Chapter 656

Shangguan Zhenhua felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.Sister Lian grew up in Shangguan's family, and he really raised her as his daughter. If there is a wife, there will be her and Sister Shan. Sometimes there is no wife and Sister Shan, and she alone has one.

Qingyun is the only seedling of Shangguan's family, he is not so kind to his own son, and she
Who are those four princes?

The first emperor died, and the new emperor ascended the throne. Where are the four princes?

He is a traitor!


What good will come of getting mixed up with him? The whole family of hundreds of people is not enough for the court to kill.

"What are you going to do to your cousin? Your old aunt and the others are not here. She broke off relations with her for you."

Qing Yun's mother and son looked at each other meaningfully, and Shangguan Zhenhua couldn't continue. Madam didn't want Sister Lian to come with her, and she had already arranged for someone to take her back. It was Sister Lian who insisted on following, and she did not hesitate to sever ties with the family.

Thinking about those bad things, I can't eat anymore.

Qingyun snorted coldly, in the eyes of cheap father, Wu Yalian is a good person, well-behaved and sensible, Man Dayong can't find a better girl than her.

He is obviously a shrewd person who is powerful in the shopping malls. Facing the matter of Wu Yalian, his eyes seem to be covered with feces, unable to see or hear.

"You can figure it out, save your cousin's life. She's a little girl who left her home and has no relatives. Forget it. Forget it. I won't talk about it. Put her under house arrest. She can't go out and see how the Fourth Prince hooks up. That Don't keep the maid, even the master doesn't like it, so why keep it."

Qingyun's half-smiling eyes made Shangguan Zhenhua dare not speak.

"Okay, just do what dad wants." Qingyun nodded.

"Your Highness, Shangguan Qingyun's ambition is like a wolf, and his scheming is as deep as the sea. Among the people who have seen people with humble ranks, only Marshal Qian Zhou Guogong can compare with him."

All the staff were shocked when they heard what Shangguan Qingyun had done from Ms. Wu.

This man is really abominable, he pretended to be poor in front of the fourth master, and played the role of a down and out county magistrate to the fullest, it was really hard work for him to suddenly build that dilapidated yamen.

"As soon as the fourth master came to Qishan, I'm afraid he saw through the fourth master's purpose. Everything he did was deliberately done for the fourth master to see."

From the gloomy face of the fourth prince, it can be seen that his hatred for Shangguan Qingyun has been pulled to the highest level.

"You say, how much strength does he hide? He is a broken county magistrate, where did he get the soldiers and horses? He just came to Qishan penniless, how did he recruit troops? How many soldiers and horses are needed to wipe out Luomeng Mountain in one fell swoop bandits."

The staff member's words sounded like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heads hard, making them dizzy.

"Let's go shopping in Mount Qi. The total number of soldiers and horses guarding the yamen and the city is less than two thousand. Where are the other soldiers and horses?"

"Dozens of convoys full of gold, silver and jewels were brought back to the county seat. Where are the things hidden? Did Shibazhai supply it to Shibazhai, or did he hide it? Does Shibazhai know about his suppression of bandits?"

"Such a big news about the suppression of the bandits, he was able to hide it from Shibazhai, Weiyang Mansion, and even Marshal Qian at the border gate. How capable is Shangguan Qingyun?"

I really can't think about it carefully, it's horrifying to think about it, and the more I think about it, the more horrifying it gets.

Everyone was covered in white sweat in fright.

"Don't scare yourself, Shangguan Qingyun is not as scary as you said." Some aides disagreed with his words, according to his analysis, Shangguan Qingyun was so awesome that he almost became a demon.

 Thank you baby【】Rongrong for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thanks to jly69, 20190112134340333, for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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