Chapter 709
Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "That's fine. If you enter the door with ability, no one can say anything gossip. You can reject those fake literati, and you can also make those who have ability famous."

The people who run this elegant fair are so smart, no matter who recruits the talents here, they all owe him a favor. Over time, this relationship group is very huge!
"In case the Yaji cannot find the person the adults want, the county can hold an imperial examination, just like Qishan, all the officials in the Yamen can be tested from the people, not sticking to one pattern.

Lu Mingyang and Huai En have experienced the imperial examination, they have experience, and they can hand it over to them.The scope of the imperial examination can be expanded, people from Li County, Tang County, Changping County, Jilin County, Huping County, and surrounding counties can participate, and the scope of the examination can be enlarged. " Bai Yanheng said.

He has assigned several surrounding counties to Qingyun's command. Except for the county magistrate, all officials under the master must be in place. The imperial examination in Li County alone cannot test so many talents.

Qingyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's better if you think about it carefully, so you can do it like this. Lu Mingyang Huai'en's imperial examination is entrusted to you, and Yanheng is in charge of the topic. Refer to Qi Shan's test paper appropriately, and it's as fancy as writing an essay." There is no need to take the exam, let’s test how they govern the county.”

Bai Yanheng nodded.

"Master Qing, General Huang, Daliang Heixiong, and the others will arrive in half a month." Seven kills said.

These vulgar people don't understand the literary stuff, and it makes them dizzy, but they understand the meaning, Master Qing will send troops, they just need to wait.

"It came so fast!" Qingyun was a little surprised. Luckily, Guiguya is a big place, and a hundred thousand troops can fit in it. It's a bit crowded. This is the current situation. There is no way, let's squeeze it first!
"What's the situation in Qishan now?" Qingyun asked, after the border crossing was over, there should be a conclusion to Qishan's affairs.

"As the military adviser had expected, Qian Qizhi sent a hundred thousand troops into Qishan. The general was named Chen. He immediately suppressed the bandits as soon as he arrived in Qishan. Later, when he learned that the eighteen villages were wiped out by the lord, he investigated the fourth prince with great fanfare. The matter with Shibazhai. Master Qing, you have not neglected to investigate."

Fortunately, Master Qing feigned death and took them away, leaving an empty shell for them, otherwise they would lose out in a fight, and they would definitely suffer.

When their army is finished, it is really over. There are no more than [-] troops at the border, and there are still millions of troops behind them. They are the ones who die in the end.

The brothers used to think that there was no need to run away. Later, when they heard that Luomeng Mountain was all in one place, the army searched it back and forth several times. It was even cleaner than when they suppressed the bandits. There is no way out!

What a beast!
"General Chen is very difficult to deal with. He didn't believe it when he heard about the death of the bandits. He doubted the cause of his death. He insisted on opening the coffin for an autopsy. Mr. Shangguan and his wife disagreed.

The mourners stopped them and were suppressed by force by General Chen. After seeing the rotting corpse in the coffin, the matter was settled.However, Mr. Shangguan still lost a lot of shops. Hearing that almost half of the family property, General Chen did not pursue the matter of Shangguan's family.

They also brought civil servants to replace Mr. Du. The letter of appointment you gave Mr. Du was torn up by General Chen. Later, it was the people who resisted desperately and failed to let them succeed.Although Master Du was still the county magistrate, General Chen had inserted someone in, which caused Lord Du a lot of trouble. "

"Things that can be solved with money are nothing, as long as people have nothing to worry about. Chun'an doesn't have to worry about it, he can do a lot, and he can handle it by himself." Qingyun is not worried about Du Chun'an, and has always been worried that her family will be troubled by her. Now that there is nothing wrong with the family, She finally felt at ease.

Du Chun'an's ability is obvious to all, so they are not worried.

"The border army stayed for three months, leaving [-] soldiers and horses to leave. I heard that they were sweeping up the rebel army in the northwest and cleared the way for the army of the border army. By the end of the year, the rebel army in the northwest could be wiped out. At the beginning of next year, they will follow Zhou Guogong's army has come across."

"They are wolves, tigers, and leopards. They are nothing. They won't fight when they meet. At most, there will be a little friction. It's too early to really start a war. It's hard to say. They are all foxes of a thousand years. They are very scheming. Who Knowing how they plan, maybe sneak attack from behind."

If she has a million soldiers in her hands, she will definitely launch a sneak attack from behind. She can grab as much territory as she can, and the enemy can be wiped out as much as she can.People are going to die in a war, so what's the matter with being upright? Does it mean that being upright won't kill people?
They're all out of their minds.

Zhuge Liang is still playing empty plans, so it’s really no big deal to engage in sneak attacks. It’s good to reduce the death rate of your own army and expand the enemy’s death rate infinitely!

"Be ready for what you need to prepare, and you have to count on yourselves. Let's go, let's go, I'm going to Gao'an, you all be honest, don't make trouble for me."

In front of Qingyun, a group of generals repeatedly promised not to cause trouble.

Each of them was thinking carefully, after Master Qing had left, there was a saying that "the military orders abroad will not be accepted". Blame them, the rebel army came to the door, they must fight back, right?
You can't suffer from anything you eat, this is what Master Qing said, right?They all looked up to Lord Qing.

If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam cannot be blamed!

Of course, this is not a long-term solution, they still have to think of a thorough solution.

After Qingyun Bai Yanheng left, Qi Sha Po Jun and the others dragged the other generals to a corner.

"Qi Kill, what are you guys doing? You're sneaky and shameless, talking about things, and procrastinating." The general said dissatisfiedly, shaking off Qi Kill's hand.

This kid is not kind, he went to show courteousness in front of Lord Qing by himself, and he still has the face to call them brothers and sisters, show some face!

"You guys come here, we are all brothers, I only think of you when good things happen, if you don't come, don't regret it in the future, don't say that the brothers are not loyal enough!"

Seven kills had an expression of whether he was in love or not, which made the generals doubtful, and after weighing it up, they still came over.It doesn't matter what you listen to, if it's not good, they just quit, if it's a good thing, the kid has a little conscience.

"What good thing?" You Na asked anxiously.

"Did you hear what Master Qing said just now?" Qi Sha glanced over their faces one by one.

The generals nodded, Qing Ye meant to let them wait.

Qi Sha didn't know what to think of, the corners of his mouth twitched, trying not to lose his tongue, not to say bad things about Master Qing, he organized his words before saying: "My brothers and sisters know all the virtues of Master Qing, what you can eat and what you can use, what's not? If someone threatens him, just muddle along."

(End of this chapter)

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