Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 703 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 703 Buying People's Hearts
It happened that the army was about to run out of food, and this batch of food was used for emergency, just to solve the urgent need.

Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others hesitated to speak, they couldn't help looking at Master Qing with some complicated psychology.They all knew that the army was about to run out of food, and they wanted Master Qing to return it to the merchants, but they didn't want him to return it. In short, it was very contradictory.

Bai Yanheng's words touched Qingyun's heart, if she retreated a little, she didn't need to spend labor to send troops?

What beautiful things are you thinking of?

Not to mention the people of Li County, the people can't squeeze anything out of them, and the merchants in Li County are still very rich.If she hadn't sent troops in time to save them from King Qi's murderous hands, she would have lost more than this little thing. As far as King Qi's virtue is concerned, it is good to go bankrupt, and I am afraid that after the bankruptcy, the family will still be ruined.

So that little supplies and money are her labor expenses.

Qingyun said: "Just do what the military adviser said. All businesses in the county are waiting for prosperity. There are large troops stationed here. It is very safe. Let them repair the shops and open them as soon as possible, so as not to affect the lives of the people. Make a notice that the people will also be exempted from taxes for half a year this year. "

Qingyun made a decision, and everyone had no opinion.

After Qingyun finished speaking, Bai Yanheng said: "Calculate the amount of food and money. After the statistics are completed, all the food will be sent to the army, and the military salary will be paid. The remaining money will be distributed to the officers and soldiers who died in Li County and the families of the soldiers. By the way, Build a monument in the center of the county seat, and engrave the names of those who died in Li County, whether officers, soldiers or ordinary people, so that they can see our sincerity.

Let's count it out and register it by ourselves, and we will engrave it when we return to Qishan in the future.Lu Ming, you arrange it.Yang Huai'en, go and investigate the crops here that are resistant to freezing and easy to live. Buy a large number of seeds and come back. After the army is settled, you will open up wasteland and plant land. "

Lu Mingyang Huai'en glanced at Master Qing, seeing that Master Qing waved his hands and had no objection, the two immediately went down to make arrangements.

When a group of generals heard that they were going to farm again, they dared not show it in front of Qingyun, and sighed in their hearts.Even in the north, we still cannot escape the curse of farming!
"Master Qing, what about our army? The barracks in the county town can't accommodate so many people!" He Shui said anxiously.

"I have researched the map of Li County with the military adviser. Guiguya covers a relatively large area, and the land is also suitable for planting. It is not far from the county seat. It is the best place to place the army. Discuss who will stay in the county seat."

Qingyun smiled, watching the generals and the others argue fiercely, and finally He Shuili stayed in the county despite all the opinions, looking at the generals triumphantly, with a small expression of embarrassment.

Qingyun laughed and didn't tell him that other people deliberately quarreled with him just to let him take over this task.Hearing that the army is stationed outside to open up wasteland and cultivate land, it seems to be a disadvantage, but there are also many rebels and bandits outside, and there are more opportunities for them to go out and fight with others.

Seven kills He Qiu and the others are old fritters, so they naturally understand the truth in it, but He Shui is still too honest, and he will only suffer from his lack of knowledge.

"Okay, let's arrange it like this, the meeting will be adjourned." Qingyun waved his hand, indicating that everyone can leave.

"Master Qing wants to go out?" Seeing that she didn't change her official uniform, Bai Yanheng called more than a dozen policemen to go outside the yamen, guessing what they were going to do.

"Yes, I'll go out and look around to see if there is anything that needs help."

Wanting to win back the hearts of the common people in Li County as soon as possible, Qing Yun plans to follow Qi Shan's routine.The former county magistrate had a good reputation. If she tarnished his reputation, the common people would probably not like it.

Others are talking, but she intends to do it, take the civilian route, at least not let the people of Li County hold them back.

"Bring in the doctors from the army. Many people were injured. There are not enough doctors in the city. I will take some commonly used medicinal materials, especially the medicinal materials for fever and typhoid fever. I will arrange people to buy them from the medicine shop, and then send people to the neighboring county towns for the medicinal materials in the army. Go shopping." Bai Yanheng said.

Since we want to do it, we must strive to do it in the hearts of the common people, so that people can trust and admire her from the bottom of their hearts.

After thinking about it, Qingyun agreed, she took the fast yamen servants and left first, and the doctor and medicinal materials arrived later.

Seeing that there were injured people in the common people's house, Qingyun walked over and asked, "Old man, how is the brother's injury? Is it serious? Do you need help?"

Seeing the magistrate coming, the family was very cautious and afraid.In the past, when the former county magistrate was still there, at most he would send someone over to ask where the opponent would be present in person, but it frightened them.

People in Li County have never seen such a down-to-earth county magistrate, who asked them about their injuries, and even helped them clean them and how to tie them up.

"No, no, the medical center is too busy." The vicissitudes of the old man's face is full of sadness. The son is the pillar of the family. If something happens, what should the family do.

All the nobles in the city were treated at the medical center, and when it was their turn, the common people would either be expensive or run out of medicinal materials.

The lives of ordinary people are too difficult.

Qingyun was at her husband's house, and the common people on the street saw her amiable appearance, and slowly came over to check on the situation.

"There is a doctor at the yamen. He is a doctor in the army. His medical skills are not bad, and he only charges a few pennies for the medicinal materials. I think the elder brother's injury is a bit serious. I can't wait at the pharmacy. Why don't you go to the yamen to try it." Qingyun suggested. .

The old man was dubious. There were long, long queues at several medical clinics in the county. Some of them were seriously injured and couldn’t wait.

"Then try it." The old man looked at Qingyun and said.

After Qingyun saw that he agreed, he arranged for two policemen to help send people there, and then rolled up his sleeves to help them tidy up the house.

The old lady watched the county magistrate working, her heart skipped a beat, and she repeatedly said, "No need, no need, my lord, we will handle this matter by ourselves."

"These cabinets are a bit heavy, old man, don't move them, if they get twisted, it would be bad." Qingyun stopped her from coming, and lightly picked up the cabinets and put them away, her action stunned everyone.

The county magistrate looked at Wenwen's weakness, but he didn't expect such strength.

The people gathered around the door to see the situation were very surprised to see the magistrate talking softly to the old lady and husband. Later, they heard that the yamen sent a doctor, and those who couldn't wait for the medical center could go to the yamen for treatment, and saw the old man again. The wounded at home were sent to the Yamen, and those with wounded at home immediately followed.

Just like the old man's idea, if the yamen doesn't work, they can go back to the medical hall, at worst, take a few more steps.

Qingyun helped this family, and then went to the next one. She would help if she could, and she would not be brave if she couldn't. If there were wounded in the family, she recommended them to go to the yamen for treatment, or arranged for the yamen servants to help. She was busy until dark.

But one afternoon, the wind spread.The people in Li County all knew about the new county magistrate, and they helped the people in their homes.

 Thanks Suiju, wmhjjf voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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