Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 702 We are late, you are suffering

At this time, Yang Huaien came forward from behind. He was tall and straight, and his face was expressionless. The official uniform of the dark blue show and the golden python set off his majesty.

This time, not only did Qingyun wear official uniforms, but Lu Mingyang Huaien and the others all wore official uniforms. Even the Seven Killers, He Qiu and He Shui, all wore official uniforms. Those who used to work in the yamen also wore the official uniforms of the yamen.

Qingyun was curious, what did the brothers bring?Isn't it just gold and silver to run for your life?Like she didn't bring anything except a set of clothes, but Lu Ming and the others brought her everything.

In the entire execution ground, except for Bai Yanheng, who was dressed in white, everyone else was in official uniform.

Of course, they wore official uniforms to give the common people a sense of security. At first glance, they were eating the meals of the imperial court, and the common people believed a little.

Yang Huaien glanced at the people, and at the same time recited the speech prepared last night in his heart, ready to brainwash the people of Li County, no, inspire them.

In the past, this matter belonged to Lord Du, but now that Lord Du is away, Lord Bai said that it would be left to him.

"The people of Li County, we are officers and soldiers of the imperial court. We received the letter of help from the county magistrate. Our adults were very anxious, worried that you would be poisoned by the rebel army. to rescue you.

They dispatched troops all night long, rushed horses and whips, and came around day and night, but it was still too late, you all suffered..."

Quite sensational!

Many people shed tears, and the fear, panic, and fear of the past few months poured out.

They thought they were dead. Yesterday, the soldiers and horses of the King of Qi rushed into the city to burn, kill, and loot. They killed many people and robbed many girls. Everyone was in danger.

But who worried about them?
War is cruel, and human life in war is like a must.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yang Wynn unexpectedly. He hadn't found his brainwashing skills before, but he was about to catch up with Chun'an. If he exercised hard, maybe he was better than blue.

"...The magistrate of Li County is a good official. In order to defend Li County and prevent the people from suffering, he was poisoned by the rebels. The murderers of the county magistrate were all arrested and brought to justice.

Yang Huaien said a lot of brainwashing words, Amway and the others are good officers and soldiers, the new county magistrate is a good official, etc. It took two quarters of an hour to get to the point.

Then Lu Ming came on stage and opened the dossier he was holding. Everything that was densely recorded was their crimes.

Robbing girls on the street and forcing women from good families is not a problem.

This King Qi is a follower of a certain cult, and he can trick people into tricking people into killing his wife, children, parents, and breaking the world.

Some people just believed it, and they did it. No one found out at first. If there were too many believers, it was easy to get into trouble.

What bottom line can the bandits have, burning, killing, looting, doing all kinds of evil, more and more people, more and more things, more and more people, more and more people, or slaughtering villages.

The royal bloodline of the Dayong Dynasty was dead, and there were rebellions everywhere. Today this one is called the king, and the next one is called the king tomorrow.

The first thing to do when you become a king is to give yourself a concubine.What if there are not so many girls on the mountain?
Go out and grab!
Those who robbed and resisted from the village slaughtered the village.

Within a month, I disliked the girls in the village for being unattractive, and rewarded them to the people below, and then went to the county seat to rob them. There were always missing girls in several counties around Li County, and they were the ones who did it.

For money, kidnapping and extorting wealthy businessmen, etc., the crimes are monstrous.

Every time Lu Ming reported a crime, the people scolded King Qi and his party as animals, beasts, and even spit at them and threw shoes at them.

After Lu Ming reported the crimes of King Qi and his party, Yang Huaien went on to brainwash.

"...Our adults are upright, just and strict, and serve the people wholeheartedly. Anyone who violates the law will be punished according to the law. As long as we are in Li County, the people of Li County will be safe.

The leader of the rebel army, King Qi and a group of generals, flouted the laws of the court, provoked war, attacked the county town, disregarded the safety of the people in Li County, murdered and set fire to others, robbed others of their finances, and killed the former magistrate of Li County. Execute immediately. "

After finishing speaking, he returned to Qingyun. As for King Qi's group being gagged, they shook their heads and cried, and no one cared.

The brothers who acted as the executioners temporarily, their heads fell, and the blood filled the execution ground.

The people of Li County applauded and shouted that the new magistrate was a good official, while the merchants in the county town were copying their hands with no excited expressions on their faces, and no one knew what they were thinking.

Qingyun waved his hand and left with a group of generals. The people who were left behind were still cheering. Many victims rushed up and kicked King Qi and their corpses to vent their anger.


Fortunately, Qingyun and the others came in time, and the yamen hadn't been harmed by King Qi. Qingyun and the others could move in and work immediately.

Most of the shops in the county town have suffered serious damage. It will take some time to rebuild. The officers and soldiers of Li County also need to be buried. How should the family members of the deceased be resettled?And what should the surrenderers do, and so on?
When Lu Mingyang Wynn suddenly encountered such a problem, he couldn't make up his mind and didn't know how to solve it.The two of them were frowning. They had never been in contact with this kind of thing before. In the past, they were responsible for the small things of organizing copywriting, but suddenly it escalated to the problem of human life, the problem of resettling people, and the pressure doubled. , they can't bear it!
They are under pressure that they shouldn't be at their age, bitter!
After thinking about it, I came to find Master Qing to solve it.

Seven kills He Qiu and a group of generals also ran over to find Lord Qing. The guard battalion in the county seat is not big enough, at most 2 people can be stationed. Where are the rest of the army?

Qingyun was so arguing that his hair was about to fall out. It was food and money, and he had a headache. He called Bai Yanheng to discuss it with them.

"Master Qing, the merchants in the county ran to the yamen to ask, when will the supplies and money stolen by King Qi be returned to them?" Lu Ming asked with a sullen face.

This is the temptation of those merchants, to test the virtues of the new magistrate, and they must change their behavior in time.

Lu Mingyang Huaien and the others felt that the ill-gotten wealth that King Qi had stolen should be returned to the people.

Qingyun glanced at Bai Yanheng.

Bai Yanheng said: "The materials and money that King Qi and the others robbed were all spent on the rebel army. Your lord didn't get a single penny. King Qi and the others were all dead, so where can they find anything back? My lord is deeply impressed by what happened to them. With regret and sympathy, I decided to reduce their tax for half a year."

Extraordinary times are very means.

They didn't rob the grain and the silver. When things went into their pockets, there was no reason to take them out. They were worthy of their conscience.

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