Chapter 626

"Big master, General Li looks down on you. He is looking for reinforcements to find Wumo Village. He looks down on our Heifeng Village. Our Heifeng Village is closer to the county than Wumo Village. This is a slap in the face of our Heifeng Village." Xin's brother stared at Xiao Bing fiercely.

"Big... Master, please spare me!" Xiao Bing kowtowed on the ground and begged for mercy.

He Qiu's face was gloomy, and he said: "If the two countries are at war, if you don't kill the envoy, he'll just deliver the letter. It's useless to kill him. If it doesn't work, don't scare him, he's still useful."

The soldier trembled even more, his teeth chattering.

'The two countries are at war without cutting to make' is used here?

The corners of the brother's eyes twitched when he read the letter. Every time He Qiu learned a new word, whether it was suitable or not, he used it.

"Don't be afraid, little brother. The second leader is straightforward. He has a knife and a bean curd heart, and he has no malicious intentions. Tell me about your situation? Why did General Li come to Qishan suddenly?" He Qiu came over and patted Xiao Bing on the shoulder to comfort him.

"The little one doesn't know much, only that the general and Lord Li came to Qishan to collect taxes, the county magistrate of Qishan refused to pay the tax, and threatened the general and the others to suppress the bandits, the general and Lord Li brought the magistrate of Qishan to come together.

The magistrate of Qishan County is useless, all the way..." Xiao Bing described in detail the various activities and tricks on Qingyun Road, it's rare that he didn't add oil and vinegar.

"...Then arrange for the younger one to send a letter to the big master. That's all the little one knows, and the rest is not clear. The young one is just a soldier. He used to be in the Huotou room. He offended someone and was sent here. I beg the big master to spare his life!"

"I know about General Li, you go down and rest first." He Qiu waved his hand, and someone came to chase the soldier away.

Xiaobing thought for a while, then knelt down and kowtowed to He Qiu and the others, thanking them for not killing them.

Xiaobing knew in his heart that he was sent to deliver the letter, and the other party's idea was to let him die at the hands of the bandits.

"What was written in the letter?"

He couldn't see the little soldier, so he asked his brother immediately.He suffers from illiteracy, mother Xipi, when he returns to the cottage, he will learn to read.

Huang Kun was far-sighted, and after joining the cottages, he found this gap, and put a literate person next to the village chiefs of each cottage, just in case of accidents.

"This General Li is a character, and he wanted to go with us Qingyun. Master Qing is torturing them so much, he suspects that Master Qing is playing tricks behind his back, and he doesn't go according to the original plan. He wants to change the route and let us lie in ambush halfway, come with him Cooperate internally and externally, kill Master Qing, and then push it on us bandits."

He Qiu clicked his tongue, he was vicious and cunning, but it's a pity that he met Qing Ye who was more cunning than him.

"General Li attaches so much importance to me, the head of the family, that he doesn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, so he must give this face. Let's go, change the mountain!" He Qiu roared.

"Eldest Master, brothers haven't eaten yet." The second master who read the letter reminded him that the rice was still half-baked.

"After dinner, I'm changing the mountain top."


Qingyun was still sleeping, sleeping like a pig without knowing anything about personnel, the little snoring was beeping, General Li and the others shouted to hurry away, and the brothers on duty outside came in and called her.

"General, it's not even dawn yet, what way are you going? There are cliffs and slopes everywhere, black and black, and you don't know if you fell to your death." Qingyun yawned and went to find General Li.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Qingyun didn't get enough sleep, and Li Futai also didn't get enough sleep, but he didn't make noise, which made Qingyun even more incompetent.

"The spies reported back and found a group of bandits. Looking at their direction, this group of bandits is heading towards the county seat. Mr. Shangguan once mentioned that the bandits rob the tax and food every year, so they will not come to the county seat as usual this year."

Qingyun nodded, and then belatedly said: "The bandits are going to the county seat?"

After speaking, the voice raised a bit, and he woke up suddenly.

"Master Shangguan, don't panic, the bandits are not heading for the county seat. The general suspects that there are bandits or bandits' internal response in the county seat, who leaked the news of my general, Lord Li, and the bandits are coming for us."

"Impossible! There are absolutely no bandits in the county. I know all the people in the county. There are people patrolling the gate of the city every day. If strangers come in, the patrollers will definitely find out.

Not to mention that there will be no internal response, the common people have been harmed by the bandits, their families have been destroyed, their wives and children have been separated, and they have blood feuds with the bandits. Qingyun retorted loudly, never believing his guess.

General Li stared at him quietly, and said after a while: "I believe what Lord Shangguan said, and I also believe the people in the county. The bandits are coming this way, and there is still half a day's journey to get here. The original route is not safe. Change the route." One way, go right now.

Don't worry, Mr. Shangguan, Mr. Li has sent someone back to the county to report, and the county will be fine.Everyone, pack up quickly, the bandits are coming, hurry up, hurry up, leave now! "

Leaving Qingyun to go to the front to urge the army.

Qingyun: "..."

"Isn't it just a coincidence that the bandits are here? Aren't we here to suppress the bandits?" Qing Yun was stunned for a moment, then chased after him and asked.

"Master Shangguan, General Rong Ben reminds you that this general came to suppress the bandits, and he came to recover the tax and food that the bandits robbed. Do the bandits still have food with them when they come out to rob? Bypass these bandits and go directly to their lair, the bandits have come out , the lair is empty."

Qingyun: "..."

Good idea.

Unwillingly, Qingyun stomped his feet, and went to look for Li Futai again. Master Li understood his reason for coming, and scolded him in his heart for looking for trouble, and said with a smile on his face: "Sir Shangguan is dedicated to serving the people, and I admire him very much.

However, there is nothing I can do about suppressing bandits.Qi Shan is isolated from the world, and there are many things that Mr. Shangguan does not know.

The border of our Dayong Dynasty has never been peaceful. There is a war with the barbarians on the border. After several months of fighting, the imperial granary is almost empty, and the household department is also shouting that there is no money.This time when I came to Qishan to collect taxes, the imperial court issued a death order, not only in Qishan, but also in other places.

General Li's affairs, this official can't and can't control, does Mr. Shangguan understand? "

Qingyun: "..."

You are the official, what you say is what you say.

A quarter of an hour later, the large army set off.

I wandered around in the mountains for three days. To someone I don’t know well, I thought I had traveled a long way, but actually walked less than [-] miles, circling between several hills.

From morning to night, without stopping for a moment, treating people like animals.The soldiers led by General Li couldn't see any fatigue. Li Futai and Qingyun were almost exhausted. When they heard that they could rest, they lay down with sore hands and feet.

"General Li found this place well. This valley is very nice, with beautiful scenery, mountains and water." Qing Yun said with a smile.

Suitable for murder and burial.

"Master Qing, the man surnamed Li is dishonest and is leading us around!"

The brothers who followed Qingyun all participated in the suppression of bandits. To put it an exaggeration, there is nothing they don't know about the terrain of Qishan.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket you voted for, okay?

  Thank you baby【】Rongrong for your reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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