Chapter 625

"General, where did you go? Did you go wrong?"

When Qingyun first entered the mountain, he saw everything fresh, touched the trees and flowers, and recited a few sour poems when he encountered a beautiful place.

After the freshness wears off, she complains that there are too many mosquitoes, which killed her, and then complains that the sun is too hot, which kills her, and then something cuts her and she bleeds.After walking for a long time, he said he couldn't move anymore.

In short, the interpretation of a rich son who has never suffered a lot is very good.

The brothers who followed were twitching, admiring Master Qing for being able to act.

General Li Lifutai was still in the mood to deal with him at the beginning, but he pretended not to hear him later, and let the Shangguan family worry.

Damn, it's fine.

Women are not as delicate as him.No wonder Shangguan's family wants to get rid of the family, it's so annoying.

General Li Li Futai regretted asking him to come.

"What is he going to do again?" General Li's tone was very bad, he didn't even bother to look at Shangguan Qingyun now.

"I guess I'm tired from walking." The lieutenant general said, "He's so weak, he can't lift his shoulders and hands, what can he do? If it wasn't for the Shangguan family helping him secretly, he would have starved to death. Shouting so loudly, I can’t even do shit.”

The ones who looked uglier than them were the members of Shangguan's family, no, they were persuading and cajoling again.

The brothers put on a fierce expression and said, "Master Qing, are you making too much noise like this?"

Qingyun looked aggrieved: "What is too much, I blush, I don't need internal energy to sweat? I have to meditate for half a year to recover the internal energy consumed in the past few days. It's a big loss to play with them for a few days."

Well, you are the boss and you have the final say.

He looked at General Li and the others with apologetic expressions, and then went over to discuss with them, "General, sir, do you want to take a break? After walking for a long time, everyone is tired."

Is your family tired?

I didn't go ten miles in half a day, so I was ashamed to call myself tired.

"It's all sloping land here, so it's not easy to camp, so go ahead."

General Li didn't agree, he procrastinated and walked around again, but he didn't agree to rest anyway, so he found a place to camp in the evening, Qingyun was so exhausted that he was carried into the tent.

Entering the tent, Qingyun immediately jumped up and down, beckoning the brothers to bring food in quickly. In order to stabilize her image of a frail scholar, she hasn't had enough food these days.

"How about over there?" Qingyun grabbed the big pig's hoof and gnawed.

"There is nothing unusual about General Li. Li Futai threw something in the tent. I just went to General Li's tent. These two donkey shits are holding back. They are probably trying to kill you."

Qing Ye has been a moth all the way, even they can't stand it, let alone General Li and Li Futai, they have killed Qing Ye eight hundred times in their hearts.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and laughed, this is what he wanted.

"Master Qing, when will you do it? Do you want to keep alive?" The brother gestured at his neck.

"What's the rush? It's not time for them to jump over the wall. Take them for a walk!"

It's like walking a dog.

"Master Qing, let me put it in a bad way. It's too deliberate. It's fake at first glance. If you go on like this, the brothers are worried that they will cover you in a sack."

It is a must!

Really, the brothers felt uncomfortable watching Master Qing work.A ruthless man who clearly beat a tiger to death with one fist, opens his mouth and shuts his mouth, shakes his fan and memorizes sour prose...

Li Futai's lame eyes couldn't see it, and General Li couldn't see Master Qing's true face, which was strange.

"So what if you see it? Is there any evidence? You are a scholar, how can you say that you are an author? Disgraceful! Get out!"


Li Futai, who was resting in the tent over there, let out a lot of anger, what a waste Shangguan Qingyun.Not even a fat man can compare to him.

"No, you can't let him drag you on like this. He's going to drag us to death." Li Futai's eyes showed a fierce look, and after he calmed down, he went to General Li's tent. The two of them discussed something inside, and Li Futai left. At that time, the mood was very good.

"General, do you really want to do what Mr. Li said? I always feel that he has no good intentions." The lieutenant frowned. He didn't like Weiyang Futai, and it seemed too cunning.

Li Futai has been targeting them secretly.

"Our lord Futai, when have you ever been kind? Don't you think Shangguan Qingyun's behavior is weird?"

The lieutenant thought for a while, and said: "Is there? The humble officer secretly sent someone to watch him, but he didn't find anything unusual about him. Why did the general say that? Could it be, what did the general find about him?"

General Li narrowed his eyes and said: "That's not true, it's just that... when he was in the county, Shangguan Qingyun was normal except for being a little pitiful. After going up the mountain, he seemed to be a different person. Look at what he did all the way. thing."

"this one?"

The lieutenant general smiled and said, "I thought the general had discovered something. What are you talking about? Those sons of theirs are rich, and they have servants to serve them when they go out. He just came to Qishan to take up the post. He has nothing. It's so difficult. What's more Maids and servants serve.

Shangguan Qingyun looked pitiful in the county seat, and wanted to make money to support himself, but in fact he didn't suffer much, all he was looking for was easy jobs.

It's okay to be a housekeeper for others, or to write letters to others. Wherever you have suffered, it's okay to play tricks.

Going into the mountains is different, the mountain roads are rugged, and the wild animals in the forest are ferocious. Even the soldiers we brought out couldn't stand such a hurry, let alone him?It's normal to make trouble, and it's ghosts if it doesn't make trouble! "

General Li: "..."

The analysis made sense, did he think too much?
After dark, a small soldier came out to release water in the woods, and then disappeared without anyone knowing.


a certain valley

He Qiu and his brothers were digging a stove to cook, and the patrolling brothers caught a man and threw him on the ground.

"The head of the family has caught a man from the yamen and killed him!"

The patrolling brothers saw his uniform and knew that this was General Li's man.When they left the cottage, they came to kill General Li. General Li hadn't waited until his soldiers arrived.

The little soldier looked at the bandits all over the mountain, his legs trembled in fright, and he asked bravely, "Don't, don't kill me. The big boss, the big boss, listen to me, I'm from General Li. Friends are in charge."


He Qiu had a scar on his face, and looked hideous. When he smiled, he stretched the muscles on his face, making him look like an evil spirit.

"There are not many people who make friends with me. Who is your general? Let me tell you."

"Weiyang, the local army, General Li Zhili. My general asked me to send this. Please take a look." Xiaobing thought of the things in his arms, and quickly took them out. It was something to save his life.

The brother next to He Qiu took it and opened it, then handed it to him, and with a secret wink, He Qiu understood in seconds, glanced at the letter, and then put it away.

 Code out, not easy ah!isn't it great

(End of this chapter)

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