Chapter 705

Qing Yun stayed in the barracks for two months, and returned to the county seat when the barracks were on track.

The county town has restored its former prosperity and order. Walking on the street, there are shouts of business. The people have come out of the grief of losing their loved ones. After all, the most important thing is the surviving relatives.

Seeing Qingyun greeted each of them with a smile, Qingyun also smiled and nodded in response to them. They looked at each other very harmoniously, a scene of officials and people enjoying a happy family.

With heavy rewards and provocations, the people of the county town confessed many suspects. After the yamen seized and inspected them, they pulled out many nails and arrested many criminals. The serious ones were killed, and the others were put on shackles for distribution. The barracks opened up wasteland for farming and waste utilization.

Qisha and the others searched the county several times overtly and covertly, and sent people to monitor any suspicious targets.

Those who surrendered were still in the same old way, coercing and luring.Anyone who provides clues to the rebel army, who has officially become a citizen of Li County after washing his identity, can also choose to leave.

Someone dared to ask, can I join the army?

After getting a possible answer, a small number of people chose to go home to farm, while most stayed to join the army.They have heard that this army is treated very well, with four sets of clothes a year, a monthly military salary, and the most important thing is that they can eat meat after every meal.

What are they trying to do as bandits?Don't you just want to have enough food and clothes?
The surviving guards all chose to join the county magistrate's army. They heard from the garrison army that the county magistrate's army had many preferential policies for their families in addition to military pay and clothing. They were very moved.

Not everyone is accepted into Qingyun's army. If you want to join the army, you must pass the test.

What test?

They will soon find out.

The county town settled down, and before the summer harvest, He Shui and [-] soldiers were left to guard the county town, the yamen was handed over to Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others, and Qingyun Bai Yanheng and the others returned to the barracks.

At the same time, those who followed them back were the city guards and recruits who joined the army to undergo tests, about 8000 to [-] people. This time, they were the vanguard of the rebels and bandits, and those who survived were the soldiers they wanted.

Seeing that the gentle county magistrate also joined them in suppressing the bandits, even a weak scholar like the county magistrate is not afraid of death. The guards who don't want to die are compared with the recruits and the ferocious veterans next to them. They all fight fiercely to the death .

The magistrate of the county has said that they are dead, and they will die when they die. No one remembers them.If he survived, he would be able to make great achievements in the future and become a general.

Qingyun and the others suppressed the bandits, and the army was divided into several groups to wipe out all the rebels and bandits in Li County.

"Come on!"


The mob's insurgents had never seen such a big battle, and they were timid before they started fighting, their morale was low, and the flag fluttering in the wind was like a ghost rushing toward their faces, scaring them and turned around and fled.

The ferocious army was like a pack of wolves breaking into a flock of sheep. Soon the rebels and bandits in Li County were wiped out, and cartloads of food and treasures were brought into the barracks.

Made it, made it, made a fortune!

Damn, the rebel army and the land in Li County are so rich, much richer than the Eighteen Villages in Qishan, the army's food is in a hurry, and now they have it again.

Master Bai followed the Taoist priest, and the north really benefits our Lord Qing.

The little official laughed when he saw everyone, unlike before when everyone owed him money, his teeth were sore.

Looking at the account book, Qingyun was also smiling, and he was in a particularly good mood. Sure enough, the suppression of the bandits was the fastest way to get money!

Xia Harvest did not come, and the food was in short supply again. She was also worried, and thought of embezzling cheap father's money to buy food.There is no need to think about tax collection in the county this year. I don't know what will happen next year. I can't count on tax revenue, but I can only count on myself.

She didn't expect that the rebel army and the bandits' lair had hoarded so much food and treasures. They probably robbed many places, and many villages were murdered by them!
Glancing at the food and treasures from the corner of the eye, Qing Yun thought about it, this is a good opportunity to make a fortune!
It takes several months to open up wasteland and cultivate the land. The weather is not good, and when the harvest in the field is not good, the mood is also bad, and it is exhausting.How can the robbery of the rebel army and bandits come so fast, both are labor-intensive, and they are also no-cost transactions, one is hard to say, and the other is huge profits.

Or, she took the initiative to send troops out to suppress the rebel army?She had thought up all the excuses, the rebels in the counties were rioting, and the local magistrates were suffering from the plight of having no soldiers to use. As a colleague, how could he watch the people suffer?She has the obligation and responsibility to solve their problems and worries.

After thinking about it for a few times, Qingyun finally pressed the idea, greedy and greedy, she should manage Li County well and make it a monolith.

There are people like that in the world who don't want to see others' kindness. If there are jealous people who want to snatch her when they see Lixian's kindness, let them try to kick the iron plate.

After getting a sum of money, Qingyun was in a very good mood, and with a wave of his hand, he rewarded the army.

That night, a bonfire banquet was held, and Qing Yun, who drank a few bowls of wine, watched the demons dancing wildly, and waved his hands again, each of them was paid an extra month of military pay, and then rushed over to dance with the demons.

Bai Yanheng: "."

Looking at Qing Yun rolling up his sleeves and dancing like a crab, Bai Yanheng twitched the veins on his forehead, took a few deep breaths to calm down his emotions, turned his head and couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Remember, remember, this is a cruel young master, not a girl.

Qingyun was generous, but he felt so distressed about that little official.

There is a prodigal master, no amount of silver in the treasury is enough, what can he do?Pet it!
One more military salary, the little official also smiled, but the smile was a little distorted.

There was a severe drought everywhere in the south, and drought also occurred in some parts of the northwest. The climate in the north was good, and crops such as sweet potatoes, corn, and wheat were growing well, and everyone was relieved.

Qingyun broke open a bag of grain and looked at it. The grains are full, except for the top being a little flat, the overall look is not bad. It is not as good as the yield of Qishan, but much higher than the yield of Lixian people.

Qingyun once inspected and found that the local people planted corn-wrapped rice, which was the same as wild rice, without ridges, and it was troublesome to scatter it, and it was very dense. No wonder the yield was not high.

Qingyun gave them advice on transplanting the densely populated places. The people smiled and nodded when they heard it. Say something like this.

To be honest, I was nervous and curious when I saw the county magistrate wandering around their fields occasionally, but that's what happened later.

Now they know what's going on, the county magistrate came to see them farming.Heck, it's funny when a layman talks!

The people shook their heads.

 Thank you Chunri Zaiyang for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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