Chapter 687

"Here we are, wait on the top of the mountain ahead, the big troops have already set off." Bai Yanheng said.

"Go, let's meet up first."

With a wave of Qingyun's hand, the large team moved towards the mountain ahead. The mask with silver patterns was worn on her face, reflecting a dazzling and cold light, which made people look majestic.

"Master Qing"

The soldiers and horses in charge of the security patrol saw that the person coming was Qing Ye and they immediately let them go. Huang Kun, Zhao Li, Bai Shaojie and the others listened to the movement outside and came out to greet them.

"Master Qing"

"Master Qing"

All the generals stepped forward one after another, some Qingyun had seen it, some hadn't, Qingyun nodded to everyone, and a group of people entered the tent.

Lu Mingyang Huai'en thought they were fleeing for their lives, but they saw more and more soldiers and horses. They were so mighty that they couldn't see the end at a glance. The momentum between them was as shocking as that of a military camp, which made the two of them dizzy .

A lot of soldiers and horses!
My lord, it's Master Qing, when did Master Qing have so many soldiers and horses?I heard that there were only a few hundred people when Master Qing led the Yamen servants to suppress the bandits, but now there are tens of thousands of people.

I heard that Weiyang Mansion only has [-] soldiers and horses, and Master Qing's [-] soldiers and horses are enough to guard the county. Do you need to escape?
Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others didn't understand. The two found that Master Qing's temperament had changed since he put on that mask, as if he had changed into a different person. His aura was compelling, cold and powerful, which made the two of them dare not approach, and followed in a daze. Beside Bai Yanheng.

"Everyone sit down!"

Qingyun raised his hand to signal the brothers to sit down, and the brothers waited for Qingyun to sit down before they sat down.

Qingyun took off the mask on his face and put it on the table, his cold eyes swept over the people sitting there, seemingly without coercion, but made the generals sitting there, including Huang Kun and Bai Shaojie, subconsciously straighten their backs.

Qingyun was serious for less than three seconds, leaned on the chair, and said casually: "You must have heard about Qishan, the fourth prince died in Qishan, the royal blood of the Dayong Dynasty died, and the world is about to be in chaos.

Bianguan Qian Qizhi wants to coerce the fourth prince to make the princes, can you blame me for the death of the fourth prince?What's wrong with him, he insisted on taking the identity of a spy... Qian Qizhi, an old bastard, was so unreasonable, he insisted on blaming me for the death of the fourth prince. "

The generals twitched their faces, why did the royal blood of the Dayong Dynasty die out, did Master Qing have no idea?

"Oh, he is a marshal, with millions of soldiers. We have thin arms and legs, but we can't squeeze him. Our soldiers and horses collide with him, and they are not enough to bite the teeth, so we can only run away.

You have to remember, we run away not because we are afraid of him, but because we have concerns. We have Mount Qi behind us, and the people of Mount Qi.

The people in Qishan are really suffering. They have just lived a stable life and cannot stand any troubles.Among them are your parents, your wives and children, and your brothers and sisters, as well as your father and mother.

For them, we had to leave Qishan.

For the people of Qishan, I have nothing I can't give up. For them, I will be a dead person from now on, a living dead who can't see the light. There is no Shangguan Qingyun in the world, only Qingye. "

"Master Qing is mighty!"

"Master Qing is mighty!"

All the generals shouted in unison, Lord Qing dedicated himself to Qi Shan and died!

"Isn't it reconciled? It's right not to be reconciled, and the Lord is not reconciled. Qi Shan was defeated by his brothers desperately, but he was bullied and driven away. You must remember this shame, because we Not strong enough.

The place where our parents are is our home and our roots. We are gone today, and we will return in the future with medals and honors. Let our relatives be proud of us, and let those who bullied us kneel down Sing conquest at your feet. "

The chicken soup was well cooked, and the soldiers were very excited.

Yes, they will come back in the future, returning to their homeland in good clothes, honoring their relatives, and making the enemy flee and be terrified at the news.

Bai Yanheng lowered his head and chuckled, he hadn't seen Shangguan Qingyun being so foolish for a long time.

Qingyun raised his hand, and the excited generals gradually calmed down.

"The world is about to be in chaos, what should we do? You all talk about it." Qingyun raised his chin, signaling to his brothers to speak boldly.

"A man's ambition is everywhere, of course he is making contributions." This is what an ambitious general said.

It's all in troubled times, no one cares what they did before, everyone is equally divided, I am a criminal and you are a treacherous official of a country in chaos, no one should say who's origin, it's useless to say, whoever has a big fist listens to whoever.

"How to make meritorious deeds, let's talk about it." Qing Yun smiled and motioned him to continue.

The general rubbed his nose and laughed, he is a big bastard, he doesn't know how to make contributions, it was not when he was in the mine, he heard people say this a lot, and he suddenly got hot and yelled out.

If he wants to have this brain, if he wants to have this brain, he should follow Master Qing, and he can do whatever Master Qing says!

Huang Kun rolled his eyes at Bai Yanheng, wondering what he was thinking about, and Bai Shaojie also glanced at his father, seeing his calmness, he didn't intend to speak.

"I heard that rebels everywhere killed the local county magistrate, occupied the county seat, and proclaimed themselves king. The imperial army has nothing to do with them. If you want me to say, let's go against it. Let's grab a piece of land first. Whoever comes, just do it with them."

It sounds like a no-brainer.

"Come on, if it works, why don't you just go back to Qishan and become the king yourself? That's our territory. If it works, Lord Qing won't take us away."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"There is no emperor in the Dayong Dynasty, and the bloodline is dead. Whoever becomes the emperor is not the same. I don't agree with whoever becomes the emperor. Why don't we go to the capital and Qingye sit on the dragon chair."


The brothers laughed loudly and booed one after another, asking Master Qing to be the emperor, Master Qing alone attained the Tao, they are chickens and dogs ascending to heaven, if they don't keep them together, they are the founding heroes!

Huang Kun's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at Qingyun, who was listening to the joke, and lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bai Yanheng's deep eyes glanced at Qing Yun who was smiling slightly, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Bai Shaojie and Zhao Li felt that these people really dared to think that being an emperor was as easy as drinking water and eating, if it was that simple, he could be an emperor too.

Lu Mingyang and Huai'en secretly wiped off the sweat from their heads, their hearts were beating rapidly, did they hear something they shouldn't have heard, and is the next step someone killing them to silence them?

"Okay, okay, stop talking about those useless things, what are you dreaming of in broad daylight. You are still the emperor, I think you don't think you died fast enough. The world is not chaotic yet, everyone with a little power is watching That dragon chair.

Did you see the princes moving around?It's just those messy mobs running around like jumping feet. "

(End of this chapter)

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