Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 647 Remember, You Are My Qingyun's Sister

Chapter 647 Remember, You Are My Qingyun's Sister

"I'm just your two cousins, and I've always been your own younger sister. The bride should dress up beautifully, marry happily, and don't wrong yourself."

Qingyun has no experience, but she has seen other people get married and had wedding banquets, and she has heard three aunts and six wives say so, so she picked up some nice things and said it was right.

"By the way, is the wedding dress ready? Are the furniture and quilts ready?" She said whatever came to her mind, without any rules.

Yu Lingshan blushed and didn't speak. Mrs. Shangguan saw Sister Shan's arrogance and thumped Qingyun, "When you say the day lily is cold, the dowry is ready. Is the yamen busy? If not, You spare a few days to send your cousin to get married."

Her natal family only had this niece, and no other relatives.Sister Shan can only marry from Shangguan's family, and Qingyun takes on the task of her elder brother to send the bride out.

"No problem." Qingyun said.

It is inconvenient to have a foreigner like Qingyun here, the two girls stayed for a while and then left, Qingyun asked after thinking about it: "Mom, do I want to add makeup? What should I add?"

She heard from women in the village that if there are sisters in the family who are married, the sisters need to add makeup.In the past, it was used to add thermoses and washbasins, but now it is not popular to add them like that, just pack a big red envelope.

Qingyun doesn't understand the ancient wedding etiquette, so he can only ask cheap mother.

"No need, your mother has prepared for you. Mother knows that you love your cousin, take care of her more in the future, and don't let people bully you." Mrs. Shangguan said.

"Mother, don't worry, no one can bully her with me. Mother has to believe in her own eyesight. Lu Ming has a good character and won't bully Cousin Shan. Life must be peaceful and beautiful."

The group of people who passed the imperial examination in the yamen, in addition to passing the test of talent, also has a test of character. If they can't pass the test of character, no matter how talented they are, the yamen doesn't want it.

"Why do you have time to come here today? Are you busy with the yamen? Are you hurting quickly?"

Another bandit went down the mountain to rob the caravan, and the news spread. Qingyun took the fast yamen servants to recover the goods and was injured. She almost fainted when she heard the news. She wanted to check Qingyun's injuries, but Qingyun refused to show them. The doctor said It didn't hurt the vitals, take good care of it for a few days, and don't do heavy work.

"Okay, it's okay, I just came here. When did the yamen work get over? There are a bunch of people besides me, Chun'an, Lu Ming, Yang Huai'en and the others! I have to do everything myself, and I don't have to be tired." Dead." Qingyun complained.

"You bully them, so let them be honest. There is no outsider in the room, you take off your clothes, and I will see where the injury is, are you ready?" Mrs. Shangguan rolled up her sleeves and was about to check her.

Qingyun was not injured, so she would not let her check it, otherwise it would reveal her secrets.

"Okay, okay, that's great. Mother, I'm already this old, and you are still the same as when I was a child, always flipping through my clothes. How can you have the prestige of the magistrate, and spread it to make people laugh."

Qingyun blocked left and right, and only then did he block Mrs. Shangguan's maternal love.

"There are no outsiders here, what kind of legend is passed on? Who passed it on?"

Qingyun stopped him from showing, but Mrs. Shangguan didn't see it. She slapped the restless Qingyun several times, poked her forehead and said, "Are you stupid? There are bandits, arrest the yamen, Officers and soldiers, what are you, a county magistrate, rushing up to do? You have scars all over your body, who will you be in the future?"

The partition wall has ears, and after she murmured the words "dare to marry you", even Qingyun didn't hear it.

"Mother, I was wrong, I was wrong, in the future, if there is something to do, let the yamen servants come quickly." Qingyun sincerely apologized, and afterward, he refused to change after repeated admonitions.

Mrs. Shangguan scolded her a few words, and Qingyun begged for mercy before letting her go, "The distinguished guest has left? Which one came from?"

