Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 632 Can't be Human

Chapter 632 Can't be Human
It's rare for Mr. Shangguan to see his daughter's face full of sadness. It's strange!He found two hoes and threw one to her, "Follow me to the fields."

Bandits sneaked into the county town, and I haven't visited the fields for more than half a month. The watermelons in the fields are fine for children to eat, but if they are eaten by wild animals that come down from the mountain, he will feel so distressed to death.

Qingyun rolled his eyes at him, this is really his own father, he was so annoyed without looking at her, he didn't even ask, he only cared about the food in the field.

"Dad, I'm already like this." Qingyun threw away the hoe and wanted to play tricks, but she took on the responsibilities and pressure that she shouldn't bear at this age, and her small shoulders were about to collapse.

"What kind? Didn't eat enough and didn't wear warm clothes? Missing arms and legs? Hurry up, don't dawdle, I planted watermelons, you bring two back to eat."

"You planted watermelons?" Qingyun picked up the hoe resignedly, the old man kept it a secret, I've been back for so long, I didn't mention it.

Mr. Shangguan's popularity is really nothing to say, he greeted him all the way, and wanted to give him something, but the old man refused, mentioning that he was going to the field and it was inconvenient to get it, so the people didn't insist.

Qingyun nodded with a smile, his face almost froze.

Regardless of Mr. Shangguan's age, he walks no slower than young people, and is very energetic.

That's right, the old man does Tai Chi in the morning and evening, and works all day, so he is in good health.He was reluctant to die without seeing his grandson born.

"You don't like to eat, I'll grow some for you to eat. What's the matter? After going out and coming back, I'm going to die." The old man coaxed her with a few words.

There was nothing bad to talk about with his own father, Qingyun kept talking about Wu Yalian.

".Thinking of me twice for three days, insisting that I marry her. Can I marry? Isn't this killing people? It's not a problem to hide all the time. If you live in the same room, you will meet each other sooner or later." Qingyun deflated. Mouth, she disguises herself as a man, and she can't marry if she marries, and she can't marry if she marries, maybe the old man will also have to go bankrupt.

She didn't dare to tell the old man that she had no family, so she must be beaten to death.

This matter is not easy to handle, he is still Wu Yalian's grandfather.

"Did you tell your mother?"

"Say it, my mother said she would solve it. That girl Wu Yalian is selfish and ruthless. You can see who she is from the fact that she pulls me and refuses to let me rescue you. I'm worried that my mother is too pushy. Ruthless, what did Wu Yalian do? Do you remember that Huluchong, the village next door to us, is the sister-in-law of the tofu family." Qingyun said.

She was worried for a reason. In her previous life, she worked as an auxiliary police patrol and had a lot of murder cases.If she is malicious, throw a handful of rat poison into the well, and the whole family will die!

Mr. Shangguan: "."

Mr. Shangguan looked at Qingyun, Qingyun nodded, and Mr. Shangguan sighed.

He had heard about the matter of Mrs. Tofu's family. The man went to work in the quarry, broke his leg, and was paralyzed on the bed.

That sister-in-law is diligent and hardworking, and everyone in the village praises her.The man was paralyzed, but she didn't dislike him and ran away, serving him cleanly.

No one would have thought that, within three years, she and her lover partnered to kill his man and buried his body in a cave in the back mountain.After the incident was exposed, everyone was shocked.

"You send someone to take her back to Yuzhou." Mr. Shangguan said.

"Father, she has severed ties with her family, how can I send her back? Besides, the outside is not peaceful, there are bandits everywhere, sending her back is not a dead end. She will not go back either." Qingyun rolled his eyes.

"Wait for your mother's results!"

Mr. Shangguan had no choice but to worry about his five children.Qingyun's rebellious period has never been so difficult to manage, and if he can't beat him once, he will get twice.

It was late in the evening when the father and father arrived in the field, they did nothing, and went back with two watermelons in their arms.
The cheap lady didn't know what to say to Wu Yalian, the girl no longer looked at her with admiration, but pity, sympathy and contempt.


Qingyun's "cousin" made Wu Ya Lianhua jump in fright, seeing Qingyun backed away like avoiding the plague.

Qingyun gritted his teeth
So, what exactly did the cheap lady say? It changed so much overnight.

"Cousin, I didn't expect you." Wu Yalian burst into tears before saying a word, it was really pear blossoms with rain, so charming.Standing by the rose bushes, she is more delicate than flowers.

Wu Yalian twisted the veil and pressed the corners of her eyes, and said with red eyes: "I already know the truth, cousin, don't worry, I won't blame you, and you don't want anything like that to happen. I already know your truth Don't worry, I won't. You're fine too. In the future, I'll take over from you, and don't pester me in the future."

Then Pazi covered his mouth and ran away whining.

Wu Yalian's maids glanced under him vaguely, and chased after the young lady.

Young master Biao is really pitiful, such a good person, why can't he die!
Qingyun was at a loss, what and what, in a mess.She heard the last sentence, Wu Yalian will not pester her in the future.

Great, let's celebrate together!
She was still worried about Wu Yalian's brain, she was worried for nothing.

Qingyun blinked, strange, cheap lady didn't ask her to have breakfast today!Cheap Dad didn't see anyone either. He used to run in the garden, but he didn't see him today.

I always feel a bit weird at home after a night.

The servant girl at home had strange eyes, and after she left, he pointed behind her back, and the yamen's fast yamen servants also had strange eyes.

what the hell?

After Qingyun arrived at the Yamen full of doubts, she knew something was wrong.

"My lord, there is nothing important in the yamen today, you can find a place to rest. If you want to be more open, there is nothing difficult for a man." Du Chun'an patted Qingyun on the shoulder, and then left.

Qingyun looked like a ghost, Du Chunan didn't let her do things with a pile of official documents, but let her rest, did he have a ghost?
Without her working, Qingyun got up and was about to leave, took two steps, and stopped suddenly.

Wait, what does Du Chunan mean?
Why is everyone so weird today.

"What do you mean by what you said just now? What is the hurdle that you can't get over?" Qingyun glanced around, everyone looked guilty and dared not look at him, which made Qingyun feel that something was wrong, and ran to ask Du Chun'an.

"It's nothing, you go out and relax, we all understand." Du Chun'an said.

"What do you understand? Explain to me clearly." Qingyun slapped the table, and the evil fire rose rapidly.

Du Chun'an looked at him with a tolerant expression.

"My lord, we all know that you can't be humane. You vent out when you feel uncomfortable. If you hold back your heart, you will easily get sick. Or, brothers and sisters will go hunting with you for a few days?" suggested.

a bolt from the blue!

Qingyun widened his eyes in shock, seeing that everyone was looking at Du Chun'an, and then suddenly realized, no wonder Wu Yalian's words were rooted here.

 Thank you for the quiet and indifferent tea fragrance, I voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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