joining the army seriously, and we are not doing anything shameful. I can't see my family anymore."

Du Chunan remained silent.

"The villagers are kind-hearted, simple and honest. They have never seen the world, and they are not guarded against outsiders. They are easy to be deceived, thinking that everyone is as kind as us. As a member of the army, you must know common sense things and be vigilant. , tell them to talk to their family members after they go back, especially those who have colluded with bandits."

After listening, Du Chun'an smiled, "This plan is very clever, very clever! The people of Qishan have a deep understanding of what kind of life they lived three years ago. They don't want to return to the hellish life before, and they must face a big enemy.

In this way, all the people up and down Qishan Mountain are our spies.My lord is extremely wise and easily resolved the crisis, I admire him for his humble position. "

Du Chun'an calmly praised Qingyun, and his admiration was true, and said: "Go down to the humble job and make arrangements!"

Qingyun scratched his chin, and felt that he was extremely witty!
"Chun'an is not bad, he has vision!"

"Cousin, are you done with your work? Uncle and the others are waiting for you to have dinner together!"

Qingyun who had just walked to the door, heard Wu Yalian's voice outside, Qingyun subconsciously wanted to avoid, then thought of something and walked out.

She suddenly remembered that it was not safe outside, and this home was also a ticking time bomb.

Qingyun decided that the brothers guarding the study should be rewarded. Thanks to them sticking to their posts and guarding against death, Wu Yalian didn't break into the study.

 Thank you Ashley, Blue Eagle Business Technology, Min, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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