Mrs. Shangguan had long heard that a distinguished guest had come to the yamen. Qingyun was with her every day, and she couldn't see anyone from morning to night. Mrs. Shangguan didn't bother her about Sister Shan's marriage.

The last time the imperial court envoy came, I heard that it seems to be Weiyang's mansion and general, and Qingyun also goes to accompany him every day.The distinguished guest who came this time was also accompanied by Qingyun every day, and he was probably a high official.

Qingyun was taken aback, the cheap mother never asked her about the yamen, after thinking about it, there was nothing she couldn't say, and said: "I didn't leave, I was at the inn. Why did you ask him?"

Qingyun pouted, what kind of distinguished guest?Calamity almost.

"It's not that I heard people say that a distinguished guest has come to the yamen. I'm curious, so I can't say it or not. I'll have dinner here later." Mrs. Shangguan listened to Sister Lian talking about it a few times, which aroused her curiosity.

"He came to discuss business with the yamen. The risk is high. He has no capital and no one. He wants to do nothing. The yamen doesn't want to talk to him, so he refuses to leave. Leave him alone, and he will leave naturally when he gets bored."

Mrs. Shangguan nodded slightly, "That means you can't do business with him. If you don't spend money or work hard, you just want to take advantage. How can there be such a good thing? Don't do business with him. If your father finds out, he will punish you again."

Qingyun nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Shangguan gave Qingyun advice, "You can't handle it, let him go to your father, your father is the most experienced in dealing with this kind of people."

Qingyun hehe, if cheap father knew the identity of fourth master, he wouldn't be scared to death.

"I have it in my mind."

After dinner, Qingyun went to Mr. Shangguan's place, and told about the fourth prince in detail, complaining that he was a disaster star, and then complained about his grievances. Her bitterness, her difficulty, almost made Mr. Shangguan feel sad again. Take off your shoes and whip her.

The fourth prince didn't take the initiative to look for Qingyun, and Qingyun didn't go to the inn to look for him. He talked about Yu Lingshan's wedding day in a nonchalant way.

The groom, Lu Ming, rode a tall horse to the Shangguan mansion to welcome the bride. He is so mature on weekdays, but today he is smiling like a flower.

It is rare to have a happy event in the county seat, and the common people followed the sedan chair all the way to the gate of Shangguan's house.

Outside the gongs and drums were loud, and in the boudoir, Yu Lingshan, who was wearing a bride's wedding dress, looked at Mrs. Shangguan with red eyes, and softly called out, "Auntie, I can't bear you,"

"Auntie can't bear you too, okay, okay, don't cry, you are a bride, you won't be pretty when you cry." Mrs. Shangguan twisted her handkerchief and pressed her eyes, coaxing her.

"This will always be your natal home. You can come back anytime. Your in-law's home is no better than your natal home. You can live a good life in the future. When you are wronged, come back and tell your aunt that your aunt can't solve it. There is still your cousin. Lu Ming works under your cousin's hands. Let your cousin beat Lu Ming.

Even though your cousin looks like a white-cut chicken, beating Lu Ming is still not a problem.With your cousin here, let's see who dares to bully you. "

Mrs. Shangguan said Qingyun's words, which made Yu Lingshan laugh through tears, and the sadness of parting suddenly disappeared.

Xipo came in to urge the bride to go out, Shangguan's wife covered her with a red hijab, and asked Qingyun to come in and carry her.

Qingyun also told her, "There is no saying in our family that a married daughter will throw water out. If you are homesick, you will go back. Lu Ming is a good person, and we will live with him well in the future. We will not bully others, and we will not let others bully you. Remember, you are me. Qingyun's younger sister."

To be disrespectful, in the land of Qishan, she is the Emperor of the Earth, and Yu Lingshan is the Princess of the Earth. She is not a dog or a cat who can be bullied by stepping on her head.

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(End of this chapter)

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