Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 710 Let Them Go

Chapter 710 Let Them Go
The generals nodded again, Master Qing was too lazy to be bothered, he could live like an old man with food and drink, and stay in one place for decades without moving.

At the beginning, I came to Qishan with Master Qing just to find a place to stay. Qishan is a remote place, with poor mountains and bad waters, a group of countrymen who have never seen the world, so there is no danger.

No one thought that Qishan's shelter was not only poor but also dangerous, and developed into today's situation in order to survive.

"I figured it out. Master Qing was lazy again. He felt troublesome and didn't want to move. He just said 'wait' until when. The situation outside was chaotic, and the rebel army burned, killed and looted everywhere, which happened to be convenient for fishing in troubled waters."

Who is convenient to fish in troubled waters?
Needless to say, they are squatting here in a bunch!
All the generals looked at each other, tacit understanding!
The general glanced left and right, coughed, squeezed his throat and said, "Master Qing won't let you out!"

Why do you bring this up, it's not to make the brothers feel uncomfortable!

I made a small mistake before, and Master Qing punished people to open up wasteland and farm land. The brothers are used to doing it. When you work more, you can treat it as exercise. Later, Master Qing found out that it didn’t work, so he didn’t punish people for farming. , [-] per person, it's going to kill me!
Who can stand that torture!

How wicked!

It is estimated that if it is exposed this time, [-] characters will not be able to escape, and everyone will be disabled.

"I've studied it carefully. Master Qing's behavior and speech are also the same. There is no standard, and what he thinks is what he thinks. Generally, there is no decision to be made on the spot, and it may change."

Qisha added his lips and continued to fool them, with an extremely honest and sincere expression.

"So you should choose to listen to Master Qing's words appropriately. Some words are good to listen to, and some words must be kept in mind. As long as you don't make mistakes of principle, Master Qing will not care about small troubles."

No wonder Tian Duoliang Heixiong especially likes to drag his brothers into the water every time he makes troubles and comes up with a trick.

He is also very happy, and he can do more things like this in the future.

If Qingyun heard Qisha's nonsense, he would definitely rub him on the ground.

"What does it mean not to make principled mistakes? It's hard to grasp the speed!" A foolish person asked.

How can other people give you assurance about this kind of thing?How to define, of course, go by feeling.

The generals looked at him without words.

"You have a flexible mind. If you have any ideas, let's talk about it. Whether we do it or not is our business. It doesn't matter to you even if Master Qing blames it, does it?" Po Jun cooperated with him to cover up and left the problem to others.

The generals nodded after thinking for a while, "Yes, it's our business to blame Master Qing, it has nothing to do with you, tell me, what's your idea?"

Seven kills looked like he was too kind, unable to bear the pleadings of the brothers, first showed a reluctant expression, and then said righteously:
"Whatever the brothers said, if we are in trouble, we should share the blessings. If Master Qing blames me, I will be punished together with the brothers."

Po Jun, Deng Qun, Wan Li, and Zhou Xiaoxi twitched their faces. Looking at the brothers who were greatly moved, they patted Qi Sha on the shoulder and shouted: "Good brother, I misunderstood you before", not knowing what to say.

Seven kills: "."

Qi Sha wiped his face and said: "Ye Qing didn't want us to send troops out to suppress the rebels, we can't go out, we can let the rebels come to our Li County on their own initiative!
The rebel army attacked our county, and it would be justifiable for us to lead troops to fight with the rebel army!When Master Qing returns from Gao'an, everything will be a foregone conclusion, and the rebel army is dead. It doesn't matter whether we instigated it or not, as long as the result is good, you can also explain to Master Qing. "

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, and the others could still fight at the border. They traveled across mountains and ridges, and then opened up wasteland and farmed land. The brothers held back so hard that it was rare to see the rebels move their muscles.

The killing was so fun, and the killing was so ruthless by accident that even the small rebel army dared not come here. They heard the officers and soldiers from Li County coming from a long distance away, and they ran very fast.

Now that the rebel army is not coming here, if we want to implement the plan smoothly, we have to make another plan.

The generals: "." So you can still do this!

All the generals were very excited, and looked up and down to shoot the seven kills. Ge Laozi, I didn't see that this was also a black heart, and the idea was too bad.

But they love it!

"It's not good to do this, is it?" A general pretended to be reserved.

If he is reserved, others are not.

"If you don't want to participate, it's still too late to quit now, don't delay our business."

