Chapter 701
Qingyun Bai Yanheng and the others sneaked into the city gate, thinking that it would take a lot of effort, seeing those people were so drunk, they didn't know what to say, just this kind of virtue, even made King Qi wipe out many rebels, and walked away with shit transport.

After finishing them, they immediately opened the city gate, Qingyun and the others stood at the gate, waiting for the army to enter the city.

"Master Qing"

Qisha and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Qingyun and the others.

"He Qiu is stationed at the two gates in the east and west of the city, and He Shui is stationed in the two gates in the south and north of the city. They are only allowed to enter but not to exit. Those who resist will be killed without mercy!

Seven kills, you generals will follow me to the barracks.Don't harass the people. From now on, the people in Li County will also be my people. "Qingyun said shamelessly.

"Subordinates take orders!"

After that, the troops were divided into two groups.

The people near the city gate, when they heard the movement outside, no one dared to stretch their heads to check, and closed the doors and windows firmly. The sound of the hooves of 'Tuk Tuk Tuk' seemed to be stepping on the apex of their hearts, and they couldn't help tensing their nerves. When the sound of horse hoofs disappeared, the people breathed a sigh of relief.

King Qi and the others never thought that when they captured Li County during the day, someone would come and attack them at night. The army in the barracks was almost drunk, and the entire barracks was almost empty, and Qingyun's army drove straight in.

The King of Qi and his concubines are in a temporary tent. The generals under him are almost virtuous, and some are drunk and talking nonsense. Tomorrow, I will go to the city to search for a few daughters of gold as concubines. I don’t know what to think What a beautiful thing, I laughed out loud, very coquettishly.

Qingyun thought that King Qi was sleeping in the Yamen, so he recruited 1000 people to go to the Yamen, but ended up sleeping in the barracks, which was convenient for her.

Qisha was a clever ghost, he moved out a chair from nowhere for Qingyun to sit on, and Qingyun gnawed a leg of lamb down from the campfire, listening to his brothers brutally driving the rebels away while he gnawed.

Those who resist will be killed without mercy, and those who surrender will put their heads in their hands and come out and squat on the open ground.

King Qi and his generals were all dragged here, thrown in front of Qingyun, and some were dragged out naked.

Qing Yun didn't think there was anything wrong, Bai Yanheng didn't think there was a problem at first, but when he saw Qing Yun looking at those people without changing his expression, his face twitched violently, and ordered someone to find a piece of cloth to shield them, and met Qing Yun's puzzled gaze, and explained: "Indecent, you are an official anyway, you should pay attention to what should be paid attention to."

Qingyun felt that Bai Yanheng was baffled, and the soldier saw that Master Qing did not object, so he walked away.

He gnawed half of the leg of lamb, ordered Qi Wang and the others, and didn't know what he thought of. Qingyun held back the words of "drag it out and chop it", and turned around and told Qi to kill them. Take turns to rest, find a few gongs, and try the case tomorrow."

Qisha and the other generals understood it in seconds, He Qiuheshui and the others didn't know what happened later, they were about to ask a few questions about Qisha, when Master Qing said, "By the way, the county magistrate's official uniform was taken off. , I will use it tomorrow."

Hearing that the dead man's clothes were going to be stripped off, Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others turned pale again, looking at Master Qing without words.

Ever since they followed Master Qing, they have seen all kinds of unimaginable things. In their minds, Master Qing's majestic and tall image was broken into pieces.

To say something disrespectful, Master Qing is a bandit and bully, and it's useless to regret it. Once you get on this thief ship, you won't be able to get off.

Of course, they didn't think about it, Master Qing was not upright enough, and he was also insidious and cunning, but the things he did had good results in the end, and the people who benefited were all.

The people in Qishan are the beneficiaries, and there will be Li County soon.

Seeing that some soldiers were about to run to pick off the dead man's clothes, Lu Ming, who was overwhelmed with thoughts, stopped him in time, "No need, the officer brought Qingye's official uniform."

Qingyun turned to look at him in surprise, "Why did you think of wearing an official uniform? You did a good job!"

Seeing that all the generals were looking at him, Lu Ming said nervously: "I didn't expect the humble position. It was Mr. Du who told the humble position."

Qing Yun nodded clearly, "Chun'an is careful, and you are not bad." Then he pointed at King Qi and said, "Beat me unconscious and tied up."

"Who are you?" Someone from King Qi's staff boldly asked, this group of troops came out of nowhere, all of them were vicious and murderous without blinking an eye.

"A person who does justice for the heavens!" Qi Sha said these words.

Qingyun smiled, calculated that it was getting late, and prepared to catch up on sleep, then turned his head and said to Bai Yanheng and the others: "Try it carefully, the military budget is tight, don't miss a copper coin."

Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others were going to leave with Qingyun. When they heard something related to money, they decided to stay and learn from Bai Junshi by the way.

It was already noon when Qingyun woke up, and the barracks had already finished the interrogation. Anyone who has used a knife on the people will be killed!
Kill the adulterer and plunderer!
Those who burned, killed and looted, killed!
What's left is the ones that are still clean at hand, so lock them up first, wait for Master Qing to look at them and interrogate them again, and release the innocent ones.

Did you say that there was wrongful killing?If you were really wronged and killed by mistake, you can only say that you are unlucky, and you will die if you die.
Qingyun tidied up his official uniform and asked Bai Yanheng, "How is it? Does it look like a court official?"

It's been a long time since I wore an official uniform, and Qingyun is almost not used to it.

Bai Yanheng nodded.

Qingyun and his party went to the execution ground.

Yang Huai'en has already arranged for people to beat the gongs and drums, and go door to door to inform the people in the county that the new county magistrate will openly try the murderer who killed the former county magistrate yesterday, and the people can go to Xingtai to watch.

The people of Li County suffered a great loss at the hands of the insurgents yesterday, and suffered a great crime. They were terrified. Suddenly, they heard that a new county magistrate had come and wanted to publicly trial yesterday’s insurgents. Dare to stand out.

The store owner who suffered the disaster in the county quietly opened the door to observe, and found that this group of people beating gongs and drums was not a rebel army. He came out boldly and asked boldly. He was relieved to learn that they were soldiers and horses of the imperial court. .

One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon the common people knew that the soldiers and horses who came last night were from the imperial court. They all walked out of the house, looked at each other, and then headed towards the execution ground.

Qingyun sat on the high platform, slowly drinking water from a cup, and he was not in a hurry when the time passed. Apart from King Qi and his group, there were only a few spectators on the execution platform.

Not long after, the people flocked to the place.

The common people who came running really saw a group of people kneeling on the execution platform, they were yesterday’s rebel army, King Qi and his gang. If they wanted to ask them why they knew, it was because the faces of King Qi and his gang were all exposed.

This idea was proposed by Bai Yanheng, and Qingyun was very pleased. No, without their explanation, the crowd's emotions became agitated.

When the execution ground was full of audience, Qingyun slapped Jingmutang, and the seven kills immediately rang the gong, and the entire execution ground fell silent for an instant.

 Thank you Ah Man 76 for your reward, okay?

  The little cutie on the opposite side looked over, looked over, Dongdong is so diligent, cast in the monthly ticket in his hand, cast in~~
(End of this chapter)

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