Chapter 686

Shangguan Zhenhua was also wiping his eyes, "Don't tell your mother about your brother, your mother doesn't know."

Qingtian responded.

On the second day after Qingyun left, the general and his party came to the yamen. Du Chun'an finally felt relieved when he saw them.

Qingyun died for a few days, and every household in the county still hung mourning cloths. Although the yamen did not hang mourning cloths, white lanterns were hung at the gates.

Everyone was not interested in doing anything, and they were listless. When they saw the general and the others coming, they cast a glance, but no one paid attention.

"Is the general coming to the yamen for business?" Du Chun'an raised his spirits and greeted him. Others could ignore him, but he couldn't.

He is now the county magistrate of Qishan.

The general looked at the "Mirror Hanging High" plaque hanging in the courtroom, but did not speak.

The deputy general came out and said:

"Master Du, Shangguan, the county magistrate of Qishan, has passed away, and the current situation in Qishan is unattended. Look at the people in the yamen, Mr. Shangguan has only been here for a few days, what's the point of being so lazy?

Du Zhubo has served in Qishan for many years, and you know better than anyone how rampant the Qishan bandits are.For the sake of the people of Qishan, our general decided to stay and act as the county magistrate temporarily. We will return to the border when the marshal appoints a new county magistrate to take office. "

After the deputy general finished speaking, he looked at Du Chun'an to see how he would respond.

Master Bai had a clever plan, the general and the others really came to grab Qishan.

Du Chun'an said expressionlessly: "I'm afraid it won't work, the general came back late, and when your lord passed away, you appointed me as the next county magistrate of Qishan, all the people in the county heard about it.

The rampant banditry in Qishan did not happen in the past few years. It has been rampant for more than ten years and I have not seen the imperial court control it, nor have I seen the marshal and the others send troops to suppress the bandits.It was after Lord Shangguan took office that the present Qi Shan existed.

It was those of us who followed him who fought desperately with one knife and one gun, and how many people died before the people could live and work in peace.Why did your lord suppress the bandits?For the sake of the people of Qishan, he has just died, and the first seven days have just passed. I am afraid it is not appropriate for the general to pick peaches now, right? "

Du Chun'an slapped the table and roared angrily, honest people don't get angry, it's quite scary to get angry.

"When the bandits oppressed the people, where was the marshal? When the bandits attacked the county, where was the general? Did the general see the land outside the city, stained red with blood?
Didn't the general see hundreds of new graves in the cemetery?Toddlers waiting to be fed and elderly mothers?The general asked the people of Mount Qi, do they agree to allow you to guard Mount Qi?Is the border far from Qishan? "

Du Chun'an's questioning, every word wept blood, every sentence pierced the heart, forcing the lieutenant to "dengdengdengdeng" to retreat, and the general's face was also ugly.

Most of the small officials in the yamen were tested by the people of Qishan. They experienced the despair and fear of the dark period, which made them cry every day.

Everyone in the yamen looked at them unkindly, with hatred rolling in their eyes.People who used to ignore Qi Shan's life and death, but now they want to snatch Qi Shan, who was bought by the adults with their lives, why?
Sir Du is a good question, is the border gate far from Qishan?
Since they ignored the life and death of Qishan people from the beginning, don't intervene in Qishan's affairs halfway, they don't need it, they are guarded, a group of people who gave up their lives for Qishan and the people of Qishan.

"Get out, where did you come from and where are you going back?" A small official yelled at them with red eyes, "Qi Shan doesn't need you, we have Lord Shangguan, Lord Du, and the soldiers and horses left by Lord Shangguan, Qi Shan Let's protect it ourselves, you group of vicious wolves from outside, get out of Qishan."

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

"Get out of Qishan!"

No one expected that the officials in the yamen were so emotional that they picked up the guy and drove the general and his party out of the yamen.

Seeing that something was wrong with the people in the yamen, the common people outside ran over to inquire about the situation. After learning about the situation, they immediately stabbed a hornet's nest. They all returned home and grabbed hoes and poles and beat the general and them all the way out of the county.

"Bah, what, you think Qi Shan is the Qi Shan who was oppressed before? Get lost, Qi Shan doesn't welcome you!"

The generals have never been so embarrassed. They were driven out by the people like animals, and their things in the inn were also thrown out. The officers and soldiers stared at them from the sidelines. Once they crossed the line, they were immediately beaten mercilessly by the officers and soldiers .

The general and the others had darkened faces, gloomy eyes and glanced at the county town, and the group left Qishan.

"General, let's leave like this?"

When I came to Qishan, the fourth prince who was the target of the mission died, and Shangguan Qingyun, who took the place of death, also died.

The deputy general was at a loss, and didn't dare to think too much about his next fate.

"Go back to the border!" the general said.

Qishan's situation has long been beyond his control. With more than 100 soldiers, they can't attack the county. Shangguan Qingyun's [-] soldiers and horses have been fighting bandits all year round. They are full of evil spirits and blood, which is not something ordinary soldiers can compete with. .

After Qi Shan went back, he reported to the marshal to see how the marshal would deal with it.

A few days after the general and his party left the county, they were suddenly attacked by a group of unknown people in a canyon.

This group of people was very vicious and cruel, with crisp and neat tactics, which caused fatalities, even one shot was fatal. More than 100 soldiers resisted desperately, but there were more and more ferocious soldiers and horses who attacked them, and the entire army was wiped out soon.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

The leader of the unknown people shouted, "Hurry up, Master Qing and the others are leaving."

Qingyun was on the mountainside, expressionless, looking at the battlefield below with cold eyes, and turned around when he saw that the general and the others were all dead.

Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others also looked at the battlefield below, their faces pale. It was the first time for them to look directly at such a bloody and cruel battlefield, and they fully realized how fragile and cheap human life is.

The two of them suppressed the feeling of vomiting, and looked at the adult in front of him with the usual expression, and had mixed feelings for a while.

Both are scholars, why is there such a big difference from adults?
Seeing the ferocious and ferocious people respectfully call the adults "Qingye", awe and worship him with shining eyes, and the adults trembled with excitement when they walked past them, that kind of scene was too shocking!
Oh, by the way, after going up the mountain, they were told that from now on there will be no Qishan magistrate, no adults, only "Qing Ye", and all of them will call Qing Ye from now on.

"Have Huang Kun and Zhao Li arrived?" Qing Yun asked.

They made an appointment to meet at the top of the mountain in front, Qingyun was careful to hold a grudge, and insisted on ambushing here to kill the general and the others, so he delayed for a day.

What Bai Yanheng could say, persuasion was useless, just send a group of soldiers here to strangle them, he insisted on staying and watching.

 Thank you for the love between Rose and Peony, 20220622081925555, wmhjjf, Haijiaozi, for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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