A group of generals also urged him to leave quickly, so as not to delay their affairs.

This corner is not a particularly hidden place, people pass by occasionally, a bunch of them are crowded here, if Master Qing finds out, they can't afford to walk around.

The general looked at them resentfully, a bunch of immoral guys, he was just talking, how could he take it seriously?
Ignoring the few of them, he turned his head and looked at Qisha affectionately, "I will be the first to disagree if anyone says quit. Alright, stop arguing, and listen to Qisha's plan."

A few people got together and listened to Qi Sha muttering, everyone nodded while listening, this idea is very good!
Just do it like this, when Lord Qing comes back, the rooster enters the nunnery——I can only offer (coax) it!


Qingyun didn't know Qisha and the others at all, and hoped that the stars and the moon hoped that she would leave quickly, so that he could make trouble when he left.

Lu Ming prepared the package for her trip, Qingyun glanced at it, there are so many things, and he was about to ask him to reduce a few boxes, just go for a few days, do you need to bring so much?

"Master Qing, a few people came outside, they said they came from Gao'an Mansion, and asked you to go and meet them." Suddenly a policeman ran in to report.

"Gao An?" Qing Yun frowned.

Qingyun's first reaction was that he came to pick peaches, and his second reaction was that Gao An was well-informed. After a while, Gao An knew that Li County had been shot down by her.

"I'll go and have a look, Lu Ming, I don't need to decorate things, I'll only go for a few days, I can't finish wearing so many clothes, it's very troublesome to bring them over and bring them back!" Qingyun said as he walked outside, and ordered the police to say : "Notify the military division general to come to the meeting."

Bai Yanheng Qisha and the others came very quickly. Seeing Qingyun, they asked, "Called us over in a hurry, what happened?"

"Will you talk? I haven't left the house yet, so I'm just saying unlucky things." Qing Yun kicked the seven kills, and said angrily: "Gao An is here, I want you to come and have a look."

Bai Yanheng squinted his eyes, he was afraid that Gao An's purpose was not simple, not just to snatch Li County.No matter what conspiracy there is, for a person like Qing Yun who doesn't follow the rules, any conspiracy is useless.

Just wait and see!
When a group of generals heard that Gao An's people were coming, they all exploded.

Come here at such a sensitive time, I'm afraid the person who came is not good!

"What are Gao An's people doing here?"

Who are you asking!

"Damn, it goes without saying, they must come to rob the county seat!"

"When the rebel army attacked the city, the former county magistrate tried hard to ask them for help. They didn't care about the life and death here, and they didn't send a single soldier. We fought hard, and they wanted to come here to take advantage. There is such a good thing in the world. Damn it, I've never seen such a shameless person."

"That's not it. Gao'an's bastards, seeing the rebels scared the crap out of their asses, they're putting on a show in front of us, what the hell!"

"Bah, they have a good idea! Master Qing, I'll kill those people and let Gao An take a look. We are not soft persimmons, they are the ones who can squeeze them as they want."

Qingyun glanced at them without saying a word, and she was also angry in her heart, coming here at this time is not only with bad intentions, it is simply slanderous.

"The people in Gao'an are testing," Bai Yanheng said, "We regained Li County in the name of the imperial army, and they came to test our attitude. Li County is under Gao'an's jurisdiction, and what the court recovers must be returned to the government according to the court's laws. local county government.

On the surface, the county magistrate of Li County died, and there is no county magistrate here. It is reasonable for Gao An to send someone to take over. "

Qingyun snorted coldly, what a reasonable ass.

"If Lord Qing refuses forcefully, Gao An dare not force it. They are afraid of the soldiers and horses in your hands, but secretly they have other arrangements."

What arrangement?Assassination is more or less the same!

The faces of the generals are equally ugly!

"If Master Qing returns, they will think that you are a deceitful person, and they will try their best to squeeze and order you to work. The troubles they will face in the future will only increase."

Qingyun understood Bai Yanheng's words, there were rebel bandits everywhere outside, and Gao An could not send troops, nor did she want to send troops, so she would definitely use her army as firefighters, rushing around to put out the fire for them.

It's a beautiful idea!
"Damn it, it's not a thing." A group of generals scolded, even more shameless than Master Qing.

What kind of face do you want at this time? It's your life.

The policeman was still debating whether to tell me or not, so Master Qing said: "Let them go, I don't have time to entertain them."

