Chapter 649


Wu Yalian blinked, yes, with her status, let alone a prince, she is not qualified to be a concubine for the children of ordinary dignitaries.

If she wanted to marry her cousin, she had to do everything possible to figure it out, but in the end it came to nothing.

Having said that, marrying a county magistrate of the seventh grade is better than being a concubine for the son of a powerful and powerful person!
When she was still in Yuzhou, she once met a lady who was raised by the master of the Futai family, who was more stylish than ordinary ladies from rich and noble families.

Wu Yalian's eyes flickered, and she said softly, "Is my cousin still in the inn?"


Xiaocui was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head. She heard that the inn was occupied by a prince, so she immediately came back to tell the lady the news, so she didn't have the heart to pay attention to those insignificant things.

"I heard that the bandits in the city have been caught long ago, and people are bored to stay in the yard every day. Let's go, I haven't gone out for a long time, go for a stroll outside, and go to the yamen to see my cousin by the way."

Wu Yalian got up to leave, she didn't know what she thought of, she fell back again, then changed her clothes, put on a peach blossom makeup, sprinkled some fragrance powder, and left gracefully.

"Miss, you must not let your uncles, grandparents, and wives know about this, or the servants will die."

After stepping out of the courtyard, Xiaocui realized that she was afraid. If the matter was exposed, she would not know if the lady was okay. As a personal servant girl, if she encouraged the lady to become a concubine, she would definitely be beaten to death by her uncle.

The point is that not only did she not persuade the young lady, she even instigated the young lady to be a concubine.

Xiaocui also has her own selfish intentions, she doesn't want to be a servant for the rest of her life, the young lady promised her before that the young lady would marry the young master Biao, and she would raise her as an aunt in the future, so she wholeheartedly helped the young lady to do things.

Now Master Biao can't do it, so he can only change to another one.Her beauty is no worse than the young lady, the young lady can be a concubine, why can't she be an aunt, sooner or later.

The master and the servant went out with a group of maids and servants with their own ulterior motives.


The day agreed with the cottage arrived, and the fourth prince's people went there early in the morning, and they didn't see them until the afternoon. They were so sunburned that they almost had heatstroke, and they didn't dare to complain.

"Brother Qiu, you are here. I brought a watermelon to cool off under the tree. Brothers come over to eat watermelon to relieve the heat."

He Qiu and his group had a bad face, walked over, and each of them gnawed half of the watermelon, until the watermelon juice flowed out.

"Brother Qiu, how is our business? Is it going well?"

Cannibal's mouth softened, and He Qiu's complexion improved a lot.

"Brother, it's hard to handle your affairs! It took me a lot of effort to make peace with my elder brother. My elder brother said that there are too many elder brothers above him. You take 5000 taels and throw it in without even a splash. No Fifty to sixty thousand won't do anything."

That person: "..."

In one sentence, five or sixty thousand taels of silver, why don't you grab it?
"No, brother Qiu, what's the hard way? Money is not a problem, you have to tell the truth, can you do it?"

When he heard that it would cost so much money, even if the money was not his, his heart ached.

"My elder brother said that the heads of the cottage are not easy to get close to. Except for their confidantes, the brothers below cannot get close. To get close to them, my elder brother has to spend money layer by layer.

Your 5000 taels of silver is really not enough. I didn't understand the market before.

By the way, my eldest brother asked me to ask you, what kind of business do you want to discuss with the big boss, he has a good idea, and he knows how much money to spend. "

That person: "..."

The bandits in Qishan are different from what he imagined!

"This matter is confidential, and we can only discuss it with you, the head of the family."

His Highness wants to pull bandits to rebel, can he tell Brother Qiu and the others about this kind of thing?

He Qiu glared at him unhappily, "If you don't believe me, then there's nothing to talk about. My elder brother beat me up when I came, and I don't know what kind of business to talk about. How can my elder brother negotiate with the people above? If someone asks you, if you don’t know all the time, isn’t that courting death? I can’t do this, so find someone else to do it!”

Just as the watermelon was finished, He Qiu waved his hand and wanted to leave.

That person is in a hurry.

"Big brother, don't leave yet, we have something to discuss!" The man chased after him, stopped He Qiu from saying nice things, and he calmed down by talking badly.

(End of this chapter)

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