Chapter 677

In the middle of the night, Qingyun, who was sleeping soundly, opened his eyes suddenly, listened carefully, slipped out of bed quietly, opened the window and turned out, suddenly saw a white figure outside the window, almost died of fright.

Qingyun stared at the past, saw the person in the shadow clearly, and said angrily: "I don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing standing in front of my window?"

People are scary and scary!

The person in the shadow is not Bai Yanheng, he is the only one in the yamen wearing white robes.

Qingyun also has the nerve to talk about others, she has disheveled hair, she is also wearing white underwear, she looks no better than a ghost, she is still scary, she just doesn't know it.

"My lord, sleep peacefully, I'm watching over here." Bai Yanheng said.

"I'm already awake, why are you still sleeping? How many people are here? What are they doing?" Qing Yun rubbed her chin, feeling very strange that someone sneaked into her house.

Bai Yanheng glanced at him without saying a word, this guy didn't know anything.What are you talking about?As far as the things he did during the day, if the Fourth Prince did the trick, he would definitely be killed.

Bai Yanheng didn't bother to say such idiotic words.

From Bai Yanheng's attitude, Qingyun thought about something, and suddenly said "ah", and suddenly realized: "They came to kill me!"

Qingyun tapped his hands and understood, what the fourth prince did, except Qi Shan who has this ability, everyone else has this ability, and there is no reason.

"I should have taken the opportunity to beat him to death during the day." Qingyun said unhappily, letting him go and showing hatred.

Knowing the purpose of the night walker, Qingyun stopped blowing the night breeze with him, and went to sleep through the window.

When I woke up in the morning, I heard Bai Yanheng say that three groups of people sneaked into the Shangguan Mansion to assassinate him last night, but they were all robbed and killed by the hidden guards sent by Bai Yanheng, and none of them survived.

Three groups of people, for such a small person as her, the fourth prince is really willing to spend all his money.

Qingyun raised her eyebrows, she slept well and felt good, but she didn't know how the fourth prince felt, the killer he worked so hard to cultivate was dead.

Qingyun went to the yamen humming a tune, today is the day when the criminals beheaded, the yamen servants were caught beating gongs and drums, and the whole city announced that at [-]:[-] noon, children and the elderly were not allowed to stay at the gate of the city.

"Are you dead?"

The watchman outside the Shangguan Mansion came back last night, and the fourth prince immediately asked.

"No, this subordinate sent three groups of people in, but none of them came back, this subordinate deserves to die!" The dead man bowed his head.

"Trash, you are damned, you can't even kill a scholar, what's the use of supporting you?" The fourth prince was so angry that he had a headache, grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it on his head, causing the dead man's head to bleed.

"Your Highness, calm down. This matter is over. Shangguan Qingyun's ability to gain a firm foothold under the eyes of Shibazhai is definitely not as useless as he appears on the surface. He is protected by peerless experts." The staff said.

"Now is the time for employing people, so don't be arrogant. Your Highness, you must be prepared!"

What to prepare, the fourth prince knows in his heart, if Shangguan Qingyun fights back, can his slain guards block his anger.

Shangguan Qingyun is now a thorn, which cannot be pulled out or swallowed, it is extremely uncomfortable.

The execution ground at the gate of the city was surrounded by common people. It is no exaggeration to say that there are huge crowds of people.

After a lapse of more than ten years, after no bandit oppression, Qi Shan once again had a county magistrate. He had just lived a good life for two years, and any idiot would die and commit crimes against the wind.

The common people who heard the news all came to see if the prisoner had grown three heads and six arms, or where did he have the courage to confront the magistrate?
 Thanks for the name, it’s so hard to choose, 110921115035167, dream elf/jump, 20190103213656977, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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