She is so busy.

Master Qing doesn't want to see Gao An's people, so you don't need to be entangled with the arrest now, let alone help outsiders to hide it, and said bluntly: "Master Qing, those people said that they will replace you to take over the county, and they also want you to send troops to destroy Rebellious rebels."

Listen, this is coming, and they don't hide their intentions at all.

"Let them go!" Qingyun waved impatiently.

What a day!

As soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, those hypocritical snobs became jealous and came to snatch her things without paying attention to her at all.If you offended her, believe it or not, she led troops to kill Gao'an?
It was really too difficult for her. She was bullied by that bastard Qian Qizhi in Qishan, and finally escaped to the north, and was bullied by people from Gao'an?
Does she have a bully face?


Gao An and the others were tall and arrogant, after reporting their identities, they thought that those rude generals were afraid, so they must warmly welcome and curry favor with them.

As a result, a group of arresters ran out from the inside, and then, they were thrown out of the Yamen by the arresters.

The people from Gao An were dumbfounded.

They were really thrown, they were not pushed out, they were thrown out by someone grabbing their arms, and all the people on the street saw them.

The expressions of the few people were confused. They had thought about many possibilities, but they hadn't thought about this possibility. They didn't even see the county magistrate, and they were thrown out.

The common people laughed and laughed, making them ashamed and ashamed, wishing there was a crack in the ground for them to crawl in.After embarrassment comes anger.

"How dare he? How dare he? We are"

Because they were too shocked, they couldn't believe it.

There is no such shame in being rejected!

"Why doesn't he dare?" Someone patted the non-existent dust on his body and said, "He has soldiers and horses, at least tens of thousands, and he has conquered Li County. The rebels dare not come, why didn't he dare.

They are the army of the imperial court, and they are waiting for the generals and marshals, why should they listen to you?The person in charge of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses is at least General Zhonglang, whose rank may be higher than that of Master Futai. "

Why should a general of the fourth rank listen to Gao'an's command?Do you have soldiers and horses or food?
It was whimsical.

What is the situation in the world today?Don't have any points in mind?

The army said that it was the army of the imperial court. Where is the imperial court now?

The army in the Northland is in the hands of the family, and the government and the family in various places have not received any news about the army that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It can be seen that this army should not be underestimated.

The army came in a menacing manner, captured Li County in one fell swoop, and wiped out the entire army of the rebel army attacking the city. With this thunderous method, the aristocratic family still thought of using people as cannon fodder?

The brain was kicked by the donkey.

When he came, he said, don't come, don't come, the masters of Futai refused to listen, afraid that Huaizhou would hold him accountable, threatened him with his family members as hostages, and insisted on forcing them to come and recruit.

Will the person who can wipe out all the rebels occupying Li County be a merciful person?
Don't give any benefits, use empty teeth as an excuse of the court to serve the people, and treat others as stupid?

Master Futai is not beautiful, but he thinks beautifully!

This is not a place to stay for a long time, he should go, it's late, but he can't go.

Just looking at the smiling faces of the people on the street, the well-repaired houses and neat streets, and the officers and soldiers with strict military discipline, it can be seen that this general is a smart man, not only good at fighting, but also good at buying people's hearts.

It's a pity that his family is in the hands of the master of Gao'an Mansion, otherwise he really wants to stay, and it is more cost-effective to work for this general than to work for Gao'an's group of people.

"Hey, Lin Zijie, what do you mean? Who are you from? Don't forget what you're here for? You've been praised by the masters of Futai today, don't be ignorant!"

"Forget it, forget it, what are you fussing about with him, and think of a way, we can't get out of here in such a despondent way."

Lin Zijie pretended not to hear the yelling from behind, and left without looking back.

Qing Yun asked Gao An's people to be thrown out, his expression was still ugly, and he scratched his head angrily.

She thought it would be impossible to just dawdle leisurely, and Gao An's presence made Qingyun feel a sense of crisis.Weakness is the original sin, which was fully reflected in ancient times.

If she had no soldiers in hand, the incident of fleeing from Qishan in embarrassment would happen again.

She figured it out, what is going on in the rivers and lakes?

Those who can really enjoy themselves in the rivers and lakes are not peerless masters. Novices are just giving people experience, or they are cannon fodder.

 Set a small goal, if the monthly ticket breaks into the 100 list, add [-] words.

  Come on, come on, come on, dears^ω^

(End of this chapter)

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