Chapter 704

This incident shocked the people of Li County. When they talked about the new county magistrate, they all had expressions of disbelief. They saw the county magistrate leading the yamen's fast yamen servants to work in every house. When I returned to the yamen, I fell asleep when I was so tired that I couldn't eat, but the people were moved so much that their eyes were watery.

Compared with the former county magistrate, the new county magistrate is even worse, not in one or two ways.

People are afraid of comparison, and the filter will be shattered when compared, and when I mention the former county magistrate, my heart is very complicated.

For example: In the past, snow disasters or floods occurred in the county town. The former county grandpa personally went to the disaster county town to condolences to the people and asked if there were any wounded?Are the wounded serious?
Then there is a sigh, a sigh without a doctor, a sigh without medicinal materials, a sigh without a place for the people to live, and then sighed and left the disaster area with a look of exhaustion, and then there is no more.

When the new county magistrate sees someone who needs help, he rolls up his sleeves and does it. There is no problem with lifting beams or carrying logs. He eats and drinks with the people, and eats dry food and buns.

There are not enough doctors in the county, and all the doctors in the army are drawn to treat the people. There is not enough medicinal materials, so all the medicinal materials in the army are transferred. The wounded are seriously injured. , no fee will be charged.

The tax was exempted for half a year at the beginning, and then the county magistrate said that the people's life is not easy, so let's exempt it for one year!In this comparison, the former county magistrate...

The merchants in the county town heard what the common people said, and they groaned in disdain, and when there was no one behind their backs, they scolded the new county magistrate for shit.

If he was really a good person, why didn't he return the food and money to them?

Can he be bad?
The food and money that King Qi robbed are all in his hands. So much food is piled up in the barracks, and the silver is packed into hundreds of boxes. I heard that King Qi also robbed a bank, who knows how much money he robbed .

If you don't get a copper coin or a grain of rice, you just help those untouchables carry things, move a few cabinets, and boil a few pots of medicine. Are you a good person?

Who can't do superficial kung fu?Maybe, the new county magistrate is worse than the former county magistrate.

Bunch of fools!
He is buying people's hearts, and when he shows his true colors in the future, those foolish people will be afraid after knowing it!
Hey, all the merchants sighed, what's the use of them seeing the true face of the magistrate, it's a pity they can't reveal it to others, otherwise they will be the ones who will have a bad life.


Qingyun has been busy with the arresting yamen servants for more than half a month, and has gained a lot of love from the people. He returned to the yamen with a tired face, stepped into the gate, put away the smile on his face, and rubbed his sour face.

People's hearts are not so easy to buy.

"Master Qing, there is still a lot of money left..."

Lu Ming handed the registration book to him for review, and Qingyun Bai Yanheng understood the meaning of the unfinished words.Qingyun flipped through it casually and threw it to Bai Yanheng.

"Has the military salary been paid?" Qingyun asked.

"It's been sent, and the food is also bought." Lu Ming replied.

"You bought the seeds?"

"I bought it, and I also bought the medicinal materials." Yang Huai'en replied.

"Have all the pensions of the sacrificed officials been paid?"

"It's been released." Lu Ming said expressionlessly.

Bai Yanheng glanced at the three of them, and returned it to Lu Ming after reading it.

Qingyun thought about it, and the army seemed to be all right, so he said: "take it from the people and use it for the people, and you can arrange to make up for the rest of the money. If the disaster area is seriously affected, make up a little more, and if it is light, make up a little less. Resettlement as soon as possible." Good people."

Lu Ming; "."

Yang Huaien: "."

Now when the two of them face Master Qing, the facial expression management can be controlled a lot, at least a lot less.

How did the money come from, you don't have a clue?How dare you say 'take it from the people and use it to the people'?
Lu Ming gongs and drums went closely to arrange.

"How do you arrange the original guards in Li County? And the surviving Yamen guards?" Yang Huai'en asked.

Those officers and soldiers who survived were still shrunk in the city. They had seen Master Qing's ferocity that night, and those rebels who killed King Qi and others didn't even bat an eye, waiting for the results of the yamen's handling with trepidation.

Maybe they thought about running away, but they couldn't escape. The soldiers and horses guarding the city gate now belonged to the magistrate of the evil star.

Once someone testifies, if the witness has a problem, it is the witness who bears the consequences.Therefore, those who want to run really can't.

"Check everything. Li County fell so quickly. In addition to the rebels lurking in, there are also inner ghosts who cooperated with the rebels. They were found and killed. Let the Seven Killers investigate. They have experience." Bai Yanheng said.

Qing Yun chuckled, Du Chun, Yasuda Tara and the others were not here, and it was the same if Bai Yanheng was there, he was one of them!

"Issuing a notice to inform all the people in Li County to come to the yamen to re-register and handle the account book. The reason is to re-check the population and receive silver subsidies in the yamen according to the severity of the disaster. There are people who work in the yamen or serve in the army. Receive subsidies first, and those who sacrifice also have this priority.

In addition, an announcement is being issued that Li County was destroyed by the rebels so quickly, and there are traitors in the city colluding with the rebels.A traitor is very dangerous. If he can collude with the rebel army, he can collude with bandits and bandits. For the safety of the county, the county magistrate wants to arrest him throughout the city. Anyone who provides clues will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver, and those with convincing evidence will be rewarded with 500 taels of silver. "

"Yes." Yang Huai'en went down to make arrangements.

After the notice was posted, the whole city was in an uproar, and everyone scolded the traitor for a bad death and so on. After scolding, they were happy, especially if there were family members who worked in the government office or in the army.

The people lamented that the new county magistrate is good, not only sending troops to repair houses for them, but also getting money.

When the merchants saw the notice, they scolded the county magistrate at home for not being a man, using their money to buy people's hearts, bah!
At the same time, Qisha and the others led people to investigate secretly.

Bai Yanheng found out the map of Li County and studied it with Qingyun.

The largest rebel army in Lixian County is King Qi's. The others are small rebel troops, ranging from a few thousand to a few hundred. There are also some bandits who occupy the mountain and become kings.

After eliminating King Qi's rebel army, the rest of the rebel army will not be a threat, but they can't raise tigers. Right now, the army has no time to deal with them, and food is in short supply. Let's open up wasteland and farm.

The army has already stationed at Guiguya, the county is fine for the time being, Bai Yanheng and Lu Mingyang Huai'en are still in the yamen, Qingyun went to Guiguya to inspect, the camp of the army is all flat land, and the houses have been built in rows. So people are opening up wasteland and farming.

Half of the corn and sweet potatoes and other easy-to-produce crops, half of the wheat, the wheat is bought locally, and some of the rice fields are also reclaimed for trial planting. Other vegetables in the south have been planted for trial planting to see how the effect is. Then decide how much to plant next.

 Thank you Haijiaozi for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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