Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 685 Adding a reward for Begonia Huawuyu

Chapter 685 Adding a reward for Begonia Huawuyu
That scene just now really scared him, the bastard was his own, whether it was a human, a ghost or a fairy, he recognized it all.

"I am your father!" Shangguan Zhenhua said.

Qingyun smiled, this sentence is enough to explain everything, nodded and said: "Yes, you are my father!"

Shangguan Zhenhua snorted, "You brat, if you can't move it, you can move it several times. Things won't run away here, so why worry. You're stupid!"

Shangguan Zhenhua patted Qingyun's head with hatred, and circled around her twice, his eyes shot up and down, but he didn't see anything, he grabbed Qingyun with one hand and researched it over and over again, but there was still nothing , I couldn't hold back my curiosity, and asked, "Where did you move?"

Qingyun shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, if others can't find it, don't ask, I don't know if you ask. Dad, this kind of thing can't be said, it won't work."

After Qingyun said that, Shangguan Zhenhua didn't ask even if he was curious. After thinking about it, he felt unsafe, so he couldn't help asking: "Who else knows about you?"

"I told you without telling anyone else." Qingyun lied without changing his face, her father knew it was not worth it, "If you didn't tell me to move money, I didn't even plan to tell you. When I first found out, I would I was so scared to death that I thought I was a monster, but those few days I saw who was weird, everyone seemed like someone who wanted to kill me."

Shangguan Zhenhua: "."

The bastard suffered a lot in places he didn't know about. No wonder he kept the secrets tight enough. Even his old man was on guard and cautious enough.

"Have you been there since you were a child?" When the bastard was young, I didn't see anything weird about him!Or are they just hiding it from him?
"No, since I was a child, you thought I could hide from my mother? Can my mother hide from you?" Qingyun rolled his eyes, "I came to Qishan to take up the post. On the way, I was attacked by bandits and broke my head. I hid in a broken house. In the temple, I found out that I was a bit weird, and I was afraid of being burned to death as a monster, so I kept it secret."

The highest level of a lie is half-truth, half-false, a mixture of true and false, and it is difficult to distinguish.

It is true that she was decapitated by bandits and almost died while hiding in a broken temple. Old man Song can testify.The rest is not important.


Shangguan Zhenhua's tone was full of twists and turns, he didn't know what he had imagined, his complexion was very exciting, red and green at times, surprise and worry at the moment, in short, it was very complicated.

"You know the reason why a man is innocent and pregnant with a jade, but you know this matter. You know that I know the world, and you must never let the third person know, not even your mother. Do you hear me?
No, no, I have to think of a way.I figured it out.Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know, I haven't been here tonight, I don't know anything, you hear me? "

Shangguan Zhenhua stared at Qingyun, threatening him with persuasive eyes.

The corners of Qingyun's mouth twitched, deceiving himself and others, it's okay.Nodded, you are the father and you have the final say.

Then Shangguan Zhenhua didn't know what was going on in his head, he suddenly became excited, patted Qingyun's head, and urged: "Hurry up, there are still a lot of things to collect at home, now no one knows, so hurry up and collect them all. "

It's safest to put it in the place of the gods. The common things of ordinary people, the gods don't look down on them, and that's right. The gods use all fairy things.

How could Qingyun dare to refuse, he touched his nose and followed cheap daddy to the next warehouse, and received the money from one warehouse, Shangguan Zhenhua urged Qingyun to follow him.

Qingyun shook his head, he couldn't do it anymore, he was very dizzy and his legs were shaking.

"Father, you have to save some money for the family, and some money for my mother to buy rouge and gouache. There is also a bank. If those people go to the bank to ask for money and you can't get it out, the business can continue? Dad, you have to give Leave a way out for yourself."

Forgive her!She felt that cheap father used her as a toy to play with, and even took it out to show him, to prove that the gods don't want his money.

what a man!
"It's not silver. Some of the jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings brought from home are handed down from the ancestors, and some of them are collected by me. You also accept them."

It was collected by him for most of his life. It is very valuable and can be handed down from generation to generation. It must be taken away. If one is lost, he will be very distressed.

"Calligraphy and painting can't be collected. There is water in that place, so we can still take calligraphy and painting soaked in water? Our house also has a secret room, which is full of traps. Except for the owner, whoever enters will die. It is absolutely safe. How about keeping all your antique calligraphy and paintings in the secret room?" Bar?"

Qingyun is about to kneel to him, he has been collecting it for decades, and it is not good.It's not that the whole family won't come back after running away, the old man and them are here, why take them away?
"There's so much nonsense, come with me." Shangguan Zhenhua said that if I don't listen, I want you to put it away, and drag Qingyun away.

"It's easy to not soak in water. I learned a lot of miscellaneous things from people when I was young. I sealed up my calligraphy and paintings, and they won't break after being soaked in water for decades. You don't have to worry about that. By the way, your Is there a place to put it?"

Shangguan Zhenhua waved his hand, as long as there is a place to put it, the other is not a problem.

"It's going to be dawn in a while, I'm dead now, I can't see the light." Qingyun said helplessly.

After Shangguan Zhenhua sealed the calligraphy and paintings, Qingyun collected the things and came out with limp legs.

Seeing him like that, Bai Yanheng and Du Chun'an, who were guarding outside, wondered what he was doing, as if he had been ripped dry.

Qingyun waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk, but unexpectedly saw Qingtian here.

"Brother, are you leaving? Are you coming back?"

In the past few years, Qingtian has been working with Shangguan Zhenhua, busy with work during the day and studying at night, the two siblings often meet each other in a hurry, and then work separately.

Qingyun reached out to touch his head, but found that he couldn't reach it. He felt that the days passed too fast. If he didn't pay attention, Qingtian's child had grown up, he had grown taller and stronger, and now he was half a head taller than her.

Qing Tian had already guessed that his brother would not die so easily, so he guarded him.

"Come back, I went out to avoid disaster, and I will come back when the matter subsides. This is our home, and the root is here! I am leaving, and you are the pillar of the family. Parents and the old man will be handed over to you. Take care of yourself too, don't listen to daddy, if what he says is wrong, just listen to it."

"Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of my parents and grandfather. Brother, you are outside alone, be careful in everything, don't let your parents, grandfather and me worry. Come back soon!"

"Well, the family is in your hands. Chun'an, Qishan is in your hands. Take care, I'm leaving." Qing Yun patted his shoulder, looked back at Father Cheap, then looked at the old man's yard, and followed Bai Yanheng sank into the darkness.

Qing Tian quietly wiped away his tears, he has grown up, he can't always rely on his elder brother like when he was a child.After his brother left, he will take responsibility for his brother and protect his parents and grandfather.

 Thank you Chunhui Yanfei for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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