Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 657 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 657 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
"It's true that he is not optimistic about His Highness, and the hidden strength is true. Other things are exaggerated. I heard that Shangguan's family is so rich that it can rival the country. They came to Qishan with dozens of vehicles loaded with gold, silver and jewelry. , They are all belongings of the people themselves, lost and found. They were not snatched from the bandit's lair, so it is not reasonable to supply them to Shibazhai.

Besides, I've never heard of bandits in Luomeng Mountain, but when Shangguan's convoy passed by, suddenly there were bandits in Luomeng Mountain.Do you think that's possible?
Shangguan Qingyun didn't even know that their family members were coming, where did the bandits get the news?Who knows if those people are bandits?
Women have long hair but short knowledge, some words can only be listened to, not taken seriously. "

What he said made the few staff who spoke just now glared at him in anger.

The aide smiled at everyone apologetically, "His Royal Highness, according to my opinion, there is no need to worry about whether Shangguan Qingyun suppressed the bandits or how many troops he has.

As long as you grab this handle and force him to commit the crime, if he disagrees, I think Shibazhai would be very happy to know where the dozens of carts of gold, silver and jewels went. The marshal would also be very happy to know where his soldiers and horses went. up. "

The Fourth Prince, who had been gloomy all night, finally had a smile on his face.


Wu Yalian found out that Xiaocui was gone, it was already night, she asked a few maids and servants but they didn't know, she was so angry that her face turned black.

"This Xiaocui is getting more and more presumptuous, and her errands are getting more and more perfunctory. People who don't see her for a day don't know what to do. When you see her, let her come to see me immediately. I can't afford to be bigger than my master Zipu." my maid."

As a result, on the second day, she still didn't see anyone from Xiaocui. Wu Yalian suspected that dead girl and went out to find the prince behind her back.

I really thought she didn't know, that damn girl also fell in love with the prince.I don't even think about it, what is her status, a servant, I really dare to think about it.

She was used to Xiaocui serving her, and without her around, she felt uncomfortable everywhere, and had no choice but to send someone out to inquire, but as a result, Xiaocui didn't go out at all.

Is this weird?

The house is so big, such a big person, why did he suddenly disappear?
really weird!
Wu Yalian didn't dare to mobilize people to find someone because of a maid. After thinking about it, she went to her aunt. The aunt manages the entire backyard, and if someone is lost at home, she might know.She kept talking around for a long time, but didn't ask anything. My aunt didn't know that a maid was missing at home.

After returning to the courtyard, after thinking about it, I felt that something was wrong, and I wanted to go to the front yamen to find my cousin, and ask my cousin to send someone to look for it.

Wu Yalian didn't know that she was under house arrest. When she arrived in the back garden, she was stopped by someone and she was not allowed to go out.

"What do you mean? Get out of the way, I'm going to the yamen to find my cousin, who gave you the guts to stop Miss Ben? Get lost!"

Wu Yalian's face was cold, Xiaocui was gone, and now she couldn't even leave the door, and she had a backlog of anger, and she directed it at the gatekeeper.

"Miss Biao, don't embarrass our yamen servants. This is an order from above. If you are not allowed to go out, there is nothing we can do. It is useless to embarrass us. The above said that whoever lets Miss Biao go out will apologize with death."

The two yamen servants guarding the door were expressionless, as if they hadn't heard her words, they blocked the door with their big knives, if Miss Biao bumped into her and got injured, they couldn't blame them.

The county magistrate has said that Miss Biao accidentally injured herself, and it has nothing to do with them.

What does the above mean?
Besides my cousin, who else is above the yamen?
 Thank you baby【】Rongrong for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you Peiyo for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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