Chapter 676

The courtroom was dead silent.

I am most afraid that the atmosphere will suddenly become quiet!
Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others didn't dare to breathe, they held their breath and concentrated, for fear of disturbing everyone.

Bai Yanheng glanced at the fourth prince, not knowing what he was thinking.Du Chun'an sighed inwardly, and wiped away tears of sympathy for the fourth prince.

Qingyun blinked, then laughed suddenly, without image at all, patted the table and laughed 'haha', tears came out of laughter, "I'm so scared! Do you want to hear this sentence? You think too much! "

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, he said coldly, "Come on, arrest me, I have already found out that they are all barbarian spies."

give you face?

How dare you threaten her!
Do you think that iron-studded neck of yours can't kill you!

The yamen servants rushed forward, how could the fourth prince be arrested, his guards protected him, and drew their swords to fight against the yamen servants. A chaotic shopping battle was about to take place.

"My lord, calm down, my lord, calm down! Absolutely not!" Hearing Qingyun's order, Du Chun'an broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly prevented the police from taking him away.

"Don't be angry, you didn't hear what he said, he was talking nonsense, he framed me, he wanted to have a relationship with Qian Qizhi out of nothing." Qingyun pointed at the fourth prince, there was not even a trace of awe on his face, which showed that he was very angry .

"Who did he think he was, just a dog in the water, and he thought he was that... the imperial court wanted him all over the world, but I didn't hit him, beat the dog in the water, and greeted him happily, arranged a hotel for him, and entertained him with good wine and meat he.

You see how he treated me, seduced my sister, made our family go crazy, and our relatives turned against each other.He dragged me into the water to rebel against him again. I disagreed and stared at our yard. If we didn't do it, our family would be ruined. He was not reconciled.

He is just a white-eyed wolf, he doesn't know how to be grateful, and he repays his kindness with revenge.If I had known that he was a white-eyed wolf, I shouldn't have listened to you back then. I would have arrested him and handed it over to the imperial court. At least I would have been a government official. "

Qingyun was furious, no one could say anything, so he waved his hand, "Grab them up, grab them all, put them all in prison, let their hot heads reflect on themselves, who is the master of Qishan.

Even the one from the inn was arrested, they are all barbarian spies, none of them are allowed to escape, and the one who escapes will be questioned by you. "

Yay bah, she can't bear it anymore, there are rebellions outside, who cares about Qi Shan, if you make her anxious, kill her!
"Shangguan Qingyun, how dare you!" The fourth prince stared at Qingyun coldly.

Qingyun sneered, she didn't dare to do it, she rolled up her sleeves and prepared to do it herself.

"My lord, Lord Shangguan, keep people under my command! Keeping people under my subordinates is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

At this moment, the fourth prince's staff rushed over and handed Qing Yun a banknote. Qing Yun glanced at it and found that the one on it was 1000 taels.

The fast yamen servants confronted the fourth prince's guards, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense, but Qing Yun was flipping through the bank notes, each of which was 1000 taels, at least fifteen.

"Okay, since it's a misunderstanding, for the sake of your first crime, don't worry about it this time. Let's go, don't hold all the stinky shit on your body next time, and smell it all over your body."

Qingyun put away the silver ticket, waved his hand to signal the arrester to step aside, the arrester quickly moved out of the way, the fourth prince did not leave, seeing Shangguan Qingyun's greed, he just left without reconciliation.

After a few words of persuasion from the staff in a low voice, the fourth prince relaxed a bit, and before he left, he still stared at Qingyun, who was afraid of being a fart, and cheerfully waved him off.

 Thanks to Fengluo Lanchen, Haijiaozi, the quiet and indifferent tea fragrance, 20220414094951142, bab【】Rong Rong, Fengluo Lanchen, Jishen Diyuan voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  The National Day is coming soon, gather your energy and make efforts on the National Day

(End of this chapter)

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