Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 648 Wu Yalian's Ambition

Chapter 648 Wu Yalian's Ambition
After Yu Lingshan got married, the Shangguan family returned to its former peace.

"Miss, miss, this servant has heard good news," Xiao Cui quickly came in from the outside, with an uncontrollable excitement and excitement on her face.

Wu Yalian sat under the flower trellis in the yard. After Yu Lingshan got married, she didn't even have anyone to talk to. She often sat here, lazily doing nothing and just staring blankly.

Hearing Xiao Cui's voice, Tong Tong didn't even turn his head, and said with a sneer, "What good news can there be in this ghost place? It's so fuzzy, there are no rules at all."

They are a large family in the county town, and they don't even have a sister to enjoy the flowers and go shopping together. Her girlfriends and friends are all in Yuzhou, and life is really depressing.

"Miss, it's really good news this time, great news, let's go back to the house and tell it." Xiaocui blushed so excitedly that she pushed her into the house, subconsciously sweeping I glanced around.

Being bullied by a servant girl, Wu Yalian raised her hand and slapped Xiaocui, which stunned Xiaocui. Seeing the cold face of the young lady, Xiaocui woke up and knelt down begging for mercy in fear.

"Miss, miss, please forgive me, this servant didn't do it on purpose, this servant really has good news, please forgive me, this servant will never dare again."

How could she have forgotten that Miss is not as gentle and vicious as she seems!
"You'd better have really good news, otherwise..." Wu Yalian rubbed her sore wrist, the pain was so heavy that her own wrist was throbbing.

"What good news, tell me!"

Xiaocui glanced at the empty yard, gritted her teeth, and said in a low voice with courage: "Miss, this matter is of great importance, and walls have ears, so let's go back to the house and talk about it. It is about Miss's wealth and wealth. Look at this. But..."

Xiaocui seemed to be apprehensive and fearful, but she didn't say anything, it seemed that there was something tricky about it.

Wu Yalian stared at her faintly, and remained silent. The words "breaking the sky and wealth" and "reaching the sky in one step" moved her heart.

It is undeniable that she is a woman with ambition and desire. This is also the reason why she fell in love with her cousin at the beginning. She has always pretended to be an innocent and innocent girl.

Cousin can't go this way. She wants to find a family through him, but it doesn't seem to work, and she doesn't want to imagine Yu Lingshan marrying a petty official, who will spend her whole life haggling over every detail...

Wu Yalian squinted at Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui understood the meaning in Miss's eyes, nodded fiercely, and raised her hand to swear, Wu Yalian did not speak, but glanced outside the courtyard, and walked slowly towards the house.

Xiaocui was taken aback for a moment, and got up to follow.

"Now we can say, what good news?"

Wu Yalian signaled all the serving maids to go out and guard, and she slowly waved her round fan. If this lowly maid fooled her, she would buy her to a pickling place.

"Miss, didn't the maidservant go to the shop?" Xiaocui swallowed, thinking of the news she heard, she couldn't control her excitement.

Wu Yalian nodded, Xiaocui had reported to her that she went to a tailor shop to buy thread balls.

motioned for her to continue.

"When I came back and passed by the inn, I heard the waiter of the inn hiding in the corner chatting. A group of distinguished guests came from the county seat. I heard that their status was more expensive than imperial envoys. As soon as they came, the young master Biao was frightened, and he squatted at the inn every day to wait. Serve..."

Wu Yalian frowned. Cousin is not the same as before, but now he is not afraid of anything, anyone who offends will find revenge, and will squat in the inn to serve others, why does she not believe it?

Xiaocui watched her expression all the time, and when she saw the young lady frowned, she immediately said, "The slaves don't believe what they say, the young master, who the imperial envoys don't look down upon, who else in the world is qualified Let him condescend to serve you?"

Seeing that the young lady's expression softened a bit, Xiao Cui breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "My servant is worried that some villain will deliberately tarnish Master Biao's reputation, so I went to inquire with them. I only found out after asking the two of them for a few hundred Wen."

Xiaocui slowly moved to Wu Yalian, hugged her leg, raised her head and said, "Miss, guess who are those distinguished guests? You will never guess."

Wu Yalian became a little interested, and rolled her eyes. As a cousin, she couldn't get in touch with any high-ranking officials. After thinking about it, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't bother to guess. She asked, "Who?"

Will it always be a relative of the emperor?

"That group of nobles came from the capital, and I heard that they are the children of the most powerful and powerful in the capital, every time Young Master Biao sees them trembling, he calls that person 'fourth master'.

The waiter at the inn once overheard a servant calling the rich and powerful kid 'Prince'. "

Wu Yalian's heart suddenly throbbed violently, stimulated by the word 'Wang Ye', her mind went blank, she was numb, she blinked for a while, and uncontrollably grabbed Xiao Cui's skirt and asked: " what did you just say?"

Did she hear it wrong?
Did you hear me wrong?

"There is a servant who calls that noble boy 'Prince'." Xiaocui said, looking directly at her.

She knew that the young lady knew the news and couldn't sit still.

"My lord? Did you hear me right?"

Wu Yalian was shocked and at the same time unbelievable, how could such a noble person come to this remote corner of Qishan.

Cousin has been an official all his life, and he is not qualified to meet noble people.Shangguan's family went bankrupt and donated an official to his cousin, who was still not qualified to meet, suddenly came to Qishan.

Wu Yalian's hand fell on her heart unconsciously. After giving up her heart, her heart, which had been silent for a long time, seemed to gain momentum again and slowly agitated.

Wu Yalian was wandering around the room like a headless fly. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the beautiful face in the mirror, and her eyes gradually brightened.

Destined to meet thousands of miles away!
This is her chance!
The Dayong Dynasty is so big, and Qishan is so remote, but the prince came to Qishan, what is it not because of fate?
Marriage is destined!

Even God is helping her, if she doesn't seize this opportunity, the sky will be struck by lightning.

Wu Yalian pursed her lips and smiled softly, and the person in the mirror smiled softly, with a weak and pitiful appearance, like a white lotus hit by a cup of rainwater, which man would not be moved by seeing it?

She looks so gorgeous, it would be a waste if she doesn't enter the imperial family.

"Your maidservant can't be sure, that's what the waiter in the inn said." Xiao Cui had served the lady since she was a child, and once she saw her appearance, she knew she was moved.

"The servant girl came back immediately after hearing the news. Miss, even if he is not the prince, he is still a son of the rich and powerful in the capital. With his status as the young master, how can he get up there? Even the daughters of ordinary families in the capital cannot get in.

Miss, are you really willing to marry a husband like Miss Yu Biao?The servant girl heard that the children of the rich and powerful in the capital took concubines from daughters of third and fourth ranks. "Xiaocui persuaded eagerly.

 Thank you Yanzixiaoxiaoxiao, Yushenghuanly, drunk and fragrant tomorrow, SS7010130, Lazy Yi, Mo Qinglian, Zhixueyi, Yanzixiaoxiaoxiao, 1109211115305167, jly69, kind heart, wmhjjf, Qi Qimei, Dahaijiaozi, Qi Qimei, Xiaoyun, Lazy Yi, Ah Man 76, Yanzi Xiaoxiaoxiaoxiao, the monthly ticket voted by 20220712034940604, what?
  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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