Chapter 631

"Master Qing, Lord Du, wait a moment."

Sou Ge took the human skin mask and walked to the corner, facing away from the crowd, covered his face with the human skin mask, raised his sleeves to cover his lower face, I don't know how he did it, when he put down his sleeves, turned around, and appeared in front of the crowd What was in front of him was Master Li's face.


Du Chunan was shocked!
Resemblance, so resemblance, no wonder the adults dare to say, give him back Li Futai.

Qingyun's eyes were shining brightly, and he combed his songs in amazement.His eyes were carefully scanned from top to bottom like X-rays, and no flaws were found.

It is even more magical than the current makeup technique.

Du Chun'an had dealt with Li Futai for a few days, and his appearance was also clear, and he walked around Shuge a few times, but he didn't see any problems.

Just looking at the face, it really looks like it.

Then I saw Shu Ge shaking his body, and then his slender body shortened visibly to the naked eye, and slowly swelled up like an inflated balloon until his body was exactly the same as Li Futai's.

Really amazing.

"It's amazing! It's amazing!" Qing Yun's eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't help it, and touched it with his hands, and it felt like real flesh and blood.

How did you do it?
Shuge suddenly said, "Qingyun, when will the tax for three years be paid?"

Qingyun and Du Chun'an were startled.

Even the voice and tone were exactly the same as Li Futai.

"Chun'an, did you hear that? It's exactly the same!" Qingyun couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

During the few days when Qingyun went to the inn every day to collect General Li's Li Futai, there were Huazi and Shuge among the yamen servants who protected Qingyun's safety.

Du Chunan understood what he meant.

"Hanako, Shuge, I have a task for you, and this task is for both of you. I am very optimistic about you. Chun'an, I have entrusted them to you, and you two should follow Chun'an's arrangement."

"Yes, my lord."

When Qingyun left the yamen humming a song, his scalp went numb when he saw Wu Yalian waiting at the gate of the yard.

If she had known that she would meet her when she came back, she would not have come back so early.

"Cousin, I heard from the people in the yamen that you are back, and the bandits in the county have arrested you?" Wu Yalian smiled happily when she saw Qingyun, which shows that Guliang really likes the original owner.

If it wasn't about her life, Qingyun would have wanted to tell her the truth, cut off this evil relationship as soon as possible, get out of the sea of ​​suffering, and find her good relationship as soon as possible.

"I've been arrested and locked up in the prison. From now on, you can go out for a stroll if you want, and stay at home if you want to." Qing Yun said, pretending not to see the expectation in her eyes.

In order to appease her before, he used her beauty, but after using it, he didn't want to talk to her, Qingyun felt like a scumbag.

If she is really a man, even if she has no feelings, it doesn't matter if you marry her. The family will be passed on, it's just Yiwu, and it doesn't make any difference if she marries anyone.

The trouble is, she's not a man, so I really can't marry her, and the longer it drags on, the worse it will be.She puts on her identity as a man, and it's not too late for her to be in her [-]s or [-]s. Gu Liang is over sixteen or seventeen, and there are bad rumors.

Qingyun pressed his forehead, this matter cannot be delayed any longer, it must be resolved.

"Cousin, does what you said before count? When will you mention our matter to your uncle and aunt?"

Wu Yalian glanced at Qingyun lightly, and lowered her head shyly. She shouldn't have said this kind of thing outright. She severed ties with her family, and her aunt didn't want her to be her daughter-in-law, so naturally she wouldn't mention it.

She's sixteen and can't wait.

Well, this Gu Liang couldn't wait and came to the door to ask questions.

"The sun is poisonous, you go back to the yard to rest first, and I'll go talk to my mother now." After Qingyun instructed her, he turned and went to the yard of the cheap mother.

Wu Yalian obediently agreed, winked at a little maid, and went back to the yard.The little maid quietly stared at Qingyun, and returned to report when she saw him enter Mrs. Shangguan's courtyard.

Mrs. Shangguan was very happy to see Qingyun, she looked up at the sky outside, and joked: "It's raining red today, people who usually don't call to come come so early, it's not time to eat now. Tell me, there is What's up?"

"Look at what my mother said, the baby can't come to see you, if you don't like the baby eating too much, I won't come here in the future." Qingyun smiled lightly.

The fact that cheap mother said, she is not embarrassed.

Mrs. Shangguan ordered the servant girl to serve tea and fruits, and Qingyun ate flower cakes.It's delicious, but it's a bit small, one bite, one plate of flower cakes is not enough for her two or three bites.

Mrs. Shangguan watched her finish eating a plate and pushed another plate over. Qingyun ate the three butterfly flower cake, seeing that the cheap lady didn't intend to speak, he picked up the quilt and took a sip of tea.

"Mother, I have something to tell you." Qingyun motioned for cheap mother to let the maids go down first.

Mrs. Shangguan glanced at him and waved lightly, "You all go down and watch outside."

The maids filed out.

"Now we can talk. What's the matter, it's so mysterious."

"Mother, I'm not married to Cousin Lian, right?" Qingyun has no memory of the original owner, her mother will definitely not betroth her, and cheap father doesn't know the truth, who knows if he has engaged in private?
"No, your father mentioned this to me in private before, but I didn't agree to it. Your aunt also came to the house to mention a few words in secret, but I shirked it, and never mentioned it again."

Qingyun used to be best with Sister Lian, but she didn't know if the two of them had decided on a lifelong relationship in private.

The son lost part of his memory, and he also lost interest in Sister Lian, and lost the previous liking, so she did not forbid the two of them to communicate.

"It's a good question, is she pestering you again?" Mrs. Shangguan's handkerchief was about to be ripped apart, but Wu Yalian didn't give up.

Qingyun fully revealed the previous expedient method of deceiving Wu Yalian.

"...I was wrong about this. I shouldn't have cheated her. It's understandable that she blocked the door and asked me to fulfill my promise. Mother, I can't marry her.

She will be seventeen in the new year, and it's not good for her to procrastinate like this.You ask someone to find out, there are those young talents in the county with a bright future, let her have a look, choose the one she likes, and I will give her dowry alone. "Qingyun can only do so much.

I'm sorry!If she hadn't been a hindrance at the beginning, how could Qingyun have had a rift with her mother and blamed her for breaking them up.

She is just such a single seedling, she can't resist Qingyun, Wu Yalian insists on marrying in, but she doesn't stop her, she will bear the suffering in the future by herself.

Qingyun is kind by nature, she would not do such immoral things as a mother.

"My mother knows what's going on with Sister Lian. Don't worry, she can't be my daughter-in-law. I'm still her aunt. I'll inquire carefully. You don't have to worry about the backyard.

You have to be on duty at the Yamen during the day, and you have to study and practice calligraphy when you come back. Take care of yourself and don't let your mother worry.Mother doesn't care about the affairs of the yamen court. "

Mrs. Shangguan didn't want her son to meddle in the affairs of the backyard. A big man staring at a woman's backyard, what good is there for him.

 Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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