Chapter 627

"To each other, we didn't go anywhere honestly. There's nothing to be angry about. I already smelled that kid He Qiu. I want to eat rabbits. Hu Er, you go out and bring some of them back."

Qingyun collapsed into the blanket, "Don't call me if you haven't eaten."

"Brother Hu, I see that your complexion is not very good, and you are being scolded again." The man who came was the commander of a thousand under General Li's account, and he nodded his chin towards the Qingyun tent.

Every time Qingyun was making troubles here, or General Li had some news to convey from Li Futai, he came over, came and went, and got acquainted with Hu Er and the others.

"If you need help, just say, brother, I can't help, there are generals and adults! I have wronged you, follow such people."

Hu Er cried and mourned, wiped his face helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "It's not a big deal to cause trouble for the general and the others, honestly it's not good to bother you, anyway, you are the leader of thousands of people, and you have a lot of things to do.

Mr. Shangguan is capable and treats us very well. Thanks to Mr. Shangguan, we can live a good life now.My lord... Hey, no one is perfect!

Not to mention, adults want to eat rabbits, we are going to kill a few, whether the general likes rabbits, give the general a few more to taste. "

"That's so embarrassing!" The commander's eyes flashed, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, and suddenly patted his head.

"Look at me, I forgot something when I was talking to my brother. I was on my way these few days. For the first time in the world, Lord Shangguan had blisters on his feet. The general was worried that Lord Shangguan specially ordered me to bring medicine. This medicine is a good medicine in the army. If there is nothing outside, you can wipe it on for Mr. Shangguan, and it will be fine tomorrow."

"I thank the general on behalf of my lord." Hu Er accepted it, turned around and sent it into the tent, and then went hunting with him.


In the middle of the night, except for those who were on patrol, almost everyone else fell asleep and fell asleep.

The fire made a 'cracking' sound, and the few fires near Qingyun's side were about to go out. The soldier on duty saw it, glanced left and right, came over to add firewood, and then left quickly.

The few on duty at the door of Qingyun tent moved their eyelids and fell asleep.Qingyun in the tent suddenly opened and closed his eyes.

On the other side of the valley, after a little sleep, Li Futai suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of General Li, and then looked in the direction of Shangguan Qingyun.

"Don't blame us, we were also forced to blame. You can only blame your bad luck. You were born in a Shangguan family. Your Shangguan family has a lot of food and money, so you shouldn't be missed.

Whoever is short of money or food, if you don't die, the Shangguan family will not be in chaos.Think of it as sacrificing for the court and the people of the world. For the sake of being officials in the same dynasty as you and me, leave a whole body for the Shangguan family, and choose a good family for reincarnation in the next life. "Li Futai said with compassion.

If Qing Yun had heard her words, he would have slobbered his face, and opened his eyes and smiled when he heard the cries of mountain owls outside.


The brothers outside heard the cries of the mountain owl, but no one moved. They just opened their eyes and scanned the surroundings, quietly covered the handle of the knife with their hands, and listened to the movement.

In General Li's camp, the soldiers sleeping on the ground suddenly got up, looked around furtively, and then pushed the people around them to wake up, one by one, and more and more people in the camp woke up.

Hundreds of people came towards Qingyun and the others with big knives, their eyes fixed on the arrester lying outside.Hearing something, he squatted down instantly, and when he saw that the person opposite was silent, he continued walking.

Soon there was a soldier standing in front of a policeman, and they raised their knives at the same time, and slashed at the policeman's neck.

Two people entered Qingyun's tent, one of them kicked him hard, and cursed: "Such a waste, he is still the county magistrate of Qishan. If I were the county magistrate, I would be better than him."

"Really? I can't see it!"

A voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, which startled the two of them. After regaining consciousness, they remembered the owner of the voice, and the two of them suddenly became sullen.

How embarrassing to be frightened by a piece of trash.


Another person cursed and grabbed Qingyun.

"I feel bad luck too!"

A knife flashed, and there were two more corpses on the ground in the tent. Qingyun shook off the blood on the knife, opened the tent and stepped out.

"Master Qing"

The brothers who killed the sneak attacker, the tip of the knife was bleeding, and in the firelight, they looked like ghosts from hell, with hideous faces.

Qingyun shook his head, pointed the tip of the knife at the opponent, and said a word softly: "Kill!"

Like a ghost floating without a shadow, the hand raised, the knife fell, and rushed to the next one, and the one just killed saw blood spurting.


The miserable screams woke up the people in the camp. General Li rushed out of the tent, and what he saw was a group of ferocious people, slaughtering his soldiers.

He was most familiar with the arresting officer's uniforms worn by that group of people.

General Li's heart sank, feeling that the development of the matter had lost his control.

Why didn't they die?
Looking at Shangguan Qingyun standing beside the camp, he yelled: "Shangguan Qingyun, do you want to rebel?"

Qingyun stood against the light, General Li couldn't see her expression, nor saw the knife in her hand bleeding.

"General, do you like the gift I gave you?" Qingyun slowly turned around and looked at him with a smile.


"What happened?"

The heartless Li Futai trembled and woke up from the dream. He seemed to hear someone screaming in his ears. The sound was too terrifying.

"My lord, something has happened!" The people guarding outside rushed in when they heard his voice.

"The county magistrate of Qishan rebelled, and they are killing people in the camp. My lord, we have a small number of people, and it's not safe to stay here. Why don't we go and join General Li first."

Li Futai's reaction was numb, he didn't know whether he was awake or he was frightened, he suddenly shivered, and said: "Yes, yes, yes, let's go to General Li quickly."

I gave up the official uniform, and ran out in obscene clothes, without shoes.

In my heart, I scolded General Li for being useless, and the drug did not kill Shangguan Qingyun, how could I be a general.He also said nothing was lost.

As soon as I came here, I heard Shangguan Qingyun's words, "Do you like the present?" '

Right now, Shangguan Qingyun seemed to be a different person, cold-blooded and cruel, not at all like the pitiful appearance they had seen for the first time, nor the delicate appearance of the day.

The knife in his hand was dripping with blood, and he looked at them coldly.

"Isn't this our Master Li? Are you still asleep?" Qing Yun's tone was light, as if two acquaintances were meeting and asking 'have you eaten', if you don't look at the blood on her knife.

Li Futai shivered, "Shangguan Qingyun, what are you doing?"

"My lord, it's boring for you to do this! You're still pretending, aren't you tired all the way?

The officer is tired!

Xiaguan is not good at acting, so he still has to be honest.Of course it's what you guys are doing, so you can do whatever you're an official! "Qingyun said frankly.

(End of this chapter)

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